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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Yeah, I thought this whole interaction was bizarre - I feel it was editing monkeys at work because right after we see him saying that they show him actually brushing his teeth. Something doesn't make sense there.......... And Amber does sometimes talk to him in "teacher voice" like she is lecturing her students. I would not appreciate that if I was him.........
  2. My thoughts exactly. I don't know why I find him so hot, but yes.......... I yelled out loud when Najee fell. I can't believe it!!!!! Danel Leyva was pretty freaking amazing considering he is just going on pure athleticism and not ninja training. Now that is an athlete! I hope he comes back next year. Flex needs to re-create that swing to a cargo net in her ninja gym. What a heartbreak. I was seriously bummed by all the ladies on this episode. Barclay was a powerhouse, and seeing her short legs stick the jumping spider is amazing to me. I think she was so intent on getting through the course quickly she gassed out too quickly.......fingers crossed for Jessie G. and Alyssa B. next week.
  3. Wow. That seemed downright tame compared to last season with drunk AJ. I guess I was expecting more drama, but no. I cannot believe an entire group of grown ups were peer pressuring another adult into drinking tequila first thing in the morning. Yes, Iris needs to remove that giant stick she has up her butt, but what a bunch of asses. I wouldn't have drank (or drunk? what is the right tense??? Grammar nazis school me please!) that either. Everyone has talked about how damaged Amber is, but last night I really see that Matt is a giant emotional mess as well, just in a different way. Amber saying on Unfiltered that "Matt doesn't have a love language", and "Matt loves himself so much he doesn't need a lot of human companionship" raises a lot of red flags to me. These are things that someone who has been deeply hurt says to avoid being hurt more. As someone who recognizes the false bravado and has been to therapy to deal with childhood hurts, I recognize the massive walls up to avoid real intimacy. His estrangement from his family and being on his own from a young age is telling. I think he needs a boatload of therapy. He's a mess and he's lying to himself. And other people. That was quite a show he put on at the retreat. He's Luke all over - says the right thing while the cameras roll, and does another when they're gone. I hope there is some comeuppance in the works and he is forced to own up to what he has done. "I've worked really hard". What a load of horseshit. People keep saying Iris is emotionally immature, but I think Matt is too - his behavior is stunted and he's acting like a college kid, not a grown married adult man. What were Iris and Keith and Matt and Amber doing while Jamie and Liz went to the salt cave and Deonna and Gregg ate bugs???? Bad editing. I think Keith is pulling a Will - just playing nice and riding this out until D-day. Seeing Raven really made me pissed that these were the guys that got chosen this season. For the love of Anthony D'Amico, why?????? Why, when there is a perfectly attractive and seemingly well adjusted guy available for the show? Or are they only allowed to pick one per season? (Greg being the chosen one this season)........
  4. I think at the point the wedding occurred, I was with Jamie that the relationship between Liz and her dad is too much. Between the car tags at the reception, the inappropriate conversations between him and his new father in law, plus the weird breakfast, I was thinking he responded pretty well considering how creepy the dad was being. I think he had every right to be concerned about who Liz's priority would be, and to me, he isn't wrong that it should be her husband and not her dad. But he lost me when he attacked her about working for her dad and not finishing college just because he was mad she asked about his parent's divorce. It's only gone downhill since then and I think he's a total creep. But again, she's no prize either...........
  5. I think my sticking point was the wording - "The FIRST horrible thing Sneery did was decide to keep Beth away from her father." This implies it has already happened, when in fact it is pure conjecture. Is it possible? Sure, but there is absolutely no proof that this has happened, and in fact, we know she works for her father, which makes it even more impractical. I do agree he is verbally abusive, but again, she is not much better......
  6.  Any real "couples counselor" (or psychologist) could tell you that -in abuse situations- Your partner cuts you off from family and friends: Keeps close tabs on where you go and whom you go with Makes you ask for an OK to see friends and family Embarrasses you in front of others, and it makes you want to avoid people. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-domestic-abuse-signs#1-2 Edited 4 hours ago by Crazy Bird Lady I agree this can happen, but I don’t believe it’s happening here. How exactly has Jamie cut Elizabeth off from her family? I don’t see how that’s possible when she works for her dad. Yes, he derided her for it, but that’s not cutting her off. Nor have we seen him attempting to limit her interaction with them either. I guess I just don’t know how this scenario you are describing applies to these two. As far as mental abuse, I think it goes both ways here. They have both said demeaning and damaging things to each other. I think he’s worse because while she says things she may or may not mean in the heat of the moment, he deliberately says hurtful things as a means of revenge. The bottom line is they are a terrible match.
  7. I agree he is awful, but this seems like a massive reach. How exactly can he keep her from her family when she works for her father??? I don't think he's a mustache twirling (if he had any hair) villain so much as a petulant passive aggressive asshat. Also, I don't think that slug could control her. Piss her off, yes, control her, no........
  8. And Keith has done absolutely nothing to clue her in on this...........
  9. This is exactly how I feel as well. I wish they had sent Anna packing instead of Stephanie - I think she’s more versatile, and I think she did better dancing in her own style than Anna did in hers, plus I liked her partnership with Gino. Oh well, I think it will be interesting to see Gino and Sophie dancing together....... Bailey and Mariah FTW........
  10. I agree re: the bride thing. Brides spend a lot of time and money to get ready; what do most guys do - maybe get a haircut, shower and shave??? Plus, he seemed pissed saying "I thought it was about us". Someone needs to school him that although it is about the couple, the wedding is really the bride's day. There is a reason the guy just goes and stands at the front and the bride makes a grand entrance where everyone stands when she walks in.
  11. This made me laugh - maybe I should have left it in my post - it sums her up completely!
  12. Yeah, I'm going to say that the only two that have a shot are Jessie Graff and Alyssa Beird because both have completed stage one in Vegas which is timed. They are the only two women (so far) that have the speed to finish at the top, assuming they hit a buzzer...... I got kind of teary with Alyssa Beird when Michelle hit that buzzer. Flex hitting it too felt eerily reminiscent of both Geoff and Isaac hitting the stage 4 buzzer. I am just so happy all of Kacy's accomplishments have been acheived by another woman. While she will always be the first, at least she's not the only. Still, it was very gracious of her to send congrats........ Even though I was frustrated that nobody finished the last couple episodes, is it weird that I was strangely annoyed that too many were finishing this time? I think it's because it just doesn't seem fair, especially for Jessie G. and Alyssa who I think also could have crushed this course.......
  13. In reading through everyone's comments it's become abundantly clear that all four of these "ladies" are in some state of arrested development: Iris: 27 year old virgin who thinks swallowing a quarter as a child is sharing a big secret that will foster intimacy with her husband. Deonna: Drifting apart from a high school boyfriend when she left for college stunted her ability to engage in an adult relationship for a decade. Elizabeth: Too many problems to name, but saying "Bitch, I knows what I did" as a means of communicating while wearing leggings and swaddled in a blanket kind of says it all. Plus, still letting Daddy take care of her is a big red flag. Amber: The over emotional sobbing over this idiot transient who clearly doesn't like her; "I just want him to hold me". "I just like him". Clearly not over mom leaving and he is a trigger for childhood wounds. These girls are all so damaged none of them should have been selected. Matt and Jamie clearly also have their own issues, but maybe if matched with someone else they might (and I mean with a very slim possibility) have done ok. These girls all need therapy. Jamie told Elizabeth that time heals all wounds, but that is not true at all. Sometimes, wounds fester. All you have to do is look at this group to realize time most certainly does not heal all wounds........
  14. I think it's the fact he told her to shut up and it was in front of everyone, which was embarrassing to her; what she doesn't seem to realize is that she was embarrassing herself by talking over the instructor and bragging about her knowledge of Nascar..... Jamie should have just taken a page out of Steph's book last season - when your spouse is acting like an ass, just ignore them, walk away, or go take a nap. Their behavior is no reflection on yourself. Instead, he made himself look like a jackass by telling his wife to shut up.......
  15. WHAT.THE.HELL. Swallowed a quarter?!?? Stupid Iris. I seriously cannot wait for JamieO to rake her over the coals next week for that wasted piece of footage. I liked them together, but this was my turning point. I hope on D day she says she wants to stay married and Keith dumps her. She deserves it. The only thing that I find just as annoying though is that we didn’t see Keith sharing anything. I’m chalking it up to production editing because it doesn’t fit their “Iris is an uptight virgin” storyline. Greg should have just shut up and let her talk. Just because he asked her to name differences doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be negative. Jamie and Liz are a dumpster fire. They deserve each other. The dogs are more mature than either of them...... I found Matt’s comments on Unfiltered very telling. He said they operate on different frequencies. She is too emotionally exhausting. I find her weirdly low key but super intense. He probably would have been better with someone more independent and less needy (and who brushes their hair). Either way, neither should have been picked for this show.
  16. Ha! Ok, maybe not the Duggars specifically, but there are super religious people who actually do not engage in ANYTHING prior to marriage. To me, that is purity. Iris and her "other things" and oral is not the picture of purity. I was a "technical virgin" a la Iris when I got married, but I didn't talk about it with ANYONE other than my significant other(s). And I because I "saved" myself for marriage, I definitely cared about the odds of longevity when I did decide to get married. Hell, I broke up with my first true love because I knew we wouldn't make it long term. I think if Iris really valued her virginity that much she shouldn't have chosen this path. She wants a forever person, which I don't fault her for, but this is absolutely not the way to do it, and it's really not fair to Keith. I honestly don't know why someone like her would pick this. It's truly baffling.........
  17. Oh my gosh - her father! Remember him crying at the wedding? He is going to lose his mind when he sees this! He's going to have a stroke when he sees Keith licking that goo from her inner thigh! Elizabeth's creepy dad better avert his eyes as well............ Rough season for the dads..........
  18. Yeah, someone who is going on national tv and admitting to oral sex and "other things" ain't that pure. At this point it's just a technicality. Now, if you are talking someone like those Duggar kids who are not left unchaperoned until their wedding and don't do anything more than hold hands before the wedding, then you can say you are pure. Iris can take a seat.
  19. They do - it's stayj_mafs on instagram. I gotta say, they seem really happy and their IG is very interesting - they travel a lot and always look like they are having a good time together. He was very extra last season, but maybe it really was just the cameras and show? Either way, I'm glad they are doing well together - she is an awesome chick and deserves to be happy.
  20. I completely agree. I just hope they pull the plug before it gets even worse. If familiarity breeds contempt, where does this leave them to go?!?
  21. Do you know for a fact that they are being paid after D-day? I can’t imagine why they would be once the show ends and the cameras are gone......
  22. Prepare yourselves: MAFSfan posted an Instagram story with photos of one of the couples together, and it’s not who you would think. Surprise, surprise- it’s Jamie and Beth. This should be interesting how we go from name calling and table flipping to a yes on D-day......
  23. If someone wants the exact transcript from that conversation, @configdotsys took the time to type it out. It’s on page 6 of the episode 9 forum dated August 10. It’s very clear that GREG said every other month, not Deonna. She agrees with the stipulation that it better be mind blowing at that infrequent interval. He states that won’t work for him, and SHE AGREES by saying okay. I don’t think we can assume anything based on what we’re shown. Even though we see the abandoned rose petals and bath water, plus Deonna getting into bed in her flannels, doesn’t mean nothing happens when the camera crew leaves. For all we know they stripped back down and used that tub, or are having sex on the regular. I mean, shoot - there have been multiple couples who out and out lie about the sex they were having until it comes out at a later date. Maybe not everyone is comfortable with a camera crew filming you naked in a tub making out with your new stranger spouse, or even clothed in bed but then shutting out the film crew (goodbye - we are going to have sex now, wink, wink). I know I wouldn’t be!
  24. I’d go with choice number one- remove the blind catch! I think it was utter bullshit that they showed the tester doing it to justify it being there. If it’s true the tester only tests one obstacle, then that is not an accurate assessment of the difficulty of that obstacle. I would argue that when 100% of the people who have reached that obstacle after passing 7 other obstacles first ALL fail, it’s not the ninjas, it’s the obstacle that is a failure. I was more annoyed by the footage of the tester than if they had said nothing. I don’t ever want to see that stupid blind catch again. I completely agree that you should have to complete the course to do the PT. It’s kind of like, you don’t get to try the Mega Wall unless you actually get to the mega wall. This should be no different! I am relieved Joe made it. That was all I cared about by the time they got to the power tower.
  25. Hmmm....I think you and I will just have to agree to disagree re: Deonna, @Gem 10. I think it’s a complete oversimplification of their situation. I don’t get the sense that Greg is miserable here. Maybe concerned, but it seems like they do get along and I think they are handling their issues pretty maturely. If Greg has needs that aren’t being met, he does have some responsibility to speak up. He seems like a great guy, but constantly checking up on her and her feelings is a lot of pressure which is why I think she wanted things to progress more organically, rather than him trying to find the magic combination to Deonna’s heart. I think they have connected on a deeper level than the other three couples, and she seems genuine in her desire to meet Greg’s needs, but it just might be she doesn’t know how to get there. I am basing this on her answer when Dr. Robot asked what it would take for her to say no on decision day. Her answer was not about anything Greg was doing or not doing; she was aware her own issues of being closed off was the problem. Self awareness is usually a good place to start! Bottom line, to me anyway, I guess I just don’t see any major roadblock for them to overcome. Neither has any glaring character flaw that is fatal, they both like each other and are mutually attracted, and their beliefs align. I think they were a good match and I hope they stay together.
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