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Everything posted by Nysha

  1. I think the child is supposed to trace the objects. @Churchhoney is probably right that it was made in China and probably written and proofread by people who learned English as a second language.
  2. This year. She might have a real smile next year with 3 babies in diapers, but by the time she has 4 under 4 I think that real smile will turn back into her childhood grimace. I bet she's hoping the next 2 are girls so she can start training them to be sister-moms for the 10-14 that come in the next 20 years.
  3. @Jynnan tonnix, the painting is beautiful. You are very talented.
  4. I wonder if he meant he went from 29x36 to 36x36? My late husband was 6'3" and wore 36x36 Levi Bootcut jeans since he was 15. When he gained weight it was in his gut and hung over his jeans. To lose weight all he needed to do was stop eating sweets and drink tea instead of hot chocolate.
  5. I got a small lump sum disability check a few weeks ago and bought a 2000 Toyota Corolla for $1,100. I spent Tuesday through Saturday at my daughter's house. I haven't been up there since the first of September and it was so good to love on my grandchildren. My grandson is on the autism spectrum and was worried when I left that I would "get lost" again and forget him. I may go back next weekend just to reassure him that I will never forget him.
  6. Par for the course for them. It's the pregnancy that's important, not the infant.
  7. I don't think your shirt is supposed to be the same color as your food.
  8. My bet is Nurie pops out an Nx every 12-24 months for the next 15 years. I'm adding these names to my Nurthan baby name list: Boys: Nahum, Nazareth, Nedabiah, Nekoda, Nethaniah, Nimrod, and Noadiah Girls: Naava/Nava, Naomi, Natania, Neorah, Neriah/Nuria, Nevaeh, and Ninevah
  9. She'll probably adopt James or Jackson next. I have to problem with her interest in the younger Duggar boys. No one at the TTH ever paid attention to them and the Spivey's seem to have a real work ethic. Unfortunately, they practise the same hateful religion.
  10. @Scarlett45, that is so precious! I just love it. 🥰
  11. I think they go to an ultrasound place in a strip mall for the non-medical ones.
  12. Given Hallie Judge did not make sure Kaylee's crown was on properly, I don't think she's that amazing. Poor Sadie and Sofie, I know the picture quality is poor but those little girls do not look well.
  13. And now I have this earworm Oh Du Lieber Augustin. And, I'm going to pronounce it aw-gus-teen. There is a huge difference in style between Baylah and Augustine. I wonder which one Cade came up with.
  14. I would be afraid that little Freddie would jerk back suddenly and I'd drop him. My youngest & my grands did that every once in a while.
  15. There are a couple established xtian homeschool curriculums that have online preschool curriculum that is supposed to be supplemented with workbooks and hands-on activities. Joy is probably using one of those without the supplements.
  16. My bet is Kaylee only had a little bit more say in the wedding preparations as Jill. Her mother-in-law probably had no plans to let her son's wedding turn into the JillRod show and said things like "No, sweetie, it would be much better for Nurie to be your Matron of Honor than your mother." and "Don't worry about decorating the barn, they take care of that." Jill got one little corner for a stupid sign and a cookie tray, plus the Rodlets probably put together the celery plates.
  17. Deborah doesn't count because she was in the Old Testament and Paul's words are from the New Testament and are correct for xtians. A lot of evangelical xtians follow Paul more closely than Jesus.
  18. She was raised by Michelle who also has a deficient mothering instinct.
  19. Is that a package of baby wipes under the grill? These guys are dumber than dumb.
  20. Because everything that happens is god's will and the children will go to heaven. Which means they don't have to take responsibility and they can comfort themselves with the belief that their kids are in a better place.
  21. Isn't she due next month? She doesn't look very big for being 8 months pregnant.
  22. Or maybe she doesn't care? I never have.
  23. I've lived in fixer-uppers most of my adult life and I think this one is an okay first home for a probably-poor young couple. The biggest expense, for me, would be updating the electricity and possibly the plumbing. That isn't to say the home doesn't have issues besides outdated electric and plumbing -- the slate tiles are undoubtedly asbestos, the wooden floors are in bad shape, and the garage doesn't look safe. But, as long as they don't change the siding and the floor boards aren't rotting, those aren't that hard to live with. The garage can be repaired if it worries them, or ignored until it falls in if it doesn't. I think the worst issue for Kaylee is BME is going to decorate according to her cluttered style and her eagle-eyes will see and pounce on any changes Kaylee and Jonathan make.
  24. Some sweet soul on Reddit bought a copy of JillRod's book and is reviewing it there. Maybe someone will do the dame for this, once it drops to a more reasonable price.
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