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Everything posted by CrazyInAlabama

  1. The medical insurance is the worst part. Even if they go for an independent plan that they're with now, it will probably cost a lot. I think the reason they didn't go to the previous doctor was he moved out of the coverage area, and maybe out of the group network. This doctor moves to Austin, then the same thing will probably happen, depending on the insurance plan they changed to. I will resent Hazel's eye issues being a cliff hanger for the show, if that's what they're doing. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. OK, does anyone think that the airlines and airport won't rush the entire group, between flights, and hold the aircraft to Hawaii if necessary? They would have had a bunch of the giant golf carts lined up, and people waiting to help. What kind of fools let five kids that age loose in the airport? Hold the kids hands, not your snacks. Why don't they pick the kids up in the airport? Letting all of those kids run loose is ridiculous. OK, 'last boarding' and the plane was empty? Shenanigans again. Why do the girls need p.j.'s for naps? And the girls got dressed in matching outfits, all by themselves? Shenanigans again. Who takes all of those kids to the beach, and doesn't assign each one to an adult? Total idiots that's who.
  2. Today's new one-Stupid 33 year old grandson borrowed $1,500 from Grandpa for a lawyer for the custody case for the 4 year old son of grandson. Custody is still in limbo, even though grandson has always been custodial parent, and mommy of the year only sees the child with a few supervised visits. Grandson never paid money back, and keeps trying to say step-Grandma is behind the money demands. Apparently, Grandpa gets hit up for loans by at least one other grandchild. I want to slap the grandson into the next zip code, and wonder how awful his ex is to not have custody of the child. Grandpa gets his $1,500 back. P. Mom went on cruise with D. daughter, daughter made the reservations for a family cruise trip. Daughter made reservations for both for cruise, and mother changed her mind, but wanted to take the the 15 year old daughter of the plaintiff, and she coulldn't take kid with her because kid didn't have passport. Mother would have to prove full custody to get passport, and take kid out of the country, and she still hasn't done this. I suspect Mom p. doesn't legally have custody. Mother cancelled, p. daughter got a refund and spent the money for another trip for p. daughter. Daughter p. booked another cruise. How do these people take so much time for cruises, and pay for them? Today is nothing but people who try to rip off their relatives apparently. In this case I'm sure came on the show so mom could get her money back at all on Byrd's dime. I'm sure anyone on the cruise they missed are very happy these whiny idiots weren't on the same cruise. Mommy got her money back. Rerun-Neuter Puppy or Else-P. wasn't so offended by the number and condition of the defendant's animals that she didn't sell him a helpless Pomeranian puppy was she? Breeder p. tried to repo puppy, which required a six hour round trip drive. She has five Poms herself, and was breeding, and sold puppy for $500 to d. Creepy defendant has 8 dogs in the house, and 30 outside, I guess all Poms. He still owes $300. He refuses to give back the dog, and obviously came on the show to get the dog paid off. When p. breeder came for the puppy, d. offered her a check, and she still wanted the puppy back. The D. is a professional breeder of all types of breeds, and claims he won't breed the Pom, and that's his only income. I suspect his tug boat engineer career went bye-bye at 43 from something besides a layoff. I bet he tried for disability, and failed. D. isn't going to spay female Pom, even though he claims he won't breed her. He breeds 28 breeds of dog, according to the plaintiff. JJ said that if he doesn't spay Pom. within six weeks, then d. gets dog back. I freaking hate puppy mill breeders, and the p. isn't much better, because she apparently didn't do research on him before she sold her puppy. Since when is a well bred Pom. puppy only $500? The only difference between the defendants and the plaintiff is that the defendants officially run a huge puppy mill, and the plaintiff ran a smaller scale one. That Pom didn't look all that well bred to me either, and there were obvious mats forming near the ears. The d.s wife is as bad as he is. This case makes me sick. Deer Hunting Lease-D. owns ranch, and caught p. and hubby hunting, and killing and wasting deer, turkey, and hog. Halfway through the second lease year, p. told her and hubby to hit the road, and cancelled their hunting lease. You can't convince me that the plaintiffs weren't doing exactly what other hunters said they did. The defendant contacted Mr. Bowers, and Mr. Bowers admitted having arguments with other hunters, and wholesale slaughter of hogs, leaving the hogs to rot. Village idiot plaintiff admits to JJ on national TV to violating Texas hunting laws, by "harvesting" (it's only harvesting if you use the meat, and don't leave them to rot, and do it legally by tagging the deer). I bet the plaintiffs did exactly what the defendant was told they did with wholesale slaughter, and it was very telling when the plaintiff said it was his land, and that they virtually lived there. The plaintiffs get $1,250 back, but I'm sure they slaughtered a ton of animals, and I hope the game wardens were on their doorstep when Mr. and Mrs. Bowers got back to Texas. If found guilty of breaking hunting laws, they lose the rifles or shotguns, the meat, and their licenses for a year or longer, and could have hefty fines, and maybe jail time. I hope the Texas Game Wardens were notified too, because I'm sure they violated state laws on tagging kills, and wasting animals you kill, and I bet a background check on either of the plaintiffs would be very interesting. I hope that everyone with hunting leases now know about the plaintiffs.
  3. I think the second the license was suspended, the kids were placed elsewhere, and won't be coming back to this foster house. I'm sure since the foster system in California has had a lot of bad press, that they're very quick to suspend licenses.
  4. I don't understand why someone with squatters, or someone who had a house trashed by vandals goes on TPC, since Judge M. will coddle the defendants, and act like their criminal acts were cute.
  5. Yes, my understanding is that the show is filmed six or seven days a week, and completed in less than two weeks, and the winner and other contestants can't discuss anything about the outcome until after the finale is shown. On other shows the eliminated contestants are sequestered, and can't leave the shoot until the end, and no communication about anything to do with the show unless it's monitored by the producers. I've never been too happy about the home bakers on the show, because many simply don't have the skill level of the other contestants. That's why I like Best Baker, because there are no last minute gimmicks, and everyone on the show is very skilled. I couldn't believe the one man never saw a bundt cake before, and the lady didn't know what a hockey mask looks like. The lady with the pink/red hair seemed at a much higher skill level. I don't know why they can't find someone who doesn't have their own bake shop, or is a working pro, but still has training, and worked on pastry and desserts. Taking someone just because they want a home baker on the show isn't doing the right thing for the contestants either.
  6. In the neighbor's case, I would see if the guy from Texas Chainsaw Massacre would make a house call. I bet the plaintiff spends all of his time monitoring everything anyone in the neighborhood does, and makes constant complaints to any regulatory agencies that haven't put him on the nut case list yet. That 'garden' looked like an overgrown mess, and I bet there are all kinds of critters living in that. If the plaintiff ever sells, I bet he won't get top dollar, and I bet the neighbors have an epic party as the moving van moves away.
  7. The only interesting case was the new driver, driving her mom's rental car, had no insurance added, and wasn't on the paperwork, slamming into another driver because she probably either didn't look before changing lanes, or just changed anyway and thought he would back off. What was she wearing? Something from the Xena Warrior Princess line of tops? I can't believe she thought the rental company wouldn't notice the damages. I love her lame whine about taking Motrin every day since the lawsuit notice arrived. I did enjoy the eviction case, where the d. said she was going to get a $200 fine for dumping the squatter p.'s junk on the curb. And it turned out that someone picked up the junk from the curb, and didn't have room to store everything inside, so some was left outside, and disappeared. So it wasn't the d.'s issue at all. In the contractor case from yesterday, I bet the woman was the spokes person for the company, because woman owned, and vet are categories that get you more contracts, and grants. I'm guessing that the company has used under the table un-licensed contractors before, but the two men wouldn't agree to get ripped off by her and the others in the company.
  8. I think the license to foster was suspended during the investigation, and won't be permanently gone, or reinstated until the investigation is completed. I really feel sorry for the neighbors of both sets, because I really can't imagine how awful it is to have this feud going on, complete with CPS visits, police visits, and everything else going on. I bet the fence completion never happened either. The ex-bf and bail case for the heroin person was ludicrous. I bet the plaintiff is a permanent victim, and hope she never gets custody of those children. She was shacking up with that loser, who has a lengthy prison record, probably has a ton of outstanding charges pending, and had a kid with him, to add to her brood of three others.
  9. I wanted to slap the whiny, idiotic animal abandoner who wanted to cram her dog into her apartment. And not cat owner of the year either, since she moved in January, and didn't come back for the cat until April. The pathetic sobbing at the end of the case, after the p. lost was pathetic. Trespassing neighbor who chopped down bougainvillea, and a dead palm tree, and both were on the defendant's property. The plaintiff is another idiot who thinks this is a show where you can chime in any time you want to. I feel sorry for the defendant, because living next to that loon of a defendant must be terrible, and it's been 18 years of this garbage. I bet codes enforcement, police, and anyone else the plaintiff can contact have regular complaints about the defendant. No money to the jerk plaintiff. Reruns-Woman accused of breaking into former house---Young couple had two huge fights, and d. loony woman was removed by the police. They lived together for two years! Is that a record? They even bought motorcycles together, how touching. They bought a miniature English bull terrier female, and she had puppies with one of plaintiffs Chihuahuas. One Chihuahua actually is his mom's, and mom lives with him too. They finally had the dog spayed. P. gets the dog, and pays d. $450. They bought two motorcycles, he has both of them now, $4600 left on motorcycle, but trade in is only $2k plus. She had rotten credit, so she couldn't buy the motorcycle in her name, and JJ said sell the motorcycle and eat the loss. Two big fights in the last couple of months, after he gave her a 30 day notice. After the second fight the d. destroyed a lot, After the first fight, and the 30 day notice she got a protective order, and he had to live elsewhere, and then the order was cancelled. Loony d. stabbed the 1300 memory foam mattress. The protective order let her live in his house, with the mother. Then when the protective order was cancelled, d. got evicted, and she broke a window and tried to break in. He's lucky he's OK, because the d. looks like a Bunny Boiler. I hope he has a security system, and good smoke alarms now, because I think she's a little on the vindictive side. P. gets the $726, and d. is pissed. Nutso defendant, who got arrested because he 'lashed out at society for taking his kids away". When you can't remember how many arrests you've had, then you're in serious trouble. P. is suing d. for unpaid bail for the d.'s heroin arrest. The d. and p. have one kid together, and p. has three kids, and was on welfare at the time, and d. claims welfare knew p. was living there ( bet they didn't either). He was a roofer, and seems a lot dim. Then he got busted for heroin possession, and on 14 other charges. Is that a record? D. never paid her any bail money, for heroin possession, bail was $2,500. It's now almost $2,700 in outstanding bail. Since 2015 for drug charges, possession of stolen vehicle, child endangerment (during a fight), he's spent a year in prison. The kids are all with the p.'s step dad, and I hope he's a better parent than either one of these whack jobs. I wonder if he's had his trial yet? I hope he gets a lot of years. JJ decided to pay plaintiff's bail bondsman's bills, over $2,600.
  10. I agree that the quints need to dress in different colors, and should be in different classes when they get to school. I've known a few twins over the years, and the ones that were dressed alike, and treated like the same person, didn't develop separate identities.
  11. In the tiny house/containers case, it terrified me that the unlicensed contractor did electrical work, because the containers are metal. He's lucky he's alive, and I hope a real, licensed electrician was brought in to inspect, and fix the electrical installation. The movers who broke the table were idiots. That table looked like something my mother would like, she's also taste challenged. I bet the adult kids are drawing lots to see who gets stuck with that thing in their house someday. The tow yard operator certainly had an original story about why the bumper was damaged, it was a stupid story, but at least he had one. I'm assuming the people from the tow case live in snow country? If so, I'm sure the Saturn body and undercarriage was a lot older, and more corroded than it should have been because of road salt. I'm surprised the suspension only collapsed after all of those years.
  12. I watched yesterday's marathon, and forgot how much I disliked the host (maybe Jeff Dunham?), and his ventriloquist mannequins, and I wish anyone would have won except Michelle. I love John Henson more now, since I saw the previous season with others hosting. I read about Blast Chillers, and they are used because they freeze so fast that big ice crystals don't form, and they're for something that will be used in short periods. The Blast Freezer is for items that will be frozen longer. Tonight they're replaying the first episode, the new episode, and a clip show with the best desserts, and most outrageous moments. What bothers me about the home bakers, is that some of them keep saying "I'm just a home baker" all of the time. Just bake, entertain us, and shut up.
  13. Who is that on the jump split picture that isn't even jumping? That's so dangerous for the girls next to her. And it's dangerous to her when Kelli and Judy see it. I don't understand if she didn't jump at all, and just slid into the splits, or if she jumped way early, and put her feet down first, but her missed jump split looks like she could have been hurt.
  14. You not only do the pain and suffering, but retroactively for labor pains, nine months of pregnancy discomfort, and every time nailed his diaper the second you were hurrying out the door. My smoke alarm battery maintenance program is over the top, but I have the alarms with the touch latches so I can replace the batteries quickly, and I replace the batteries every six months. Some of this week's cases have animals involved, and some viewers might want to skip those.
  15. The squirrel lady last night was as nuts as the bear lady from last week.
  16. In my opinion the ortho god is a little too stuck on himself to be really attractive. I wonder if the matchmaker remark to the young female intern about liking women was one of the coming out stories this year? I found the Maggie / Hipaa storyline ridiculous for an experienced doctor, but they keep writing Maggie as clueless which I find absurd for a department chief at a world class hospital like Grey-Sloan. I think Alex as interim chief might be fun.
  17. Is anyone else remembering some of the Steve Irwin criticisms about his kids being too involved with dangerous animals when Bindi talks about jumping on a crocodile's head at 8 years old, on the commercials for the new show? Isn't Irwin the one who had his baby son in his arms while tossing grocery store chickens to the giant crocodile at feeding time? One slip and bye-bye. I've never thought Terry was all that nice, but it will be interesting to see people pop up on here that know her in real life.
  18. Oops. Keeping Malena would be a mistake, because she just can't keep up. Lily wasn't bad, but it depends on why she was cut. I had everything screwed up didn't I? Oh well, the last four episodes should be interesting.
  19. I have to laugh about the tiny galley kitchen, and the 'huge' remodel, but it was still a galley with the island instead of the wall. At least they didn't pick a boring back splash. The window solution looked ridiculous. I'm sure that the contractor knew about the window requirement all along, and the 2 x 4 was a strange looking device to agree with the codes, and if they removed it later, they were fools. They should have put a picture window there from the beginning. Did they ever say what they do for a living? I'm guessing part of the film or TV industry, since they didn't say anything about jobs.
  20. The last two TCC that were cut were Malena, and Victoria, and Tara the vet went around then too, so I can see why Charlotte, and probably Judy said no. That is if Judy wasn't worried about getting reamed out for saying that.
  21. Even worse in the car damage case, they lived in the same huge apartment complex, and one claim was the defendant rammed the car bumper into her license plate holder.
  22. Karina was the one who went to Mexico, and had the balloon procedure. It had been in a year when she went to Dr. Now, and I'm betting it had been in longer than she admitted. She was the one who ordered the pizzas, wings, and brownies, and ate all of it, and someone on here figured out it was 11,000 + calories, and she ate that in spite of her balloon. I'm hoping Janine is doing well, and losing weight, before it's too late for her.
  23. The picture I referred to is on here, on p. 233, it's the one with TK, VK, Dayton and Shelly at auditions I think. TK is wearing very tiny pink jeans, and looks super skinny. I hope VK isn't starting her mother's routine of yo-yo dieting, and struggling for her entire life with her weight. The dance world criticisms can lead to eating disorders, and I hate to see that happen to anyone. I personally think keeping people who K & J pretty much know have a very slim chance of making the team, like Malena, and Kristin, around is cruel. Better to cut them before they spend a lot of extra time and think they might have a chance. Letting Malena stay in training camp after she said she was quitting her full time job was rotten. I worry that Kristin's going to fall asleep at the wheel, since she looks very tired, and ready to collapse many nights.
  24. I do remember an episode where the owner of a pregnant dog couldn't or wouldn't pay for a c-section, so the owner took the dog home, and she gave birth by herself. However, since the vet , I think Dr. Emily in the early days, was heavily criticized because they didn't do the procedure without pay. The first person that is stiffed on bills is the vet, or the dentist, or other medical suppliers, and that's why you have to either make arrangements for credit at the office, or pay when services are rendered. I did see that there is a benefactor who started a fund to pay for medical procedures that owners can't afford at the Pol clinic, but I still think there should be stipulations like mandatory spay/neuter goes with getting the funds. However, I can see people rejecting the money because they refuse to spay or neuter ever. They're showing reruns, and the season finale is tonight. Fortunately, I have a decent memory so if I recognize a bad outcome, I watch something else.
  25. Unfortunately, with the high vaulted or trey ceilings sometimes the mop handle doesn't work. My previous house only had smoke alarms in the bedrooms, and hallways, not the living room, and that was according to the life safety codes. The next door neighbor's house had a 14' ceiling, and a smoke alarm up there, and one night it went off. It was the 10 year battery kind, and lasted about 5 years. He was selling, and repainted the interior, so the painters changed the alarm out for him for another 10 year model when they painted. He joked that he was so desperate to get it to stop he was ready to go to the attic, punch through the drywall, and unplug it. I looked at the line up for next week, and it looks good. The new episode are interesting, but they're also listing reruns that are some recent notably looney toons litigants. In my area, the reruns this week (barring thunderstorms, or high school football telecasts where they blip my channel) are some of the most mind boggling ones, so I'm hoping to see every single one.
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