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Everything posted by Grrarrggh

  1. I don't know why you think everything she said was from the mouth of a future psychopath. BTW, I only said it could be a joke because healthy families I know allow their children to do that.
  2. What are they going to do with the house after they've spent all the money on it? And I really hope someone points out the Open Concept brothers and their HGTV cult members that the Brady family managed to have tonnes of fun and togetherness without open concept.
  3. Do you really need a lot of storage in a guest bathroom? It's mostly being used for the toilet and occasional sleepovers.
  4. Not exactly high brat behaviour, more like typical eight year-old behaviour. And for all we know, she was joking. But if that's all it takes to be the spawn of hell in someone's eyes, wow. I feel bad for the children they know.
  5. I'm afraid to know how much the dress the 9-year-old daughter of Steve's clients was. And I'm sick of hearing Ryan and others complain about the economy. Ohhh, poor me, I can only afford to spend 50 thousand for invitro.... or whatever. Ick.
  6. Parts of Dallas, Houston and San Antonio are more expensive. And it all depends on how much driving you're willing to do, like most metro areas in any state.
  7. I think the producers makes sure to hype up any strange things they want or disagreements they have. And you have to kind of agree with them, because unless they're looking at interesting houses or are incredibly charming it can get quite boring seeing the same couple looking for the same house over and over and over. It's why I won't watch Property Brothers anymore. You can't tell the difference between houses.
  8. Would someone please tell me what, EXACTLY they said/did that was soooo horrible? Aside from being on the programme (not their fault, that's all on the producers) and joking about a queen size bed what made them so bratty?
  9. They weren't middle schoolers. One was ten, the other around eight.
  10. I almost felt sorry for that wife. Her man-child husband seemed to not spend any time with those kids, but then again maybe that's part of why should couldn't think up any reasons to love him. Certainly not a great father for her eldest daughter. What was up with her fear of gas stoves?
  11. You should have asked, and if that's what it turned out to be kept them on as long as possible to annoy them 🙂 And no, that isn't me saying you're annoying. Just that I think you are more than smart enough to flip it (pun intended) on to the spammers.
  12. I wouldn't be so sure.... Are you around them all day every day? All kids act like those kids did. Nothing they said or did was particularly bratty either. I saw humour, tiredness, typical age appropriate behaviour, and a knowledge that a camera was nearby.
  13. I always though Arizona was a dry heat.
  14. Yikes, you guys must not spend time around children. The Chile kids were, well, normal. Not especially bratty or perfect. Normal.
  15. Not really. The PB and almost every HGTV couple has an open concept requirement. Plus a bland as possible requirement.
  16. Actually that was the one bit I had no problem with. I wouldn't have bought that apartment, but not because of the leaning. There are lots of buildings like that in Europe that are perfectly safe and sound.
  17. I didn't like what they did in their first episode, painting over all that lovely wood and making it one gigantic room. I'll keep watching but I am more than a bit sick of shows with: a white married couple where the man is in charge of construction and the women design and they both seem to think open concept is the only concept that exists.
  18. I would go nuts living with a family that big in an open concept house and no bedroom of my own. Poor children.
  19. She was asking how it compares to a pound, not WHAT it actually was.
  20. Why did the Brothers have to force open concept on that nice man who didn't want it??
  21. She didn't sound like she was gloating at all, just said it. And I didn't think 25 minutes was a long commute at all. It sounded like the last time they lived in Melbourne they didn't see friends and family as much as they'd have liked because they lived so far out from them. This time that major problem is fixed. Plus, really (for other people) judging her based on how she looks and that she likes scarves?
  22. Not about Good Bones, but what was with HGTV trying to sneak in another new show by claiming it was GB? The new couple are boring. Same old, same old and the house they did was pretty ugly in the end. Painted over all that lovely wood and made a huge white room. Ick.
  23. Why? Because it was grey? Because it had wheels? What exactly made it so over-the-top masculine? A future little Danica Patrick might have loved it.
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