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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. Ah - poor dove, Trinity. She is senseless. :(
  2. She is definitely growing on me as well. I died over the Black Horse comment though! Brilliant!
  3. Yep. He and Joslyn (sp?) both do it to me each time. I loved his Snatch Game and I hate to think he did it on purpose, but your explanation makes total sense. I can't imagine how he didn't have any idea about Maggie Smith turned it around and werked it so hard! Dang - she got me! I'd be happy with her and Bianca as final 2.
  4. Yeah, Caught-ne, just doesn't do it for me. She can't sew for criminey's sakes! That's why she showed up in a dang duvet and then opened it to "yawn" another dang bikini or some such. I love her in confessional, and she is pretty fabulous, but she doesn't bring it like the others can. It's like Survivor "bitch, if you don't learn to start fire before going, don't!"
  5. Way. She's darling, I hate to say. I love her sincerity. I originally just loved her ability to be so funny, off the cuff. I have done stand up and it's a bitch, I can't throw one liners out like her! I must be secretly jelly of her... Because I wanna be a bitchy queen and can't!!!! Damn it! I do love how she and Adore have come to be friends, which is funny because I certainly didn't think I'd like Adore at all!!! I thought she was so sweet to Trinity when she discussed her friend. I do love that she can throw that out and then go right back to "I'll pack your bags!" But you just can't hold on to that last part because the first part was so nice. LOL
  6. This hitch has got to go a she just can't bring what some of the other young queens can... And everyone I see that goofy blond curl in confessional, I just want some sort of vanilla snack cake...
  7. Well the head of HR needs something to do... Lol
  8. Big fan of the Globetrotters, met Big Easy after a "game" last year. I like this team.
  9. This episode felt like a pain in my ass. Rollins needs to go, STAT! Don't be getting Tutuola in trouble! Oh and the rape was horrific. Especially the way the victim handled seeing Rollins. Heart breaking.
  10. She's totally a hack and a bully. I think this year it's been funny to see her "choreographing" by standing there, waving her arms around and screaming dance moves at the girls.
  11. Unfortunately, I just can't see her long for this earth. She is a mess. I'm not sure why she can't get on a schedule until she has an apartment. I really feel for everyone dealing with her. Except Cash, he was a creep.
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