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Everything posted by helpmerhonda

  1. Thought I was going to have my first perfect week. Then I knew Friday's answer! LOL 1/5
  2. The real question is, if they do promote Jubal to fill Dana's position, will he still be so DAMN SHOUTY all the time?
  3. Natalie is a self-righteous asshole. The whole time I am watching this show I am thinking, "I hate all of these people."
  4. 1 of 5 It's obviously too close to the end of the school year for me to think clearly.
  5. Ugh. Same for me. And I keep falling asleep.
  6. 4 out of 5, 2 asterisks Wednesday can go straight to hell.
  7. I was trying to figure out why Alex said, "you picked the wrong one" when the contestant answered Marquette (when the correct answer was Purdue). Marquette isn't in the Big Ten or in Indiana.
  8. My first perfect week! Yay! Wait. 0/4 Stupid tournament.
  9. As a teacher, I am getting more than a little irritated that Jessica's main goal at the school seems to be gaining power over the teachers. That shit isn't funny. There is enough of that going on in real life.
  10. Top Gun was always going to be the best bet, but I kept thinking - Days of Thunder, All the Right Moves, Risky Business, A Few Good Men.
  11. 4 out of 5, one * Best week I've had in a long time.
  12. I got Jersey Boys. I saw it in London a few years ago, and it was awesome!!
  13. Six degrees of Big Brother...many many moons ago, I was friends with Joey Lawrence's wife. WHOA.
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