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  1. Thanks all for educating me a little bit on what the transgender world has to deal with physically. I would think hormones would be expensive and not something the average person could afford, especially in the Pose world where these ladies are struggling to make ends meet. If Angel is still "fully intact", then I would think tucking would be extremely difficult and painful, especially when you're trying to fit in a swimsuit. I'm sorry for looking, but I didn't see any lumps, bumps etc. I agree, Blanca is the most feminine looking of the ladies, followed by Lulu, Angel, then Electra. If I passed any of them on the street, I wouldn't think twice. The only clue to me would be Electra's height. On a closer look, her facial features are a more masculine looking, especially her nose and the width of her face. But, they are all stunningly beautiful ladies. I also wonder about the breast sizes. Lulu is full bodied, Electra is somewhat (she rocked that low cut bathing suit), Angel small, and Blanca is flat chested. Hormones and or breast implants? I seem to remember Candy going to the shady lady for implants. Lulu would have visited her too, right?
  2. I've been a lurker, enjoying the show and reading the postings after each episode. I've been wondering about the "tucking" from the very beginning, but was too embarrassed, or maybe too naive to ask anything about it. Some of the outfits the girls are wearing are so short and tight. The swim suits last night were beautiful and they all looked stunning. I thought to myself, "how is that even possible?" But, duct tape and tucking were mentioned above, so here goes... How is that possible? Where are things tucked at/in? Being tucked all day? What happens when they need to go to the bathroom? Especially after drinking in the afternoon and at dinner? Oh my, there is so much I don't know.
  3. Initially, I was shocked that Nova would share such personal histories in a book with the intent of actively promoting it no less. Then, the more I thought about it, I became angry. I know this is just a tv show, but damn. Sharing her family's histories, without them even knowing about it, and without giving her their consent. That, coupled with bringing a minor into it is just plain and simple wrong. I know she is trying to bring things out in the open, sharing her truth, blah, blah, blah. But, Nova, you should be ashamed of yourself. Again, I know it is just a tv show...
  4. In 1971-72 I was in 6th grade, and I had a fringed leather vest that I loved. I stopped wearing it to school because the boy that sat behind me would try to braid the fringe, and I would get so upset. Looking back, maybe he had a crush on me?? Don't even remember his name or if we continued on through Jr. High and High School together. But, I loved that vest!
  5. I noticed that too, He did it again with the Tower of London historian. Stormed out, leaving her to run up the stairs behind him to catch up.
  6. "I won't get into any more USA shows for this reason." Same for me with the SciFy Channel: Defiance, Black Matter, The Expanse....
  7. Cancelled? I recorded it last night, and planned to watch it today. Now I won't bother. I hate when networks do that. Why get invested in their programming if the show could be cancelled at any time without the story being brought to an end?
  8. I agree. I thought so a couple of episodes back when he and Smurf discovered Jay by the pool, then Smurf gets the call from Nikki. Hatosy's portrayal of Pope trying to comprehend what was happening and why impressed me. Then again the next episode when he was talking to Jay about the leg wound and how killing Javi for revenge may not be quite what he expected.
  9. I record this show so I can fast forward through the torture scenes. I suppose the information gained by torture is important to the story, but I can live without knowing what it is. Between watching Wolf Hall, The Tudors, Borgias and now this, I have had my fill of 16th century torture. I do like the scenery and costumes, plus "Will" is nice to look at. "Marlowe" too.
  10. I look forward to Wednesdays as this is one of my favorite shows. A general question though. We view this through our service with Direct TV. It seems that every week there is an issue with the transmission. Last night, it froze up during Bobby's work on the window to escape. Is anyone else having these issues? I'd like to complain, but I don't know if it is a Direct TV thing or a SciFy channel thing. We don't have these issues with any other channel or show. Thanks in advance.
  11. I agree. I watched WHTBJ on the TCM channel last night (First time to see it. I recorded it when it played last week). There were parts that I couldn't tell if "Jane" was Bette Davis or Susan Sarandon. I enjoyed watching the scene where BD was dragging JC out of the bedroom and how JC added weights to make the job harder for BD. I also appreciated the "sand" reshoot they had to do in the studio because JC looked too healthy in the original shoot. The reshoot was very effective as she looked like she was indeed dying. Certainly a classic, and I'm glad I was able to finally see it. Especially after learning all about the behind the scenes drama.
  12. My jaw dropped when they portrayed Sinatra's behavior. Then I shook my head and chuckled. Aldrich didn't want to be pigeon-holed into directing horror films with aging actresses after WHTBJ. In my mind, he got much worse with Sinatra. At least Davis and Crawford never threatened to have him killed.
  13. I read the conversation between Jay and Baz differently. Didn't Jay start the conversation with something like "I just found out something..." Then Baz started with "I'm busy, get to the point..." I thought Jay was about to tell him about Alexis and the wire, but stopped and quickly came up with the question "Are you my father?" The shot of Baz and Pope looking at Jay when he was asked about his possible criminal history sent goose bumps up my spine. Those two are formidable. This has become my number one favorite show. I love the family dynamics.
  14. I love to read the comments on all of my favorite tv shows, but rarely do I comment. After watching last night's episode, I just had to comment. Actually said "Wow" out loud when Danny was chasing the bank robbery suspect out of the tap room/brewery and knocked an unsuspecting citizen right off the stool and onto the pavement as the poor guy was minding his own business drinking a beer. I thought that would be a lawsuit for sure. What a jerk! Also, couldn't stand Erin this episode. Win, win, win. That's all she cares about. I wanted to smack her. Of course it was her plan all along to get the criminal to confess. Terrible plan and so many things could have gone wrong. Did like Frank's plan to make Sid look good to the rank and file.
  15. By far, BCS is currently my favorite tv show, and it is on its way for becoming my all-time favorite. I find myself so absorbed in the story, the characters, the setting, everything. It is a great call back to one of my other favorite tv shows, Breaking Bad. ABQ is my home town, and I love seeing familiar places in each show. I love the BB references, especially those in this episode: the pink pig, Ice Station Zebra Association and Lawsen, the gun dealer in the preview for next week. I also love the use of the phone number for Davis and Main (505-242-7700). The 242 prefix is an older one for ABQ (I'm thinking for the Old Town/Country Club/Downtown area), and wonder if it is called, who would answer. Definitely not a Santa Fe number where Davis and Main are located, but that's ok. I live in southern CO now, and KKTV channel 11 is a Colorado Springs channel (CBS). I wonder if Murder, She Wrote, actually aired on channel 11 at that time in the afternoon during the BSC time period. I also liked the "UNM Media" stenciled on the equipment case brought in by the film students. "Does anybody like you?" and "It's Visine" cracked me up. Loved Saul speaking with the seniors on the bus. He had them hook, line and sinker. Wonder where the building is with the TX flag painted on the side. In Amarillo? Don't know where in ABQ it could be. I guess it could have been painted specifically for the show, but loved how aged and dirty it looked. Like it had been there for a long time. And I loved Saul signing over his office phone, hoping it would ring. Yes, I think the location where Mike and Nacho meet was also in BB. Think it was when Jessie was helping Mike collect money all over the state, and "saved" him from thugs at the last stop. What do you think? The only thing that troubled me was the age of Mike's grandaughter. I too thought she'd be younger in BCS, but I can live with it. By the way, the Sundance Channel is airing all seasons of Breaking Bad (Wed nights here in southern CO through Direct TV). Not sure exactly what season we're on but Walt just purchased the 38 gun with the serial numbers filed off from Lawsen and Walt and Skylar just purchased the car wash. Can't wait for next week!
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