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Everything posted by atlantaloves

  1. Oh Gee, does MM have a famous father who maybe was in the army or something? Somebody send me his bio. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
  2. I am surprised I got through that episode without shooting up myself.
  3. Oh goodie goodie, does anybody know when the new show will air, and I forget which channel it is on. Help. Thanks!
  4. Oh man I loved Rubicon, I wanted it to go on and on and on. Yeah, it was slow, but the story was so strange and wonderful. I tell you, I have no idea what is going on with Counterpart I'm just watching it for Simmons like the rest of you. And, yes I was a big Fringe fan too, but this show honestly kinda sucks.
  5. It was probably too tribal for her lily white face. (yeah, I said it, I can't stand her)
  6. Oh yeah, I can really see it. Especially the eyes.
  7. No kidding. Whatever, it doesn't matter, that kid is on a mission. I love him.
  8. I've noticed the last couple of years that Mr. Farrow is wearing contacts to cover up his very very bright blue eyes, and no, I am not kidding, check it out.
  9. You are called Mrs. Wonderful Miss MM? Only because you are probably bald bitch. Yeah, I said it.
  10. Good God From Zion, now I find myself yelling "You Bitch" to a youtube clip. I hate that cow MM so much, I can't control myself. And, yes, people who hear Jesus talk to them are NUTS. Yeah, I said it. TEAM JOY! We didn't get the show today because of gun violence.
  11. After dealing with MM anybody looks fabulous don't they gals?
  12. Hey You All, is this where we can discuss the Vanity Fair Confidential true murder casebook which is on ID. They just started a new season, and it is a dilly, even if it isn't a juicy murder.
  13. Hey ya'll what was it that Sherri said when she said something about she would believe the world was flat if her "God" told her so? That was the moment, I said Whoa Girl, you ARE STUPID.
  14. Oh yeah, I really hated Sherri too, (she is very stupid) but yeah, please rehire her to replace MM. God, I just can't take it every damn day.
  15. Oh and don't forget her (Patty) starring role in the crazy John Waters film Serial Mom....she wore white shoes after labor day, AND HAD TO DIE. Great movie folks.
  16. Well, what about that spoiled idiot last night who had to have a black dress and veil with all her tattoos....Glad her mother won, but they all just wanted to be on television. The white dress she did buy was total whore dog. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?
  17. To Tanichka - Oh loved it too when Joy said I'm Shocked shocked I tell you, from the great movie Casablanca said by the flawless Claude Raines, he was shocked there was gambling at Rick's Cafe. Snort! God love you Joy in that you can pull up these old movie lines just like moi! MM would think that movie was too liberal for her precious snow flake viewing pleasure. After all it was a movie that was against WWII. Piss on her, no transport papers for her, EVER.
  18. Well hey, can I just beg to differ here, I really enjoyed that episode. But then, I am in love with Tabatha. She turned that fart brain around. I liked that episode a lot.
  19. Oh man, I am going to watch this exchange right now. I need something yummy because I can't find anything I want for lunch. I would give anything if MM would just walk off the show and quit. I HATE HER. Great discussion today gals! ?
  20. I'm through with this show, I thought I like it, but it faked me out, these two CHILDREN are just too vain for words.
  21. God, I yelled SHUT UP YOU BITCH so loud at my poor old t.v. at MM that I woke up my half senile shih tzu. Scared him to death. She is so nasty and mean, the lady answered your question three times you bitch, and the answer was NO.
  22. Well I do not believe one word that ship captain is saying, he looks like a burned out drunk and druggie to me, and frankly just looks like he is lying. I think it was a horrible accident, they were all black out drunk and she fell overboard while the men were drinking. And that fame whore sister of hers....God, she needs to just shut the F up.
  23. Ahhhhhh man, poor Christine, this was so sad, I love her so much. Glad her gal pals forgave her (sort of) and let her play cards. Hey she was late, but she did bring the celery.
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