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Everything posted by atlantaloves

  1. Thanks, I was asking myself the same question. God, what a monster.
  2. He Rody or whatever his name was, he did solve one case but not the Boisfontaine case, he's still working on it. You will be happy with the end of season two, trust me. I love those two cajun men! Yummy.
  3. Oh wow, you are so right, if she (the teenaged neighbor) had not gone out to see what was going on with him trying to kill that sister, and the teenager being a witness to that gal being stabbed, no telling what would have happened, the sister probably would have been charged with murder, which seems to happen a hell of a lot. It's hard to prove you were defending yourself, and sister woman stabbed this guy IN THE BRAIN AND EYEBALL......Whoa. Love her.
  4. Whoa, gals, the makeup people truly HATE HATE HATE MM....that lipstick was GROSS...and yes, made her teeth look gray, don't they do camera checks? Good God from Zion, she is nasty enough without the ugly clothes and monster makeup, give her a nice lipstick folks. All that dark purple goo hurt my very dainty little eyeballs.
  5. No they are on a new case, they are not in Louisiana, now I forget where they are, but it is a juicy case with a good old detective and his young sidekick just like the first two seasons, they will be going back to that original case eventually I understand, but you will love the new one. It really has me going, it's a cold case and they are finding new suspects because of DNA. Oh man, it is good and nasty! But, most of all, no re-enactments.
  6. Wait a minute, didn't Dirty John just stab her daughter Terra who survived, and she stabbed him back and killed his ass, they never showed the other daughter in all the interviews. Correct me if I am wrong, and yes I agree, you really have to run a background check on anybody you date, they all seem to like to say either they are doctors, or they work for the CIA, yeah, right. I agree, the mother was a total idiot, but she got out alive and so did the first wife, thank God. That was a great episode.
  7. This was a really cute episode, not my favorite, but I tell you, I just love that kid who plays Sheldon.....Always a treat to see Richard Kind! Oh Oh Oh, and the kid who plays Billy, fantastic....great line readings always.
  8. Tosia honey, you nailed it, a 50 year old white woman with her hair up....that's MM....God, I hate her. I'm in a good mood today and refuse to watch the show right now...but I will, because I can't control myself. Thanks for making me really smile today!!!! ?
  9. Hey, my fellow murder lovers, are you guys watching the new season of The Killing Fields, nobody is writing about it on its forum and I gotta tell you, this season is so good, man, it's a dilly. There are no re enactments on this show, at all, it's a live active case, man alive, (or I should said man dead) don't miss this show if you are a murder mystery fan. This is THE BEST. It is in its third season. On the Discovery channel and ID as well.
  10. Haven't seen today's episode, can't wait, I adore Helen Mirren. But, here's the deal...what in the hell happened to Marie Osmond's face? My God, she looked strange. Is it a new nose? She didn't need one. Lord Lord Lord. I just don't understand all this insane plastic surgery. Example, Faye Dunaway, she scares the crap out of me now.
  11. Now, THAT was more like it, I actually enjoyed that episode even though they stole the case from a real life murder, yahoooo.
  12. I'm an old coot, and I liked it, however I think both the lead actors are really cute and are suppose to be NOT HOT according to Hollywood......so funny the mindset in that stupid town. Come to Atlanta kids, you WOULD SCORE!
  13. Can I just ask you gals if you, like me, scream at your television and just say "shut the F--- up" to MM every day. God, what a motor mouth rude twit...I hate her so much. Okay, now I feel better. But I am tired of yelling at my t.v. like some old coot telling dogs to stay off his lawn.
  14. To cooksdelight, man thanks for warning me about the latest Grave Secrets, I started to watch it, but it was really really late and I said, nope, this is going to be really gross, so I turned it off, now I have erased it. Thanks again. I can't deal with murders of helpless much less legless people. No No No.
  15. me either, Randy is the Goddess of all Things (with the exception of Ms. Midler of course)
  16. I believed the wife, however, they said that he never worked on that particular case, but Good God From Zion, using their own semen as control samples...wow....but I believe that as well. So glad that things have improved. Yeah, killing yourself is pretty extreme.....now I am confused. Another reason why I love this show. But let's go back, those cases were exactly the same, I believe it was the same man.
  17. Exactly, that is what ran through my mind too for the Nanny.....I would have freaked out, you gotta have that strapless bra girlfriend (and maybe some high heels). But wow, what a nice thing to do for her, that was beyond the pale.
  18. Okay guys, be sure to watch the People Magazine Investigates latest episode. It is a goodie, I still don't know if this one guy is guilty or not, and I am a super sleuth. (it's the one about a teen aged girl being killed horribly on a beach)
  19. I will say this, as much as I kinda hate Lindsay Graham, he gave me the biggest belly laugh I have had in weeks, the genius comment. THAT WAS A GOOD ONE. He wasn't anywhere as bad as I expected him to be, which isn't saying much. I enjoyed the show for once. Love having Ana every day!
  20. Oh yeah, I love the People Magazine Murder show as well....very well done and just the right amount of gore! Oh man, that storage container one, I want that killer dead dead dead, refresh my memory, he's in for like 8 life sentences right? He was beyond creepy. A Stone Cold Killer.
  21. That's cheap for that store, similar ones, if you could find one would be about 5 thousand or 6 thousand I betcha. Good going Randy Baby.
  22. Randy's Grace wedding dress is PERFECTION....my favorite....I wonder how much it is?
  23. She did use a feeding tube. on that kid....I remember that from the HBO documentary. Oh man, she deserved to die die die. ?
  24. Oh yeah, Murder in the Heartland is really good, (I love it) not too many re-enactments, which I hate, and lots of interviews with cops and DA's....but of course they have the standard family members looking at pictures and staring into space with a cup of tea, while brushing away tears, snort. It's wonderful, and they have new JUICY MURDERS, which we LOVE. It's so good I have it on automatic record, and that is a big deal with me.
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