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Everything posted by Aquarius

  1. Never thought about the bolded part, but boy howdy are you ever right! Ditto!
  2. The one with the foot model (or whatever she's supposed to be) is REVOLTING! Our TV is standard definition. I can only imagine how much worse it is in high definition. There are things I just don't need to see, and flakes of dead skin flying off someone's foot is one of them. <shudder>
  3. I hate them all, but the one that makes me stabby is the one where the guy has a his first accident and calls his insurance company "looking for some support." Then - BAM! - he finds out the horrible fact that most of us other insured people have known all along - his rates are going up. And he's all like "Don't these people know you're already shaken up?" Like somehow his emotional state should change the rules of insurance. Hey, douchebag! Newsflash! The insurance companies are there to, you know, insure you. They are not there to be your nursemaid in times of stress. You need to hug it out, call your mom.
  4. Well, considering it's made of vaginal mesh, I'm thinking double-breasted.
  5. Yes, PUPPIES! They were very cute. But I always wonder - what about the older dogs? Are they getting along with the new additions? The basset hounds weren't even mentioned. (Not that Walter ever is, LOL). They weren't even invited to watch TV at the end. :-( Gah, again with the "the boys wouldn't eat this!" Why the insistence on girl food vs cowboy food? It's so annoying.
  6. Wow. Bradley was annoying but she did not did not deserve that. That was truly disturbing. I had to turn away. It's so sad because she trusted him and even seemed willing to accept the fact that "something was wrong" with him. I guess that was her undoing. And my Romero hate is fully cemented now. I didn't get the sense that he killed Bob strictly for Norma (even if so, my UO: completely not cool). I got the distinct sense his over-the-top shooting of Bob was in response to Bob's taunting him about being like his father. Protecting Norma is just the excuse. Romero is a dick with daddy issues who abuses his power. And that's sort of an understatement. I don't need my lawmen to be like Andy Griffith, but I don't want them to be cold-blooded thugs, either. I hope Romero ends up facing justice in the form of Mother. I honestly thought that Norman and Mother were going to kiss. And yes, that "I do" had the feeling of a vow. It was interesting to me, that the series could have ended on this episode. Mother is fully realized; Norma is doomed; Dylan and Emma are poised on the edge of a happy ending. As for Dylan, he's long been my TV boyfriend, but now I might have to make him my TV husband. "You're hitting on me?" "Well, if you have to ask, I'm doing it wrong." And of course the warrior line. Loved the whole scene! I will be really upset if anything happens to either of them, but I do fear that's where we're headed.
  7. It's always hard to tell with cats, but they really do not look like they are enjoying themselves. But that is a cute commercial.
  8. I pity the advertiser who has to try and sell suits made of vaginal mesh, to any demographic. LOL! And can I just add, that stupid lady who's all "I'm down with Crestor!" and dancing like a jackass all over the place - I could run low ride right over her and not feel a bit guilty.
  9. He is a thug who kills without hesitation and without feeling. He also immediately turns to violence when it suits him. And even though we all know who Norman is and, worse, what he is becoming, at least there is emotion and conflict and illness involved there. It makes Romero seems more like a "killer" to me. I don't care if he is doing it for the good of his town or whatever. Most killers have a reason. As for him loving Norma for real . . . well, I think he's fascinated by her and her "chaos" but there is an undertone of wanting to save her all the time that I just don't trust. He just seems like another facet of wrong that Norma and her issues seem to attract.
  10. This x1000. I was so happy they didn't go there. It was all too violent and angry for my taste. Especially given all Norma's been through sexually. My UO: I don't like Romero. This is mostly due to my dislike of the "lawman who breaks the law cuz it's just the right thing to do" character. It's a trope that sends me up the wall. But I also find him to be a disgustingly violent and disturbingly cold man. Just not my thing. However, I have to say that I felt for him when he was practically begging Norma to trust him, without begging Norma to trust him. Nicely acted. Reason for edit: Because "Norma" is certainly not "Normal." LOL!
  11. There's more than one? I only remember Dr. Alison Tendler, who reminds me of Giada DeLaurentiis and for whom I have an irrational hatred. (Coincidence?). Yeah, I don't know how they get away with stuff like that. Except the disclaimers all over the screen reminding us that "Results are not typical." Worse, is when the before and after are clearly not the same person. This is especially apparent in some of the Bosley hair replacement ads. Not only can Bosley replace your hair, they can replace your entire face in some cases.
  12. There are a couple of ads along these lines - patients being SO HAPPY that their dental visits went well, like that's one of the things we're meant to aspire to. Personally, when my hygienist gives me that crap that my gums wouldn't bleed if I'd floss more regularly, I roll my eyes and think, "Yeah, and it has NOTHING to do with the fact that you're picking at my gums with a sharp metal object!" The idea of living to please my hygienist is one that is very foreign to me. Maybe I'm unusual that way.
  13. This is all true, but the bitch fest was pretty one-way. Emma ended up saying something along the lines that "Bradley is actually nice," and Norma sort of fumed that couldn't possibly be true.
  14. Yes, exactly. And even while Justin's one-off was apparently stalled, for whatever reason, we were told it was coming. He tweeted regular updates and I think FN also promoted him. But Lenny? Complete crickets . . . is his brother even giving any updates any more?
  15. Thanks, everyone. I will look into these options. I do want to see this.
  16. I didn't get to see this documentary because I don't get HBO, but I would love to. I saw a Lifetime movie about the case, which I hadn't even heard of before that (which is strange in and of itself, given how many victims there were). I became fascinated with it and read everything I could find online. It makes me so sad that the LAPD still has posted about 40 pictures found in Franklin's possession, of women they can't identify. I mean, how does that happen? :-( I would love to see this documentary. Does anyone know of a way to access HBO stuff if you don't get HBO? I'm on Comcast - do they offer that stuff OnDemand for a fee, does anyone know?
  17. Yeah, in my downtown a shop opened called "Mama Vapes." HAATE!
  18. Yes! I feel like the way Norma is mishandling the Norman situation is maybe two parts trying to protect Norman to one part worry about what life would be without her extremely close relationship with him. She uses him for emotional comfort that she should not be getting from her son. It's a fantastic portrayal of emotional incest as far as I'm concerned.
  19. Yeah, it was very sad. Juno was hit by a car when he crossed the road in response to Norman calling him, as I recall. I think it was also the event that either started or sealed his interest in taxidermy, because he was going to keep the dog as his own before he was killed.
  20. Indeed, she had to address it in a way that didn't horrify or stress him further. But there's a huge area of gray between nearly making out with your son to "prove" there's nothing unnatural with him noticing you are woman, and desexualizing yourself with muumuus in response to it. Also, the things Norma says to him are not the stuff of a healthy mother/son bond. Norman isn't five any more. He needs to understand that it WON'T always be the two of them - in fact, it never was. Even when she was carrying him, there were other people in her life. There's the unconditional love that a mother has for her child, and then there's the weird exclusive relationship language that Norma uses with Norman. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with a mate saying to me the things she says to Norman. It's so . . . needy and co-dependent. Do I think Norma "makes" Norman what he becomes? Not completely, no. But does she contribute to his illness? Absolutely. Does she do it on purpose? No, to the extent that she can separate what Norman needs from what she needs. It's the nature of her personality that she's not completely able to do that. And given her history, I can understand how a lot of that happened. But it doesn't excuse her or make her actions okay. Especially when she's not all alone facing this - Dylan keeps telling her that they need to deal with Norman. The last time he said it, a look crossed her face that was similar to the look you describe when Norman made his confession. She gets it. She's just avoiding it. And that's helping no one. Tragically, especially herself.
  21. Hmmm. Your son, whom you know to be disturbed and capable of violence, comes to you and admits that he might be feeling some inappropriate attraction to you. Your response? Assure him that it is all completely normal, because although we're sexual animals inside, what makes us different is that we can roll around on the bed together and KNOW it doesn't mean anything. We can make a choice. We know that when our mother stares into our eyes as we are forehead-to-forehead and nose-to-nose, and assures us that it's ALWAYS BEEN US and WILL ALWAYS BE US, this is not at all sexual. Or inappropriate. Norma, Norma, Norma. Way to make a bad situation worse. I missed some episodes from the first season. But isn't this the first time we've seen Mother in a sexy dress, red lipstick and flirty hair?
  22. You know what has big boobs and no pubic hair? A blow-up doll, that's what.
  23. Yeah, but think about it, the opposite is PULL. So within is the Penis Condundrum. Um, yeah. Rock on and on and on and on and on, dude.
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