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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. Two part documentary "Benjamin Franklin" by Ken Burns will premiere April 4 2022 http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2021/12/13/benjamin-franklin-to-premiere-april-4-2022-on-pbs-327211/20211213pbs01/
  2. 28-day figures from BARB: 5.230337 million viewers; rank 15th for the week)
  3. 7 day figures are 4.531 million viewers
  4. I liked this and I liked seeing Carl Lumbly. I liked Tan’s story as I thought Bonnie was jealous instead of insecure because of culture and Tan responded in the right way
  5. I liked this episode. Stories like these show why the police need different voices like Chris to reach certain populations. Luca too is learning some things I liked that Honda realized his error and came around to support his girlfriend and made sure to tell her they would figure things out now that she made the decision to go ahead with the adoption
  6. I hope Brad didn't actually know he was serving poisoned food to Peter. He did look guilty though as he walked away I hope baby Liam will just have some complications instead of dying. Complications that actually stick with him through life unlike baby Donna's spina bifida that got handwaved away
  7. Lots of fun, interesting stuff in the 2 episode finale, the blind penguin in the first and how the zoo feeds all those animals in the second
  8. It looks like the remaining 6 titles on the History Vault website are the following: - Dancing in Syndication in the Pale Moonlight - covers Deep Space Nine, 42 minutes - It’s Been a Long Time… - How Star Trek: Enterprise, already struggling, got undercut by making the 3rd season a reaction to 9/11, 37 minutes (wow, that’s rather bold) - Queue for Q - Looks at Star Trek: The Next Generation and the first time an hour long scripted show was sold directly to syndication, 42 minutes - Starships A-Z - Looks at Federation vessels that aren’t appreciated enough, 42 minutes - Trek Stars - Hear from many of the actors who were leads, supporting cast and guest stars, 1 hour 25 minutes - Voyage(r) to the Delta Quadrant - Looks at Star Trek: Voyager, 42 minutes
  9. Not all of course, but some of them are. Even in-show they acknowledge that
  10. There is definitely a double bill of episodes tonight from 9-11pm ET, with Bronx Buffet looking to be the season finale
  11. What surprised me was that the crowd was doing it for a White male, but he was also getting them hyped up; he knew what he was doing. Sometimes in real life, bystanders do need to intercede with police when it looks like they are unnecessarily harassing someone or hurting them, but most of the time, they need to just let the cops do their jobs as long as they are being professional about it
  12. Oh, I totally agree; I was being a bit sarcastic. Good thing Miss Goodwin isn't corrupt and cowardly like the board. Can the whole board be replaced after something like this? That guy that told Miss Goodwin what the board decided and indicated it was best to just let things lie, was that the hospital's lawyer?
  13. This isn't the first time Henry has had issues because of his age. Didn't they have to take his car away from him several seasons ago? I liked seeing Alex Kingston again. Her character certainly had a prickly relationship with Frank this time around. She was both using their friendship and hiding things from him I have to side with Danny not picking that guy up when he didn't have any information on him. I don't understand all the bricks thrown at him by the police department. That outside detective was a jerk and had a bad attitude, which was rich given she couldn't keep hold of the bad guy
  14. What’s coming up on the new season of American Experience https://variety.com/2021/tv/features/cameo-george-american-experience-season-preview-1235130803/
  15. I thought this was pretty good and Will Smith and the actress who played his wife did good jobs. Though for a movie blessed by Venus and Serena Williams about their dad, he didn’t come off too well I thought Richard Williams was too contradictory too often, like he wanted the girls to have fun and pay attention to family and church but also be the best in the world at tennis. It’s hard to do both equally well. And did he want them to just have fun or get as much money as they could from a deal as the shoe promotion offer suggested? I also thought he came off as a shyster much of the time, taking advantage of people giving their time and money to train the girls and then revealing he wasn’t going to do things like they believed he had said they would. Like that last trainer where the trainer spent a lot of his time and business money training the girls and giving the family a home and other things, only for Richard to continually put off when the girls would go pro and taking them out of the Juniors circuit without discussing it first. And sure, the girls did become world champions so maybe he kind of was right, but it seemed he was only too willing to keep Serena from playing any competition until she was 18 so she had to beg him at 14 to play until he relented
  16. Get another good episode that’s both funny and sad
  17. I did too but at the same time, it certainly seemed like George was headed in that direction on his own. Maybe her overly flirty behavior was too much for him and woke him up Enjoyable and funny episode
  18. Really funny. I enjoyed the ghosts’ discussion of the fact they can go through walls but not fall through the floor. They signposted the possession solution early with the ghosts not able to leave the property but I didn’t clue in that that was going to be the solution to get Hetty out of Jay
  19. BBC schedule is up for the week of Jan 1. Eve of the Daleks special will broadcast on Jan 1 at 7pm on BBC1 in the UK with a runtime of 58 minutes. It’s set for 8pm ET in the US on BBC America and AMC+, though it could also be broadcast earlier at the same time as the UK, but that’s not official yet https://www.bbc.co.uk/schedules/p00fzl6p/2022/01/01
  20. Season 2 returning 2 weeks earlier than previously announced, on January 13 https://www.spoilertv.com/2021/12/walker-season-2-mid-season-premiere.html
  21. Splitting the season in 2 suggests each half is equal in episodes, which suggests 16 episodes for the whole season, or the episodes in Summer will be a smaller number. Either way, it suggests there will be more than 10 episodes for season 2
  22. An article from Cultbox on the NYD special that includes info from the DWM article https://cultbox.co.uk/news/headlines/doctor-who-eve-of-the-daleks-features-dalek-execution-squad
  23. I thought it was sweet Good going Miss Goodwin, calling the FBI over the board’s instructions. She’s in trouble now. But at least she took action instead of letting those jerks walk, which should make Will feel better
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