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  1. There's a joke in poor taste that could be made here, but I thought better of it.
  2. Considering he recently got killed, they probably do now.
  3. Just from this headline...First Boot please!
  4. Bet it'd be a bigger draw with an actual prisoner in it... and a Royal one to boot.
  5. Given that the cast information for the next season of Survivor was released a few days ago, and that premieres the week before this season of TAR does, I would assume that they're going to be releasing the TAR cast information soon, and probably in conjunction with this event.
  6. Heh. Whittaker plays a character living anonymously, probably under an assumed name. While Jones has been in prison, ie, stuck in the box. Subtle casting gags those, even if they weren't intentional.
  7. I can see how this happened. Most English speakers associate "mini-" with "small". So an adjective describing something as small would logically be spelled with those syllables at the start. Even if the word is properly spelled "minuscule". That's why "miniscule" became an alternate spelling listed in several dictionaries. So it's not totally wrong, but it isn't exactly correct either.
  8. Idea: A sitcom starring these four about a grief support group for the survivors of the deceased. Titled "Last Ones Standing"
  9. TBF, for some people it is. They're afraid of getting into a physical fight. Whether it's because they could be seriously injured, or they fear what they might do to the other person. And we saw both of those outcomes. The injuries were obvious, but Cam was on the other side of the equation.
  10. Transient Neologisms is a good pub quiz team name.
  11. Update from Denise: She still hasn't dealt with her ruptured implants, and she hasn't yet decided whether she'll do replacement or just removal. But she wasn't concerned about them during the show. Apparently, she'd had surgeries for multiple hernias in the past, and the harness for the bridge jump also went over that area. So she thought she might have re-injured herself there. (She kinda did, but just some swelling that went down soon after her departure and nothing requiring additional surgeries.) And that was her main health concern; the possibility of the weight of the packs and all the activity re-aggravating her hernias. That information makes the lead-up to her forced withdrawal make more sense. Her not being able to move that fast, the pack seemingly more cumbersome for her than others, and her inability to rock back and forth on her back; all results of her back being stressed by swelling around prior hernia surgery sites.
  12. The pictured article has an implied "/s" at the end.
  13. Now that it's aired, we can infer the meaning. I would imagine that the sudden stop at the end of the jump safely distributed the energy through the harness as it should have, but the impact of said harness on her body at that moment jostled her in such a manner that caused the implants to pop. I would also assume that the implants were not new and may have already been weakened by age. So while this may have been the cause of the pop, they were likely to do so anyway.
  14. It's pretty well known in certain circles.
  15. This time of year, I try to use this quote from one of the Doctor Who Christmas episodes. Technically it's part of a villain speech, but I cut it off before it devolves into that.
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