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Everything posted by helpmerhonda

  1. Just stopping by to express my weekly disdain for Kiki. If he wins, I'll...I'll...I'll...I don't know what I'll do, but I'll be super pissed.
  2. Did the announcer say something about Raven walking her "Arkansassy assy" out the door? Cause that shit is hilarious.
  3. I can't stop laughing at Raven's comment that she played at good game. Is she freaking kidding me? And did she limp towards the door on her way out and then do a freaking cartwheel as soon as she was out? Why did Alex point at the sky and give a "this if for you, Jason" when she won? He's not dead. Good Lord. I'm all in on a Celeb BB, as long as their idea of Celeb isn't those a-holes that were in that preview. No thanks.
  4. Christmas is awfully haughty about her two HOH reigns considering she "won" both of them by default.
  5. Rough Kneecap Syndrome? Are you freaking kidding me? Also, notice Jason's comments at the end about how he thought the two pawns should have been Alex and Raven or Jason and Josh. Missing from his possibilities - Paul. If any of these people would actually have conversations with each other, they might figure out that Paul is working all of them. But they won't.
  6. Remember when people actually tried to win competitions?
  7. I'm sorry Josh, but you don't get to scream at somebody and "call them out," then cry when someone screams at you in response.
  8. I feel like I am just going to copy and paste this here every week until it happens - Stop trying to make Kiki happen, Show. Yuck.
  9. The actual dream I had last night: I married my high school boyfriend. (I haven’t seen him in 20+ years, so I have no idea where that came from.) It was lovely, and the reception was filled with all of my favorite things. Until we were about to have our dance. I looked at my new husband and realized it was not actually my high school boyfriend – it was Paul. (Also, they look nothing alike, so WTF????) I need a volunteer to come over to my house and kill me.
  10. I wish they would stop trying to make Kiki happen. Just no.
  11. That's an hour of my life I'll never get back.
  12. What the hell was Elena babbling about in that first speech? Good lord.
  13. Isn't the real story here that Matt was wearing a different shirt?
  14. Mark was super proud of himself for that cannoli comment.
  15. We all knew that Jenna was going to pick Kiki, so why make the other guy jump through all those hoops? Dumb and manipulative.
  16. I feel like I have to preface every post with, "All of these people are terrible, but..." At least Christmas told Josh that he didn't have to listen to Paul all the time. Idiot or not, Josh is the HOH and does not have to do what Paul says. Paul will never understand that just because something is good for his own personal game doesn't mean it is good for everyone else's game. Oh, and Josh, it's "could NOT care less." (Yeah, I'm an asshole when it comes to grammar, and I'm okay with that about myself.)
  17. Matthew is definitely better than Rusty. Wouldn't watch a show from either, but still.
  18. That gave me secondhand embarrassment for these people. That wasn't a good look for any of them.
  19. I see no way that the Jessica and Cody relationship survives outside the house. They are vastly different people. I don't understand why Jessica thought Paul wouldn't at least try to nominate them. Even after she told Paul she had a temptation power, he was still going to nominate them to flush it out. That part with Josh saying that since the showmances are breaking up, he might get lucky - that really creeped me out. Oh, and I actively dislike all of these people. Seriously. All of them.
  20. I think a lot of the problem is that are committed to WORLD of Dance concept, meaning that there was no way that they were going to let the international competitors go. This is the same reason why I think that Eva won't win.
  21. Did the new guy say he had been a nurse in Dallas? And run an ER in Nogales for 8 years? And is now a resident? This freaking guy has done a lot, no? And, it isn't a true episode unless one of the hospital staff's life is in jeopardy. Who will it be next week? And damn it, they killed Mac. I kinda liked him.
  22. I thought they went to the "Todd Bridges is good at running from the cops" well a few too many times.
  23. I feel like the hex is good for four evictions, so she has two more weeks to use it.
  24. Abso-freaking-lutely!! All day.
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