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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. Tezcatlipoca's animal form is that of a jaguar and were-jaguars are a part of Mesoamerican folklore, so it actually makes sense for Kate to have some affinity for him and his temple once she'd changed into one. Maybe the berserkers are his jaguar skull-wearing undead minions and they just picked up the nickname from modern supernaturals more familiar with European culture?
  2. I'm just happy to see them in good scenes with their own kids, as those are my favorite relationships on the show.
  3. Forget them, I'd never have so much as sat down in that house where there might be stray vampire-making worms from New Boyfriend's body wriggling their way over the furniture, let alone taken my clothes off and gotten horizontal for any length of time! Even they way they were right down next to the body while wrapping it up in plastic made me think they were taking a big chance of getting infected.
  4. That evening had at least the potential for a number of people to die, so I don't have any big problem with Meredith foreseeing it and being able to direct Brunski to the bonds. She was able to identify people for her hit list before they actually became werewolves, after all. Don't forget her losing control in the gas station restroom and ripping the attendant apart. I actually thought they handled the repurcussions of Kate becoming a werecreature well, though how she knew about the (phony) triskellion in a secret vault and why she came up with such a convoluted plot to get it remain a mystery. I liked the finale a lot more than the filler eps leading up to it, kind of the opposite of Season 2 where everything was great until it fell apart in the finale. Especially thrilled to finally have Derek turning into a full wolf after waiting for it since Season 2!
  5. Season 1 did have a better mix of main arc mystery (who is the alpha? what does it want from Scott?) and fun subplots about teen romances, rivalries, and general high school activities. I suppose it's natural that the characters would be more serious and concerned with the big picture after going through so much trauma, but I think the show would do well to de-escalate the stakes of the season arc and concentrate more on slice-of-life moments between the characters. Particularly throwing in a lot of parent-child interaction, as the writers excel at those scenes and the actors tend to knock them out of the park.
  6. I'm actually glad they dialed back from the All About Stiles treatment of Season 3b. I'm tuning in to watch Teen Wolf, not Teen Amateur Detective Who Also Sometimes Hangs Out with Werewolves, and the amount of focus lavished on the main character's sidekick last year rankled. Of course, I would have preferred more moments of those two being best buds/partners in crime rather than having them separated into storylines that rarely cross. I definitely agree about the problems with focus being spread among too many new characters. While I've liked what they've done with Liam so far, Parrish and Malia seem to be getting a bigger slice of the narrative than they've earned (though I do like both characters and think they have potential), Kira's treatment isn't living up to the promise she showed in 3B (which was a textbook case of how to introduce a new character right), and Brett and the rest of Satomi's pack of helpless redshirts just seem like wastes of space.
  7. I do wonder if executive meddling is at the root of some of the changes to the show. The staged sexy dancing in the pilot and Braeden running around in her underwear in more than one episode feels like a departure from the earlier tone. Not that the show hasn't shown off its actresses' curves in the past, but with Allison, Lydia, and Erica in previous seasons it seemed to fit the story rather than being gratuitous (that was reserved for the male characters).
  8. I'm of the same opinion. I knew The Two Towers was going to be a snorefest from having read the book, but was surprised that someone could make Return of the King into a boring movie. They gave all those Oscars to the wrong movie out of the trilogy.
  9. Well, it seemed pretty handy for knocking an alpha werewolf into a near-death coma, so in her shoes I'd at least try to make contact with a berserker's chest and see if it works on them as well. Anything would be more effective than repeatedly stopping their punches with her face.
  10. I'd hoped that Kate's transformation and the setting of the season premiere meant we'd get a similar look into Mesoamerican folklore. But the show has missed the chance to explore anything along those lines; at best we'll get a big infodump in the finale just before the climactic fight.
  11. I don't understand how the vampire menace can still be undercover from the police and other authorities if packs of them have been attacking people in the streets since the eclipse. Improbably Attractive Hacker didn't also disable police radio dispatch frequencies, did she?
  12. Yeah, I grew up on the version in Warlock and expected her to turn coat, beat the crap out of everyone, and take off with the Infinity Stone to give to Thanos at some point.
  13. Yeah, I can easily see why Kate might lay the blame for what happened to Victoria, Gerard, and Allison at Scott's feet, though the former two really were asking for it via their actions and Allison chose to die fighting supernatural evil. It's just as likely Kate's introduction to the family tradition would have led Allison to an early death even if she'd never known Scott - I get the feeling not many members of their family go out by natural causes. My vote is for an ice bath.
  14. The ads made it look like a treacly Hallmark movie to me, so maybe that kept audiences away?
  15. I've found that Owen Wilson is the key to Stiller being tolerable in a movie.
  16. He did have the advantage of having survived encounters with the vampires on his own beforehand. Of course, if I'm in a convenience store under attack by refugees from Blade II and one person is calmly beheading them while everyone else panics, I know who I'm directing any questions to.
  17. At this point I'm wondering if werewolves EVER manage to kill anyone with their claws. Peter ripped Kate's throat out, and the whole damn Alpha Pack ganged up to use Braeden as their scratching post, yet both are still around. Maybe next Boyd is going to show up miraculously un-killed?
  18. The whole time they were making their Molotov cocktails I was wondering if there weren't some sort of flammable aerosol spray cans in the store that they could have used as easier and safer weapons. Also, how the hell did the worms reproduce that quickly from the one or two that could have gotten into Jim from the tiny wound in his cheek?
  19. The Cabin in the Woods had an interesting take on that trope (and the tropes of horror films in general) as well.
  20. It worked for Chis Evans in the first Fantastic Four movie!
  21. Why do I have the dreadful suspicion that her potential is going to involve bandaging up the menfolk when they get back home from a hard day of vampire slaying?
  22. Considering most of the people running around that warehouse were either the assassins or shapeshifters, they should have had a bunch of the latter get cut down by non-fatal bullet wounds to make the former seem more competent. (There's also the matter of Chris Argent spraying the whole warehouse with machine gun fire and not hitting anyone, but as many times as his head's been conked into walls I can see him having trouble picking which version of each target to aim at.)
  23. I don't know, about all we know about Peter's love life is that he got together with this "Desert Wolf" woman under uncertain circumstances, and that he dated Melissa McCall (which indicates he's not completely insane).
  24. He definitely lured Laura back to Beacon Hills with the spiral marked on a slain deer. Peter may well have been out of his mind with pain and anger at the time, but killing her was a deliberate act rather than instinctive.
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