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Everything posted by freddi

  1. I am kind of disappointed that there is no new episode this evening -- only because every week, I kept hoping that it would get better! Thank goodness this season is over, and I don't need to waste time waiting for something that is not going to happen: a reasonable, moderately historical, and entertaining episode! I think it is not only Sophie who would not like the boat trip across the Atlantic and the horrible conditions of traveling across America in the 1850s -- Joseph also would not have lasted long. And I agree that there is a very anachronistic sensibility about the role of servants -- while their duties were demanding and there was no free time, that was true of most jobs in the era. But being a servant in an established household, to say nothing of the royal household, was a position of prestige in servant-world and also a position of stability if the job was done well.
  2. Phil Hartman. ❤️❤️❤️ Takes my breath away whenever he is suddenly in an episode. “SASsy.” What an impish smile.
  3. This picture is Mulaney as Simon Sawyer (Stephen Sondheim), in this week’s “Documentary Now: Co-op”. It was great.
  4. Excellent monologue— and my favorite part was the saxophone player behind Mulaney’s left shoulder, who seemed delighted throughout.
  5. Rachel’s final minute, of Cohen saying that Trump might not allow a peaceful transition of power after the 2020 election, was something I only saw on her show. I was so struck by it that I watched for it again on the rerun, and the network suddenly cut away to the Vietnam summit. I was so disappointed, then they went right back for that final Rachel minute. What a chilling but totally believable thought.
  6. Were Victoria and the Duke of Wellington saying farewell forever? I did not understand that conversation about “now I know how it feels to lose a father.” Him [paraphrased]: “ Let’s not get sentimental about this.”
  7. Was there a handoff at the end of Rachel’s Friday show to Joy Reid (filling in for Lawrence).? Everything seemed to go blank, and when I watched the repeat, they cut Rachel off at mid-sentence and went to Joy, who clearly had re-recorded the beginning of the next show.
  8. I'll be curious to see if the "scoop" they are working on means a pre-recorded Friday show -- and if so, whether it might be pre-empted by even bigger late-Friday news. I was thinking today that there must be a Batsignal for Rachel to return from the canoe if the Mueller report is issued, even though it appears to be going only to the DOJ for now. But still, it would be a big marker in the news. She has been gone on one or two Fridays where I really would have appreciated her perspective.
  9. Rachel Maddow, Copy Editor! in reading the Stone apology, she called attention to the extra "R" in "InstRagram" and a flaw in the Stone statement (CAPS are Rachel's comment OUT LOUD): "humbly apologize 'EXTRA SPACE' to the Court". So, I looked at the document, and indeed, there is an EXTRA SPACE after the word "apologize". Good eye, Rachel or whoever caught it!
  10. "Moral bewilderment." You got that right, Rachel. That opening segment about Trump promoting the use of coal from his coal donor was yet a new angle on disgusting. Then, she somehow segued to Cory Booker, Street Fighter! Rescuing a freezing dog, carrying someone out of a burning building, doorbelling all the streets. And I loved how she said she knew him "in graduate school." Yeah, when you both were RHODES SCHOLARS! I know someone else from her class, and he never mentions it in his public biography. I did not know she and Booker were in the same class.
  11. I thought it was odd that Victoria was wearing the same "shamrock dress" (her term) and green ribbons in her hair that she wore to meet the bishop (archbishop?) when she returned to the palace in London. It had to be several days and several modes of transportation later before she could have been back in London. .
  12. "It's a light wine, suitable for breakfast." In loco parentis, or loco parent? I know children in some cultures have some wine with dinner -- but breakfast?
  13. I’d swear something got cut in the repeat of Rachel’s Friday show. There was a dramatic “blecchh” in the “A” block that I was listening for again in the repeat hour, but it wasn’t there.
  14. Is Diana Riggs just gone from the series? I'm guessing yes, but had not read anything. She was wonderful last season. (And wonderful in everything!)
  15. Absolutely correct -- being all-male, upper-class, and exclusive, the university colleges (Cambridge and Oxford colleges within the universities) were extremely clubby and not open to challenges of ideas or people. Status quo was the desired status.
  16. Or an episode from "Friends," where Joey fantasizes about forbidden love, specifically, the Princess and the Stableboy. I swear that came to me as I watched them whispering in the big hall.
  17. Well, yes, I mean, starting with Eve...she was the reason for childbirth pain...
  18. "Rachel will be back tomorrow" says Ali, before saying anything else! I listened for those magic words on Friday from Joy, and when she did not say that Rachel would be back on Monday, I figured there would be another night of a guest host.
  19. I loved that she got to use some of the footage of their October visit to Dodge City in the opening segment. I was so glad to see her focus on the injustice of the move of the polling place, and the "LOL" arrogance of the county official. And that 18-year-old voter was very impressive!
  20. My goodness, Andy got a lot of action! I barely watched this show growing up, and I always thought it was Andy and Helen, always. I had no idea of the great girlfriends in earlier seasons! Is this the one where the suitor finally sits on the porch with Andy and basically offers to leave if Andy will pay him off? It was more subtle than that, but Andy's expression of "OH, so THAT'S your game, I KNEW IT!" was all indicated by one adjustment of his facial muscles. It was wonderful. And then Andy called his bluff.
  21. I actually had heard the same comments about the "fake AG" at least twice on earlier MSNBC shows that day! Not watching in HD, so it was hard to see!
  22. Thanks for the spelling correction and info about the other series, which I never have seen!
  23. I would love for PBS to do a series on Bertie aka Edward VII. He was quite the character. The series "Lily" (about the actress Lily Langtree; beautiful production) included episodes that featured Bertie as Prince, when she was one of his mistresses. Have not seen it in many years, but the Bertie/Lily interactions were memorable!
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