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Everything posted by Ilovepie

  1. Yay! Glad to find someone besides myself who likes them. I don't find AJ awful at all. Blunt and extra, but I kind of love the way they interact. I don't think she "changed" him post filming. I just think he didn't like filming and was not afraid to say so, and on the other side, I also think she is better at voicing her feelings than the show portrayed. I think the show emphasized the worst of him on their season because, hello drama. I follow them on IG and out of all MAFS participants, they are honestly my favorites on social media.
  2. Not even then. I am annoyed at Jamie and Doug because I find it completely tasteless that they chose to give lifetime the rights to something so momentous and personal. I am annoyed at Lifetime for including that much footage of the birth in the show. I have birthed two children myself, and I am not a prude, but I have seen waaaay too much of Jamie’s naked body, and that whole thing was over the top uncomfortable to watch. They should have put a disclaimer before the episode it was so graphic. Frame after frame of almost naked Jamie writhing and screaming in the tub with her hoo-ha blurred is not what I want to see, and why she needs us to see it is a whole other discussion.....
  3. I agree! I love Queen Kristine! She will always be a winner for speaking truth and not beating around the bush with that asshat Luke. I continue to refer to her as Queen Kristine because she legit is, not to mention that by decision day, Keith’s stance on everything was basically whatever Kristine says/wants/decides. On this episode, I could see both Keith and Kristine’s side of that disagreement. I agree it’s quarantine frustration for sure, on both sides. I love them together. Yes to all of this. AJ is the first to admit that he is a lot. Steph is pretty even tempered, so they seem to balance each other out. Plus they genuinely seem to enjoy each other’s company. I follow them on instagram, and both Steph and AJ are engaging to follow. He is blunt occasionally on instagram and doesn’t hesitate to clap back at rude comments, but even then, it’s not rude or nasty. I don’t fault him for trying to find ways to stay busy - off work and quarantined is boring, especially when you’re used to working! It’s gotta be especially hard coming up with something to film for this show when you’re stuck in a small apartment, don’t have any kids nor are contemplating having a baby, are not giving birth, buying a dog, or doing major house renovating, nor are insane (lookin at you Jamie and Beth). They have no real storyline the show can push. I thought the drinking games were fun, and I laughed when they both said “renters insurance!” re: the kiddie pool leaking. I’m in the minority I know, but I like them.
  4. Holy mother, that was horrible to watch! I do not think viewers should be subjected the to visual assault that was Jamie and Doug’s birth video. I cannot unsee that! Just no.....
  5. Give it a year or two of these spin offs........ 😛
  6. I guess I’m in the minority because I really enjoy this, especially compared to the last couple of garbage seasons. I enjoy seeing all the successful couples. I actually thought it seems less contrived than the regular seasons because there is no producer there telling them what to do. Are some of the things they are doing ridiculous? Yes, but it’s a pandemic quarantine. If they just filmed them binge watching tv, drinking, and looking at their phones it would not be even remotely interesting. Things I laughed at: Deonna and Greg with the fake baby. It’s almost like they’ve reversed personalities since their season. I still love them. That doll is creepy, leaking from every orifice.... Anthony doing Ashley’s makeup. I’m pretty sure he used bronzer as blush. Lookin a little 80’s power blush there! Jamie and Elizabeth role reversal. At least she realized how annoying she was being. And good luck finding a house in the Bay Area. She is going to have to have Daddy kick in for a down payment or she will have to get a real job because the cost of housing there is no joke. There is a reason they live in a tiny one bedroom apartment. It’s also probably costing a small fortune. AJ putting on the suit and then being too much. He is a lot, but they seem like they get along really well together. I really enjoy them on social media as well. Jephte going upstairs to his in-laws and Shawniece finding him there smoking cigars and playing cards. Ha! I wish I had somewhere to escape to besides my bedroom! The roll over stunt gave me flashbacks to Shawniece pole dancing.... Danielle talking about all the crap Bobby has bought during quarantine. I relate. That has been me, only difference is I keep buying shit I can’t even use. My weakness is clothing and I keep succumbing to Facebook ads, damn them! I am furloughed from work and going nowhere socially- what am I doing?!!? Confession over....But seriously, the shop vac he got is totally useful.... Queen Kristine giving Keith that haircut. She did a good job! I bought clippers and did my son’s hair (one of my many quarantine purchases) - not great, we are both glad Supercuts is open again.....Anyway, I love Kristine and Keith. They have stealth become one of my favorites of all time from this show. I found Jamie and Doug boring, mostly bc none of it was any different than her social media. I even saw the breakdown at the Covid test in her instagram stories. I imagine having a baby during a pandemic is scary. I wouldn’t want to do it. But they should really tell her edit her sm if she’s filming herself for a tv show. It’s redundant. And Jessica and Austin. I got nothing. The dog is cute. Austin is not (sorry!). I hope she is staying safe, along with all others who are risking their lives to help people during this time. Sorry this is long. I, like AJ, am bored with nothing better to do...😋
  7. I just discovered this show looking for something to watch during my coronacation, and I absolutely loved it! I was in my mid twenties in 2000, but I do remember being a young teen girl, and 7th grade is the absolute worst! I saw so much of my young self in these girls - I also had a bestie and we were not cool. We also were still playing with Barbies when 7th grade started, but somewhere along the way, realized we were too old and regretfully put them away for the final time. I loved the obsession with the boys, and “getting a boyfriend”, but when it’s not the boy you wanted, not really wanting to spend time with them (Sorry Mike Fermisco!) I loved how the sleepover started strong, but too much time together caused problems, and Maya’s jealousy was spot on. I loved the minor characters too - Sam, Brendan and Shuji were perfect. Even Alex, with his near silent coolness takes me right back to the “cool guys” I remember! I thought Handmaids Tale Season 1, and Castle Rock season 2 were the best Hulu originals I have watched, but I change my mind - it’s this hands down.
  8. I agree with all of the David Bridezilla comments. I think he has ramped up his obnoxiousness this season which is hard to watch after all of the growth he has shown over the last few seasons. I think the worst moment was that he wasn't going to invite Twila to the wedding! What?!? Compare his behavior to Alexis who has shown even more growth this season, and it's pretty disappointing. I loved how her wallowing turned into something positive and productive! My favorite moment at the tasting was Johnny eating that beef. Eugene Levy really sold the rapture he was in tasting it! And then him eating the rest of the samples at the motel - perfect! I kind of wish Moira had taken on the Sunrise Bay gig - they could still live in SC, and she could just work out of town during filming. I mean, how long was she in Romania filming The Crowening? I loved Stevie using Johnny's book to figure out how to get their business going. I am really going to miss this show!
  9. Favorite Line: "I'm not the garbage man! I'm the muffin man!" Ha Ha Ha! Fun story: That was my grandma's go to jam for putting any fussy baby to sleep. She would drape the kid over an arm and shuffle one foot back and forth while rhythmically humming "Muffin Man". Worked every time....... The blue frosting kitchen was everything. "We were so careful!" I loved the cuts to the bigger mess being made.....
  10. You are probably correct. I would consider Just Sam is up there too, but women are at a disadvantage just by nature of being a woman when thinking about the history of the show. I know since the "new" ABC seasons started, we have one female and one male winner, but historically, it's better odds to bet on a man winning than any woman.....
  11. I loved the call back to my number one favorite thing of the entire series - Moira's Fruit Wine Commercial! Their faces when they were tasting the wines - hilarious!
  12. True that! Music is definitely subjective. I recognize I am in the minority about Arthur, which is why I said what I said. I prefer Francisco or the British kid, but not because I think they are anything great, but more because I like the type of music they do. I am not into whatever it is Arthur is doing. I like Dillon as a person, and as someone from Central California myself, I have to root for the guy from Bakersfield, but again, I just am not into the type of music he does.
  13. Plus one on the teenager singing Lady Marmalade! I find it such an inappropriate choice. And I must be a crabby old lady now, but enough with the precocious teens. When it comes time to vote, they never win. And this is part of the problem - nobody wants to hear a little girl singing a mature song that they have zero life experience to truly imbue the song with. It just becomes polished karaoke at that point, which is what I thought Cyniah and Olivia did. Just no. Great voices, but no. I thought out of all of them I like Kimmy and Makayla the best. Maybe because they picked Demi Lovato songs which are somewhat more age appropriate..... My favorites are Julia and Sophia. There are a lot of strong girls this season. I think all of the guys are in trouble except Arthur who everyone loves. Well, not everyone. I don't understand the appeal. He is boring to me. I might be the only one that doesn't like him though....... At this point all of this seems pointless. Is the season even going to finish???? Blech - what a mess......stay safe and healthy everyone!
  14. My favorite part! The stare-off followed by her detailed recap of the soap opera plot was everything! Between that and the drive by "Title of your sex tape", Rosa FTW this episode for me! And maybe Scully. His eyes sticking out from the head full of glitter was hilarious. And good luck to them getting rid of that glitter. Glitter comes from Satan's craft supplies. You can never fully get rid of it! And just a question: Why is Amy always there? Doesn't she have a job elsewhere to do anymore? It makes no sense to me that she would still be on their floor and in their office constantly during working hours.
  15. Prepare yourself for more boneheaded decisions......
  16. My favorite was the kid who sang Old Town Road. I think it was an unexpected choice and his performance was great. Ditto Just Sam. She looked really pretty too. I've been a fan of the British kid but that was bad. It was so predictable for him to do Ed Sheeran - it just sounded like mediocre karaoke. Still, I like him and there was no way they were sending him home. I felt like for the most part they sent home the correct people and advance the right ones. Only wrong one so far to me is the girl in the satin crop top and skirt. I think she's awful. Apologies for not knowing anyone's name yet. I just can't get invested, especially since who knows if there will ever be a live round?
  17. Glad this got renewed. It's not the greatest thing I've ever watched, but it hits the sweet spot for my teen/tween kids as something we can all watch together that's not babyish nor too adult. It is one of three shows we all watch together, the other two being Stranger Things and Mandalorian.
  18. @Blakeston you might be right, but they got a goldmine out of Jessica and Mark with that plot. Maybe that is why they didn't bother with K&K - they are more boring and that slot had already been filled? It seems like they just decided to ignore them almost completely until the end.
  19. My ten year old was yelling at the TV because he was so frustrated by the stupid decision making done in this episode. When the 10 yo is frustrated, you know it's terrible......
  20. Well, this show was a pleasant surprise because I was shocked by a few decisions at the weddings: Shock number one: I didn’t think Gia and Damian would go through with it, but I thought she would say no and he would say yes. Good for him. Shock number two: I thought Kelly and Kenny would both say yes. Although not super shocking in hindsight, but I just didn’t care. ZZZ.... Shock number three: I would have bet real money that Barnett, excuse me - Matt was going to say no. She is atrocious. Good luck to him with his unemployed, debt laden white trash bride...... Zero shock that Jessica and Mark didn’t get married. Her TH after the non-ceremony is the happiest and most coherent she has looked since day one in the pod..... Which brings me to my favorite reality couple of all time: No way were they going to end on such a bummer, but I would have cried tears with Cameron if Lauren had said no. I love them! They are definitely Beauty and the Brains. I hope they stay together!
  21. Even the show was bored by those two. It was almost like, “Oh yeah, Kenny and Kelly! We better give them a plot before the wedding happens! Eh, just stick that convo in and call it good.” Seriously, how has this not come up before now? Everything up to this point they were fine and lovey dovey!
  22. The only thing that girl is religious about is drinking......
  23. Was it Dallas? Maybe I'm delusional....... This whole "stay committed" decision is utter bullshit because it's obvious that at least three of these couples are finished. And prior seasons had couples that should have parted at this point as well. I mean, it's obvious to everyone when there is no future or any chance of staying together. They make them go through this charade for the drama of it, but I don't doubt for one minute that if anyone actually chose to say forget it, they would be reminded of their contractual obligations real quick. If the show wanted to have a shred of legitimacy they would really let them go if they want at this point. It would actually be more interesting to me if they did.
  24. You are right, they are just a symbol, but I wouldn't say no to that ring! (Caw! Caw!) My father always accuses me and my sister and stepmother of being a bunch of crows - we like shiny jewelry! 😜
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