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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. I agree, but that is the mature, thoughtful way to handle this situation. Meka did not do this. She sat there with a scowl on her face, sullen, and looking at her phone.
  2. Yep. I too hate breakfast. Eggs are my most hated food on the planet. Presumably, if I was married to someone, they would have known that at this point already, but even if they still made that breakfast, I would be thankful that someone is trying to do something nice for me. I would skip the eggs, eat the fruit and say thank you! In a normal relationship, whether you like something or not, sometimes you do things because they make your spouse happy. He clearly loves breakfast. If things were different between them, she should be more gracious about the breakfast. But, because Michael is a pathological liar, that makes it ok for her to be sullen and rude? I don't think so. She is choosing to stay, and so is he. I think he's taking the position of making the best of it, but she is perpetually miserable to be around. From a viewing standpoint, I find her unpleasant to have to watch. I am not taking his side either, but she is equally horrid for me personally.....
  3. It's a triumvirate for me: Luke, Matt and Zach. I still think Matt takes top asshole prize..........
  4. Hmmmm, not sure I agree about that. Matt had sex with Amber and said all the right things, then slunk out and went to bars talking to other girls and didn't come home multiple times. While this isn't really a contest (because they both are garbage assholes), I think the fact that Matt slept with Amber and led her on makes him the biggest loser. Possibly Luke too since he also slept with Kate (and then made her lie about it) and told her AFTER they had sex that he wasn't attracted to her. I think Mindy knew Zach was an asshole while they were still in Panama. She's not under some illusion that things might work out. I think she's just living up to the contract she signed. Not much emotional investment in the relationship at all, just seeing this travesty out......
  5. Well this just proves what bullshit this whole show is. And given how inappropriate the majority of these participants are this season, I don't think they spend any time whatsoever trying to vet them. I know he was a total ass in Panama, but I gotta say it felt cathartic seeing Brandon emphatically say NO! when Pepper wanted him to reconcile. I wanted to cheer when he got up and walked out. The most truthful moment this show has had all season. It's total malarkey watching them trying to keep these assholes together when it's obvious, spoiler or no, that everyone except Austin and Jessica are finished.
  6. I don't think that hooking up with your friend's significant other is "girl code" per se......I think not doing that is just basic human decency no matter what sex you are.........
  7. I frequently feel like the judges give conflicting advice and contradict themselves to suit whatever narrative the producers have decided for the contestants. I am hopeful that it is like Brandon or Hester Sunshine in that they got the bulk of the praise over the season only to have the quiet but consistently good designer win.........In this case, I'm not sure who that is as no one has really stood out as the best........I think at this point it's a race for who is least mediocre......
  8. Me too. It felt more like real life to have that final shot still be a "no". I loved everything this episode. The Holt Groundhog Day stuff resulting in him learning Russian, "The Hitchcock Way" (blech!), and all the guinea pig stuff were awesome. Charles is the MVP this season for me. Him eating the food and drinking from their water bottle was hilarious!
  9. I agree with all of this. The more drama filled the show has become, the less I have liked it. That has turned to hate watching, and then not watching at all. I still like to read these forums though! What these dumbasses don't seem to realize is that the only people that can really capitalize on what little fame is to be had from this show are the ones that end up in successful matches.......coming on this show for fame or a business angle but then acting like a tool and not trying tends to earn the participant more scorn than anything else.......
  10. I don't think her issue was so much that it was sheer - it was more how he was doing the sheer. I think it was more that she thought the peek of thong sticking up in the back was gross.......
  11. Oh my gosh me too! I had an awful perm in the 80's because, you know, big hair, and I tried everything in the 90's to get "The Rachel" which wasn't curly, but did have a lot of body on top. I cannot do it. Baby fine and stick straight, and as I entered my forties, thinner too......Victoria's hair is the only thing I like about her. I thought these were the most lackluster collections from finalists maybe ever. I liked Sergio's gray fringe strapless dress. That is all. The rest all looks dated, weird, or in no way fashion forward at all. And that goes for all of them. I guess I am rooting for Nancy or Geoffrey because I think they would benefit most from the mentorship, but I question even that after the CFDA guy told Vic to make those hideous hats her signature. Just no. I think the greatest travesty will be if Victoria wins. It will be the worst winner, to me anyway, since Gretchen........
  12. She is so full of shit. She only accepted Mark because he gave her a chance to keep playing this game. She has zero interest in him, and I think that was true the minute she found out he was 10 years younger than her. Then when she saw him it was really over, but I don't think she knew how to back out gracefully when they were face to face without being cruel and after convincing him while they were in the pods that she was into him. At this point she's just trying to talk herself into it, but when she gets drunk (which is often), the truth about her true feelings seeps out.......Mark is an idiot for continuing this farce........
  13. Her name was LC......and I don't know. I don't think Barnett seriously went into this with the intention of getting married, so maybe just hanging with the oversexed hot girl was the right call.......plus, I am sure the producers are jumping for joy over the awkward situations between Barnett, Amber and Jessica. I don't think this would happen if he had picked LC.......
  14. You just summed up everything I think about Damien. Nice ass, dead eyes. Waaaay too intense. Even more than Cameron, I think. I think GG was pissed that he was being rude to Lauren and making everyone uncomfortable. They fought like reality tv people though. Both talking over each other, not getting to the root of the problem, words escalating to insults, someone walking off. And scene! No way these two are getting married. When they were in the pods, I was sure that both Mark and Jessica said they were from Chicago, and Cameron said he was from Maine. Now they are all from Atlanta? I’m confused...... The more we find out about Amber, the more she seems like a mess. A trashy, debt riddled, hard life mess. I would feel sorry for her if she wasn’t so unlikeable. I have second hand embarrassment for Jessica. She is too old for this nonsense. Getting sloppy drunk every scene is pathetic. But I don’t blame her for calling Mark’s openness a red flag. I would think so too. His willingness to just go along with everything she says and downplay every concern makes him look desperate and naive. It really does highlight their age difference. Rooting soooo hard for Cameron and Lauren. Still adorable. What is she thinking wanting to keep her apartment when he has that awesome house??? It’s like Gregg and Deonna from MAFS - girl, look at those balconies and hardwood floors! He’s a keeper!!! 😂
  15. They are not married at this point, but I get your meaning. I don’t think they even stayed in the same room, let alone consummate their relationship..... Good God, that was some ugly fighting. I hope someone went into the bushes and retrieved that ring! At this point, The only couples I think might make it to the altar are Cameron and Lauren, and Kenny and Kelly. GG and Damien seem ok now, but I sense she is a real drama queen. No way in hell do Barnett and Amber or Jessica and Mark get married. No way. And if Amber and Barnett can implode quickly the happier I would be. I cringe every time she opens her mouth. She is crass and cocky and over the top. I can’t stand her. And good for the Lacheys for getting a nice Mexico vacation for maybe 2 hours of work total over the course of this season......
  16. Yes to this. I can’t stand either one - they deserve each other. No way they make it to the altar. Ditto Jessica and Mark, although unlike Barnett and Amber, I feel sorry for Mark. He should have listened to his first instinct that he didn’t want to be second choice rather than mom’s tired cliche of letting something go..... No! Say it isn’t so! I am watching this to get away from MAFS! 😱 No matter - I am here for Cameron and Lauren. Most adorable reality TV couple since.......I don’t know???
  17. Me too. She’s 10 years older than him, looks 15 years older and acts 5 years younger. Mark should have walked after that nonsense.
  18. Me too! Too much reality tv has me worried it’s going to go south quickly though.....
  19. Me too! I am in love with this show which is a relief because I can now watch it instead of hate watching this show........
  20. A couple of my friends that know I watch MAFS told me to watch this, and holy cow! I am here for it! This has to be trashy, right???? I have only watched the first episode, but already Jessica and Barnett are on my last nerve. Barnett is the type of guy I would run from after 5 minutes. He's a dick for sure, so of course she likes him. Good luck to her. I love Cameron and Lauren. I hope they don't turn out to be terrible. I think the fact that he lives in Maine and she doesn't could be problematic though. Why exactly are the Lacheys here???? I loved that everyone was totally decked out on day one and by day four they were schlepping into those pods in sweats and no shoes....... Why are there sooooo many people there but they only focused on a handful? My sister who has watched the whole season says not everyone makes it out of the pod phase. It might be interesting to see some of that too....... I have reached my last straw with this season of MAFS, so this is going to be taking it's place. Thank you Netflix!!!!
  21. Exactly! I can't believe people are acting like she's some joyless harpy. My God, he basically told her she needs to fuck him during the honeymoon and then lied. Then the lies continue. I only fault her for giving it a chance. He's shady AF. These things are not mutually exclusive. They are both horrible but for different reasons. Maybe she has a reason to be upset, but that doesn't make her fun to watch on TV and I sure as shit wouldn't want to hang out with her........
  22. I think all of this back and forth about Katie Derek just proves that NEITHER of these fools is mature enough to be married......
  23. Hear Hear! I get so tired of all the "gritty" stuff. This was an easy watch and I am able to watch it with my kids in the room! I felt sympathy for Charmaine up until the end. Mel did nothing to encourage Jack. It was all him. Even if Mel left Jack still wouldn't want her. Either way, I am looking forward to Season 2. I wish Netflix would put out more stuff like this, as in non TV-MA drama or comedy.........
  24. With regard to Mindy's appearance, I will say that exercise gear is her work uniform and probably makes up the bulk of her wardrobe. I know younger ladies view yoga pants/tights as "pants" these days. I am 47 and only go out in my yoga pants in an emergency or early in the morning. I don't troll around in them at all, but look around at younger gals and that's all they wear it seems (recall Amber from last season). On two of the instances where they got together it was not weird that Mindy was dressed that way. When they were out near the creek with the dog she had just come from work, and when they were playing cards it was late at night (Hence Zach's "pajama party" comment) where he was also wearing sweats. I don't think that this is really Zach's issue with her though because he has seen her looking more put together and knows she is capable of it. He also frequently wears sweats, so it would be utter hypocrisy to ding her for it. I think it's probably her actual looks, body type or personality that is his issue. In my own house, my husband has said that she is the only one this season he finds attractive, sweats or no, so there is a male perspective for you.......
  25. Agree one hundred percent! The fact that Nancy made the final four and Brittany didn't has made the season for me. I don't care who wins. Well, anyone except Victoria, I guess. But really, I just wanted Nancy to outlast that smug little twit. I loved the retrospective, and that the designers got to pick which pieces to show. I thought for sure Geoffrey would pick his tie dye dress, but I think he made the right choice because the tux was more cohesive to his other pieces. I think doing that really showed the designers perspective and it looked so cool coming down that building. Best thing on this show for a while. I really hate the Avant Garde challenge. Nobody seems to have any idea what that means other than something weird. And if it's not weird, it's too normal and then they are told it's not Avant Garde. Enough already. Besides, no one will ever design something as amazing as that dress that Christian and Chris March made. Never. They should have just told them to use the building as an inspiration and leave it at that.
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