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Everything posted by Featherhat

  1. That beard is going to haunt me. I won't even be able to read fic without picturing Oliver with it. Felicity better get rid of it when they meet up again. Hah, I guess the answer to our questions is they do still hang out and just aren't obsessed with tagging it.
  2. To be fair we don't know if there is/was a vendetta, or even if he was the one she received "blowback" from. I admit I'm a little worried about her storyline this season and even her longevity on the show but I guess we won't really know until the season starts up again. Good news is MG is no longer showrunner and EBR seems to have a good relationship with Berlanti (invited to his wedding etc).
  3. Is this the first we've heard of Jack Moore filming since the premiere?
  4. Do we know that EBR doesn't hang out with them as much any more or they just aren't posting it as much anymore. I can totally see why EBR is more interested in posting gorgeous photos of her proving she could literally live on a paddleboard in the middle of a beautiful lake. It will be interesting to see, I think this is likely to be as good as it gets for him and probably the majority of the cast (although who knows), though I don't think he'll completely disappear unless he still hasn't done much 2-3 years post Arrow.
  5. In doing a rewatch, I noticed that they really backed off the Jake/Gina childhood friendship thing, which I know is an AS and CP thing. Jake got her the job at the 99 originally and Gina called Jake's Nana, Nana and it's referenced other times occasionally but there's not much beyond that. Meanwhile Jake and Rosa's academy friendship is more touched upon whilst it also becomes "Gina randomly usually saves the Day" and "Holt Loves her for NO Reason". And "you just drank cement!" is the dumbest most awful things that any comedy ever came up with. Most of the precinct should have run to the nearest hospital, at least toilet or even been allowed to have a win against her, not just shrugged it off and whilst a lot of people might have found it funny if they follow her on SM, at least some would have reported her.
  6. Ruby Rose......Uh I reserve judgement. Re: JH and her excitement, she was doing this before her fist episode aired, which is natural for many actors with their "big break!" Of course she would probably love a LI storyline for her and Oliver - EBR went from random day player to Leading Lady on the back of it - but that doesn't mean her squees are all about that scenario. As of s6 Oliver thinking of her as a work colleague was generous bit JH pushed it more, a bit like KC. EBR the actual (for the moment *touches wood*) LI doesn't push anything at all.
  7. I guess the two paddle board pictures are from two different occasions, not sure if she posted them right away or not, but that doesn't mean much I don't think, especially when she's still in Vancouver. She's not always on set everyday in the way SA is/used to be and I guess some episodes use her more than others. If in 2-3 weeks it seems like she's not or barely been on set, then is the time to consider her role in the early part of this season.
  8. If you're referencing her latest tweet, I'm not reading anything into it beyond (self)/show promotion and a bit ass kissing for the writers. If I tried to guess what she specifically might be meaning I'd drive myself insane imagining the possibilities. ;)
  9. It's a title that could mean everything or nothing depending on what's happened previously/happening this ep but is also totally bland as it's been used in pretty much 500 TV episodes at some point.
  10. Yeah I figured a bit that at least a baby story was considered, even if it has been jettisoned so that points to her sticking around. Hopefully. *touches wood* And would they have a "replacement kid" storyline as a possible if William was going to die? That said the vehement denials about that still make me nervous for William. Sigh, this show is making me paranoid like no other and it's not even my current favourite in the Arrowverse let alone overall. Guess I'm just fed up of Teflon nobs and double Teflon BS. If they're trying to make them happen to extend the show beyond SA they are failing miserably.
  11. I think it's most likely that Arrow is once again over egging the "shocking" aspects of what happens like the do every year but I just have no faith in even this refreshed showrunner/writing team yet after last year. William dying would give them a legit excuse to blow the whole thing up and never put it back together if they didn't want to, leaving Oliver to despair in prison for longer. I think EBR seems to still be on set for ep 2 and we're more likely to hear about her suddenly not being around/mostly in LA or elsewhere than Jack Moore. Does he publicly IG or anything? And her potential storylines scant details as there are seem to be about more than 1 episode, (I hope). I've just had a slightly bad feeling about EBR's involvement for a while now, but that's the favourite character paranoia talking like it does almost every season. BamBam's "we had ro double check this was ok" could be about a particularly graphic prison death/injury. I just hope we have more of an idea before the premiere, I'd prefer to know beforehand so I'm not in the UK staying up to refresh the livethread and drinking too much wine when I'm at work in a few hours. ;)
  12. I'm worried about William, as that would be a "shocking" "dark and sad" "we had to check with the TV people that this was ok" move to kill him off and would devastate all the characters (and obviously provide a legit excuse to explode Olicity for a while at least). He has surprisingly grown on me. Similar with Felicity if she goes out by Diaz. So I wish we still had access to cast list/call sheet spoilers. That said, those could highly likely to refer to something completely different. That would be awesome. Depending on which spoilers got out they might also be able to pinpoint who was leaking or being careless with their script more easily.
  13. The only thing that would really shock me on this show is if they really did have Diaz kill off Felicity and/or William to make Diaz a viable villain and set the storyline for a while ala Sara in S3, but I don't think they're likely to go there, *touches wood*. I am concerned about Thea, but why give her the happy ending if you're going to kill her off off screen half a season later? I guess she's still off on her quest with Nyssa. Seems to be a tactic a lot of shows use and it never works well IMO. I liked the boobs a lot better when they had less screentime. Quentin was the only one I could stand with Rene and now he's gone.
  14. As long as it's actually using it as a storyline, not just the dumpster fire that was BMD, especially as she's looking after said kid as a single parent now, which once again you failed to talk to her about.
  15. Yeah that was to put it politely, neither of them at their best. And Arrow to continues to double down on plotlines I dislike and act like anything else doesn't exist. Same old. Massive shocker that Olicity aren't in the best place, yah think? Seriously, I like S1 a lot but it isn't the be all and end all of Oliver's development. S6 didn't get trashed because it was too light and happy.
  16. He's probably reliving another season again. That's actually the best option.
  17. Yeah, the sentiment is good I guess but you can't ask people to put their sexual orientation on their resume, just trying to guess is just as bad and then there are those willing to lie to get the job. Better to get the right actress for the job first. I'm a little annoyed that they rarely mention Sara in these things. I know she's bisexual and only the de facto lead of LOT but she's probably getting a somewhat steady girlfriend as a new regular (as far as we know lesbian) next season. And then there are the articles which act like Batgirl would be the only gay superhero on the CW apart from The Ray, which makes me wince even for bloomin Curtis, let alone Annisa etc.
  18. Sigh, good and bad feelings. At least LOT won't have to end on everyone but their own characters once again, and with the slightly reduced eps I'd rather they focus on their own characters for most eps, maybe with some BS crossover etc... (which I'm not looking forward to). Called the (probable) new show when it was announced that she would be in it. Flash 100 might be crossover (not confirmed) but I think it will get better treatment than Arrow 100.
  19. I guess maybe if he was wearing that beard...…. Did he ever make that announcement yesterday?
  20. Well since this season is supposedly about everything else they let out with Mallus it makes sense (but this is LOT), I suppose some form of Mallus that wasn't Beeboed might be around/ in someone's head/flashback/just JN playing JN again etc.
  21. Generic useless talking point. S5 wasn't BTB unless you could Oliver sometimes relearning everything he supposedly learned in S1 forgetting that 2-4 existed just to be lazy and allow them to repeat themselves. Also the actual show immediately recruited 500 new masks because "things weren't the same", And the fight scenes certainly went down hill. If S6 marketing had a point beyond half assedly pretending everyone was dead so they could only promote 5 characters it was news to me (apart from rumours like the wedding etc).
  22. Probably all characters that are either original, not from GA/Flash comics but other ones. SPTV has a lot of weirdly worded user polls and they've done a lot on the Arrowverse recently, I guess it's good click bait, especially if you can get an OTA/Felicity vs LL war going (very few care about NTA even there).
  23. Yeah I always feel nervous about these big announcements, so I'm dreading this one.
  24. I believed it right now. I wouldn't be surprised if it changed/was a joke but for series for the last season at least went out of their way to do funny/punny/ironic titles anything is possibly. Like a Big Giant Fruby/Elmo saving the world. And yeah non name Beebo eps "Guest Starring John Noble" takes the biscuit in layers upon layers until it's just flat out awesome Batshittery. IMO. "Necromancing the Stone" "Here I go Again" (after an Abba themed mission)"Daddy Darhkest" "Aruba-con" etc The title is just more of the same.
  25. Yeah he's *actually* Sara's E1 father, a fact that he and the writers forget quite a bit. I know she can't be constantly guest starring and whatever plan they floated about PB in an ep of LOT didn't work out, but come on someone at least mention her to him or think about calling her (they do have the Waverider cell phone number after all). As for BS on LOT, I think she's more than likely to turn up, but anyone thinking she should be a regular next season is currently out of touch. They've announced 3 new female regulars in the last few months, plus Constantine who by his nature is a character who is going to eat up a lot of screentime (and scenery). Plus Kuasa is also said to be returning. And Gary. That's already a lot of regulars and semi regulars to pack into 16 episodes. And just IMPO, no thank you. I'd rather she not be on Arrow either but I guarantee you the minute BS/KC steps foot on Waverider there will be people campaigning for her to become fully redeemed and take over as Captain from Sara because well she's Comics! and there are already *to my surprise at one point* a bunch of people upset that an "MG" (but not really guys) character is front and centre and all canon characters follow her and that even *gasp* Constantine seems to like her, never mind that they bonded over actual moments shown on all their shows.
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