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  1. So I just caught up with this episode but I will say this. When I was young and my three middle eastern great aunties would read the Turkish coffee cups after dinner, at no point was it specific with things like "a friend with the letter L has a knife in your back" and "once your youngest is older you will get endorsement deals." Just saying. It was more tarot meets vague predictions type stuff. i.e. these lines form a triangle that indicates happiness. Just saying.
  2. Or maybe it's bought in Chinatown. It's not hard to find designer knockoffs. I'm not convinced they are all wearing the real thing.
  3. I agree there 100%. Say what you will about the early seasons, I'd say 1-3 maybe even 4 and 5, but because the cast was so close, all lived right in the same immediate area, and some were family, the dynamics were much more natural. It made perfect sense for Caroline to go wandering in to Jacqueline's kitchen or for Tre to go over to do a work out together and drink wine on the patio instead. It made sense for Kathy to ring Melissa's doorbell for lunch. The manufactured events even felt more natural because of the dynamics. Field day? It worked because they actually would probably all do that together in real life. Porsche Fashion Show? They would have been in those seats without the Bravo cameras. Trip to the Catskills? Probably not the first time they've been there. Petting zoo birthday party with all the adults and their kids? Just another Saturday in September. Now we get some bizarre "event of the week, hosted by the housewife du jour + 1 or 2 trips together as a cast = season" formula. Nobody pops by without hair extensions and full glam. And half of these people don't know each other, don't like each other, and wouldn't even ever have an opportunity to meet in real life. And those who do have those natural friendships can't get over the fact that there are cameras present to act natural like they normally would. I love RHONJ but it is very formulaic. Dare I say I miss the natural dynamic of Caroline in her Tshirt wiping down her counters while Jacq comes in all disheveled from a workout, while Tre makes a sangwich in a matching velour sweatsuit for a bedazzled and bow covered Milania while Joe snores in bed and Gia flips around doing gymnastics in the background? I love the show. I miss it feeling real.
  4. I'm not sure I get why Rachel Fuda was cast. She strikes me as just another typical northern nj italian girl. Throw a rock, knock down a dozen. What was her appeal other than she's friends with Melissa? (that's probably why I think she's just another basic bitch) And her commenting that Jackie was rude to her? Jackie called you out on YOU being rude. You were angling to get in with the full-time cast by dismissing the recently "demoted" cast member who was standing right there with you and got called out. Point goes to Jackie on that. And honestly, we don't need another boring cast member. And somebody needs to go give her hubby a 23andme kit so we can find out what his relation is to Jim Marchese. Long lost twin? Identical cousin? Secret half-brother? He looks just like him! Okay. I didn't like Danielle at first. But she grew on me this episode with her "yeah I want to know, don't YOU???" - I cracked up. And l liked her over the top yet normal sized house. And while I feel oddly protective of Jackie, I'm kind of impressed that she on her own decided that Jackie's time on RHONJ is over and excluded her from an event with every other person. I mean, that was some jaw-dropping maneuvering right there! And honestly, right now I don't see where Speaking of Jackie, I'm kind of getting the impression that the true story of her role as friend is what we heard in the beginning, that she was demoted, not that she willingly stepped back to focus on her recovery. She's there, but barely. It's not looking good. Which honestly, is a shame. I know people don't like her because of Tre, or because she's too sensitive, or whatever. But I think she's had better storylines than find-my-fake-sister-Melissa, re-do-my-home-4-times-Dolores, and pot-stirring-no-storyline-of-her-own-Margaret. She's gone head to head with Teresa, Jen and Dolores, she's faced shitty rumors about her husband's fidelity, she's battling an eating disorder. I get that she's not showy, ostentatious and over the top, but honestly she's bringing more to the plate than sprinkle cookies. I think she got a bit of a raw deal there and ultimately think that she got demoted because she became a very real legal liability due to the health issues. On a hunch, their contract doesn't release them from being held responsible for negative health outcomes - you know, like a heart attack - brought on by re-ignited eating disorder thanks to stress as a result of producer-drive antics and aggressive bullying by show's alleged "star." Speaking of everybody favorite love or hate character. I got so confused. Was Teresa first trying to say that Melissa and Joe were seated with her at the engagement party and then when Jen confirmed that wasn't true she backed it out and said she didn't sit with them because she was mad at them, AFTER just a few weeks earlier during the reunion where she insisted she didn't see the seating arrangements until she got there and it was too late? Did she really try to do that? What is she even trying to accomplish at this point? She doesn't like Melissa and has been upset with her brother for marrying her from day one. Just own it at this point. Simple as that. No need to put on airs for the cameras and make it seem like everything is fine. Your best fans know you don't like them. Hell, even the farmer in North Dakota who has never even heard of RHONJ knows you don't like them. Stop trying to "save face," it just makes you look worse. Paul's apartment was beautiful. Where does he live? I won't lie though, I like Frank better.
  5. I'm appalled at how the kids dress, and think that Teresa forgot that she was the parent who could and should say no (that said, acknowledgment of that was captured on the show). I don't know parents gushing over how hot or cute their kid looks at 14 dressed like a 28 year old out in a club on a Saturday night became a thing but it drives me bonkers. And it's not just tre or Melissa, it is everywhere. Just because it is trendy doesn't mean kids should wear it. Just because it is trendy doesn't mean it flatters you. And no, this doesn't mean kids can't express themselves, but what's appropriate and how you present yourself matters as well (boys or girls). I'll go shake my cane at the kids playing loud music in their car now.
  6. The most annoying thing about that Cartier video was Milania's voice - flat, monotonous, zero intonation, and practically slurring her words. She's going to have a really hard time with college interviews next year if that lazy ass speaking is how she presents herself. They don't care about Kartier bracelets and Guchi bags. (Assuming she goes to college, I can see her saying no thanks to higher education and going ok to film infomercials for hair extensions or some such thing.) As for Jackie, yeah, nobody is buying what she's selling about the demotion to friend. That said this idea that she didn't know is foolish, we all knew well before filming started. She knew before filming started. They filmed over the summer, the fact that she was going to be friend came out well before that I think. That said I also wondered if her demotion had to do somewhat because she was SUCH a wreck as a result of the show that she became a legal liability? But if this is the deal they came to, "be a friend, say why on your own terms," then so be it.
  7. It looks like an Americas next top model photo. We were rooting for you! We were all rooting for you!!!
  8. He is going to rant about how unfair the system is to black father's, and of the judge is Jewish, then we have a real problem.
  9. My sister fell and cut her forehead. They brought in a plastic surgeon to do the stitches. They even said if it had been a man, they offer the option of a plastic surgeon, but with a woman and the face they automatically have a plastic surgeon do the work. Anyway, has anybody besides me noticed the Tristan is a piece narrative starting to shift once more? How long before Khloe again goes back? I saw "they came together for Halloween type" stuff. I remember the last time it started again with Tristan being present for holidays, helping Khloe, they are just friends and co-parents and he is a super devoted dad, Khloe is grateful they can be together as friends to parent. And they got back together. I don't know, as soon as I saw the Halloween stuff warning bells rang.
  10. I've been saying for a long time that I feel like we're watching something play out that is leading nowhere good - like watching a car wreck in slow motion. And yes, I believe this is going to wind up with somebody physically injured - or a serious attempt made towards another person - and honestly, that person will probably be Kim. Where does it end? You can hate Kim and the Kardashians all you want, but that doesn't go hand in hand with where we are now. They are not responsible for the creation of Kanye West, he was going to get here all on his own with or without the Kardashians. He was the legitimate star, famous for talent. They may have hitched their wagon to that cart, but honestly we would probably be here regardless of that. And if we DO want to put some onus of responsibilities on the Kardashians, then that finger needs to point at every other enabler surrounding Kanye. They've been there or a while. But back to my original point, if I were Kim, I'd be concerned for my safety at this point. If I were any of the Kardashians I would be concerned for my safety. And honestly, let's not blame mental health for this. Is it the cause of these outbursts, or simply the catalyst? Was this hatred and anger and disregard always there but because the mental health challenges had not yet fully come out so we weren't aware of it? Let's not act like Kanye is one person randomly spewing this vitriol and hate towards the jewish community, out of the blue and something we haven't seen in decades. On the contrary, he's now simply the most influential. And I agree, this outrage should have happened this way when he said slavery was a choice. Or back when he used racial slurs towards a member of the black community. Or countless other times. But it took us getting to here. I remember back when Trump was first running for president and he said something along the lines of he could go shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not lose votes. Honestly, that's what I think Kanye thinks. He can do whatever the fuck he wants because he is Kanye West and he'll always have supporters. Who cares if he lost 2 billion in a day? He just needs to find the next sucker to buy into Kanye's comeback, who is brave enough to stand by the brilliancy, who understands that these moments are just moments, they are merely the dark edge of the magic touch that is Kanye?
  11. As far as I'm concerned the only thing of interest in this episode was the realization that Hannah probably would have no memory of life before Gilead and only remember June as this batshit crazy woman who keeps showing up by her bedside in the middle of night and getting hauled away. And I wanted to know where the kid got the beer, too. The rest of it was boring and predictable. Oh. And what have they done with Moira? Remember Moira of season 1? Where is THAT woman? Or traces of that woman?
  12. I think Commander Lawrence is just as much of a piece of shit as any other male in Gilead and likes fucking around with people. Simple as that. Shits and giggles for him. I think at his core, he's a true believer and perhaps just doesn't agree with the cruelty of Gilead anymore, but he's certainly not bold enough to take a stand against it in a way that would move a needle in any meaningful way. Sure he helps handmaid's in distress, he's helped a couple of people across the border, and he helped in the murder of a founder (which was not without political benefits for himself). But he also knows that he helped create the monstrosity that is Gilead, he has a place in its power structure and that affords him some safety and security. He's not risking that. Yes, he loved his wife, he didn't want to participate in a state-sanctioned rape ritual, and he had regrets about sending thousands of women to their death in the colonies (which I don't even think he would given a second thought had his wife not fallen apart as a result of his inhumane cruelty). But that's not a hero in my book, that's bare minimum decency. He's out for himself. That said, I do think that a Serena and Lawrence alliance/pairing/whatever you want to call it would be absolutely fascinating. And truth be told, I think if they actually went there, they'd overpower June's story too much whether they wanted to or not.
  13. Those Serena fans were originally also Serena and Fred fans. I can see now where Fred is dead that they are even more sympathetic with her, enamored by her Gileadedness on the face of adversity. Keep in mind that in pre-Gilead, Serena was known and had a fanbase then too, at least according the book. She'd go on TV and preach her lunacy, she wrote her book, her ideas were certainly out there. Even ISIS had female sympathizers, in spite of what we knew about life in Raqqa. Serial killers receive love letters in the mail. Hell, look at some of what's happening in our own country today and try to wrap your head around some of the more rabid "fandom." I guess I'm saying that there are a lot of mentally delusional people out there and trying to understand that is kind of pointless as it makes no sense.
  14. I'm a parent. And I say something stinks. L. Ron Hubbard started a church and schools as well. Just pointing that out.
  15. Melissa said she isn't leaving the show and that people took pieces of her podcast to say she was going when she is not. Who knows of that's true or not though? As for the porsche, I don't care if it is a lease or bought. A 17 year old has no business having a Porsche as their first car.
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