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langford peel

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Everything posted by langford peel

  1. The show is just full of unpleasant people. Who can you root for? What couple brings a smile to your face?
  2. What this show needs is a third stew who is catty and nasty as Kate if they really want drama. We had someone like that at work. They called her the underminer. Someone good at their job like Buggy’s and not a crazy like Rocky or Caroline. Let’s have a more level playing field. Laura is not it.
  3. I don’t know much about hospitals but are nurses allowed to over rule ER doctors and replace their judgement for treating patients like April did in this case? Or do they get fired? Can any doctors or nurses speak to that point?
  4. Once again the villains in this show are not gang bangers or other miscreants who actually do the crime on Chicago. Even when a gang banger does the actual crime he is not the real villain which is the hierarchy of the police department who are the only appropriate bad guys in Dick Wulfs world. This show is very easy to describe. Corrupt cops chase even more corrupt cops while beating up suspects and faking evidence.
  5. Is it wrong to hope creepy Dad guy will kill Manning?
  6. What is it with Doctors who have big egos allowing woman to walk all over them and then coming back for more? Choi should have April fired for contradicting him and letting an American hero die because she knows better. Ratting him out to the weasel ED chief should have been the last straw. Halstead pretends to get it. Of course she went to the boss to get her way. She will ignore the bosses when it comes to her patients but will use them to get way. What everyone sees that she ignores is that she is a toxic POS. I hope she ends up with creepy Dad guy.
  7. Do these guys get a pass from sexual harassment rules because they are gay? I am kind of old fashioned and I don’t know the new rules. Is it ok that one of the guests kissed Josiah? Would it be ok if a straight guy did that to Rhylee or Laura? ( I don’t ask about Kate because with her hairstyle they know they would be turned into stone)
  8. This is the nub right here. Thank you for stating it so concisely.
  9. I was doing the same thing. Casey has been buddies with Voight ever since he got over bought trying to kill him. So why not go to his courrpt cop buddy for vigilante justice?
  10. Police Story was an anthology show with completely different stories and no recurring characters. Sort of like the Twilight Zone for cops. It did serve as a means of creating back door pilots. Angie Dickensens “Police Woman” for example. Police officer and novelist Joseph Wambaugh was heavily involved.
  11. It looks like Atwater gets shot again next week. He should start wearing a red shirt.
  12. Dr Curry is just about the only interesting character on this show so she is sure to be gone soon. Dick Wolf will continue to preach gun control and never reflect the reality of Chicago. That the gangs are behind the carnage. By gangs I don’t mean mythical Irish Mafia types. He doesn’t even use the now non existent Italian Mafia he uses the Irish Mafia in Chicago that died with Dion O’Bannon. Law abiding citizens can’t carry in Dick Wolf’a World. They have to be the prey of criminals and depend on the corrupt Chicago cops. Because when you need the police in seconds they are only half an hour away.
  13. It’s always fun to play with the BB gun until someone gets their eye put out.
  14. The reason why every crime is personal is because they refuse to show the reality of the situation in Chicago today. Where the crimes are committed and who commits the crimes can not be depicted for political reasons. You can tell the truth and have a compelling TV show. “The Wire” is a perfect example. But this is not what happens in a Dick Wolf show. The reality of gang life will never be depicted on Chicago PD. The criminal will mostly be businessmen or the mythical Irish mob straight out of a Jimmy Cagney movie.
  15. There is currently an epedemic of car jacking you n Chicago but as usual ina Dick Wolf production they get the demographics of the perps wrong. Ripped from the headlines but sanitized for your pleasure.
  16. The best part of the episode was when they told them to take the rest of the day off the nasty nurse was out the door before the boss was finished speaking. Now that’s realism.
  17. Next Episode on Below Deck: Total professional and highly regarded leader Kate walks extremely slowly in front of a frantically complaining Laura who is carrying a large tureen of boiling hot soup. Hilariously this causes the very unpopular stew to spill the hot liquid on the Chef who was doing yoga at the time as he was executing a pose on the galley floor. Unfortunately she turned his downward dog into a downward dirty water dog. Chief Stew Kate immediately marched upstairs to demand that the captain fire Laura for wasting food or she would quit which distracted Captain Lee who inadvertently runs over a sailboat. Also Tyler bangs Rhylee five more times and Ross punches a cop. Check out the aftershow with Jerry O’Connel and Carrot Top.
  18. Rhylee’s vagina got quite a workout this week but it can’t do everything! Why not let her vagina rest a little?
  19. I agree entirely. Where does Kate get off copying the mores and attitudes of Oz. She doesn’t have green skin and I bet she has no idea of how to ride a broom. Sure she physically resembles Margaret Hamilton but it was over the top when she yelled at Caroline to go home and “take your little dog too.” Enough with the cultural appropriation!
  20. Blind hatred is when someone gave you no reason for your dislike. Pointing out someone’s flaws and going against the continual praising of a character on a scripted TV show is not blind hatred. It is just a difference of opinion. Distaste for the manchinations of a glorified housekeeper is really no big deal.
  21. Wait he is Natalie's new love interest? Hasn't the guy suffered enough?
  22. Does anybody think that new Doctor looks like an Afghan? Not the blanket. The perpetually startled hound dog.
  23. I guess putting the responsibility to handle things on the department heads does not apply to Kate only Chandler. Sorry. I was misinformed. Captain Crunch doesn't have to be consistent. Just crusty and quotable. Got it.
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