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Everything posted by atlantaloves

  1. oh go fuck yourself MM. We know what you really are. You are a pig person. ? Yeah, I said it. God get her off my show.
  2. Can we discuss See No Evil here, oh man, last night was chilling....SO GOOD....this is a great show and very little re-enactments, which I totally hate.
  3. Well, I, for one loved this new show, because, Tabatha totally rules! Personally, I think the Dad should have taken the 6 million dollar deal, but hey, that's just me. Tabatha did a good job working with that pizza family. Oh, and yes, Tabatha has had some kind of botox or filler put above her lip, her upper lip is puffed out, you can spot it every time. Why do women do that to themselves? But her hair is still fabulous, as always. I adore her signature "do".
  4. Miss General, I am with you, I am going to write the network, and I think we seriously need to start a petition, I mean it. Oh, and I actually like Miss Wallace too....know why, because she hates Drumpt. I use to hate her, NO MORE MY FRIEND. She is one smart cookie. ?
  5. Me Three....She is fabulous, and she knows of what she speaks, she is very very successful. I just love that she does not suffer fools. I'll see you guys after this show airs to discuss. Gotta go back and bitch at the ladies of The View now.
  6. Okay, I almost bashed in my television set with MM being so frigging rude to Senator Durbin. I've had it. With the slurping and the hair arranging, I've had it with her. Seriously, she needs to go, can we start a nation wide petition somehow or another? Help me gals. Oh, and can I just say that she is a total bitch, thank you, I feel better now. (not really)?
  7. I agree with you Lisa, he was pretty scummy....(s.i.c.) I just finished watching the three part special about her trial. Whoa. That was nice and juicy, I had actually sort of forgotten about that case. What an insane defense.
  8. Ewwwwwww, that guy, The Iceman, he's too nasty and sick even for me, and I love a good ole serial killer. I tried to watch the HBO documentary on him that had many interviews with that sicko, and seriously he creeped me out so much I couldn't listen to him. That's saying a lot for me. If you have HBO and are interested in The Iceman, check it out. Good luck.
  9. Ditto, my mother always gave me "mad money" to get out of there if it got too iffy when I was in high school and college. And let me tell you I was not above calling me Daddy to pick me up from a bad situation, including a drive in movie mess. Thank you Dad, (RIP and you never said a thing about it to anybody or to me again. I was almost being raped by a date and I called my Dad from the refreshment area. Picked me up, and didn't say a word, and let me tell you, he wanted to kill that guy. I had great parents. They had your back even though they were super strict.
  10. A day without Joy on the View is a day without sunshine. We love her.
  11. Oh yeah, that was priceless....I didn't want to watch it either, but of course I did. She is a sociopath....loved every golden minute so could hate her even more. She really really really loves herself and her makeup and hair. God, what a whore. Rot forever you nasty twist.
  12. No, old people don't always get flu shots kiddo. Just what everybody needs is a dose of the flu from a shot that won't work anyway. I wouldn't get one and they are free to old people like me. Snort. ? God, I hope Joy is okay, maybe she just has a comedy gig?
  13. Good Lord, that was a boring episode...I'm going to give it one more shot. I sorta liked it last year, but not to sure I care this year.
  14. Oh My Lord, that was a good one, I totally recommend it folks! I loved it, but then I love serial killers!
  15. I would be jumping up and down with delight having romped with Tom Hughes, a/k/a Prince Albert! Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!
  16. Oy! Did anybody notice that Victoria actually did say the words "we are not amused" last night. I died laughing.
  17. oh boy this looks like a hot fake mess, but I'll watch it, because I love love love Tabatha. I've got it down to record. Just found out about it on our crazy site. Thanks Previously TV!
  18. Yes, I do get to see Congressman Lewis a lot, one of my best friends was his assistant for many many years until she retired about 5 years ago. I met her while working for a legal office, she worked for Congressman Lewis' small Atlanta office which was on our floor. We've been best buds ever since. She still organizes events for Congressman Lewis even though she doesn't work in his office any more and I get invited to them. He's a loyal friend to her. Let me tell you, he's a Saint.
  19. Yeah, I know, I know. And, there is nothing worse.
  20. I love Congressman Lewis so much, and I have to add that he is my Congressman from the 5th District. And and and, I was so thankful today that MM kept her nasty evil mouth SHUT SHUT SHUT. He was so wonderful, there are no words. We love him in Atlanta let me tell ya. I see him at my local Kroger all the time buying his Stouffers, and he talks to every single person who comes up to him and answers their questions, and the questions are always about (well, use to be) health care. By the way, he is a terrific hugger!
  21. Well, I, for one, am loving this season, hey, it's a wonderful soap opera! So glad Rufus is back.....yummmmmm.
  22. Oh yeah, my mother was in the hospital for over a week with me, and they gave her this drug called twilight sleep while she was delivering me, she didn't remember any pain whatsoever. (In fact, she didn't even remember the delivery). I never heard the end of the wonderful stuff twilight sleep, because they didn't give it to her when she had my brother and sister, I think they just gave her a pain shot. My mom smoked and had cocktails throughout her pregnancies, hey, it was a little before the Mad Men Era. My Dad just waited in the waiting room with his cigars to give to other men, anybody remember that tradition?
  23. Good to know, no wonder I am perfection in every single way. Snort Snort.
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