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random chance

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Everything posted by random chance

  1. I think if they kill him off, I will assume he was supposed to be romantic and attractive and his entire purpose was to be a plot device. If they don't, I'm back to wondering what they think they're writing, because if I were Kate I would have a restraining order on him by now.
  2. You have made me laugh out loud so many times in this thread, quite an astonishing feat considering! The Chinese sending a message, and he isn't even in yet! How ironic that 2017 is going to be the Year of the Chinese Curse.
  3. From here on I'm just going to assume that any politician who doesn't want to look into this further is being blackmailed. And not with ordinary crap like they had an affair, either - I figure it's got to be career-ending stuff at best, but more likely stuff that would put them in prison.
  4. The only story of their earlier years I ever enjoyed was Lorelai explaining how she got Rory to stay away from the stove, and even then it was all in Lauren Graham's delivery rather than the story itself.
  5. You're right, it's not like she'll ever be able to go back to the way she was eating before. It will be interesting whether she goes through with the gastric bypass or not, because I guess the one plus about it is that it does your thinking for you - eat too much and be sick. But you'd think they could do that with a pill by now, or some kind of food supplement.
  6. I don't see how her life story would even be interesting. They lived on a budget and Lorelai worked while raising a child - not exactly War and Peace. ASP herself knows the story didn't get good until Lorelai needed to borrow money from her rich parents for Rory's fancyass school, because that's where she began the tale.
  7. But it's not like all overweight people are the same weight - there are degrees. There's "classified by a doctor at least obese" and then there's three hundred pounds overweight. There is "can't wear crop tops" and then there is "worried about breaking chairs." Which is not to say that someone won't go for the Kate in the room, but she might have to try a lot more rooms before she finds them than someone half her size. And I'm not saying that to be mean about her, I think it's just realistic. But that's not why I root for her to lose weight, I just think she'll feel better. Who wouldn't?
  8. Oh right, I wasn't being sarcastic, it will literally take years. Yes, as my mom always said, try for what you want but have a Plan B. True, but I imagine that most of the time they're choosing from similar levels of attractiveness, like a curvy blonde vs the small busted brunette, not disagreeing whether (say) the thin blonde is more attractive than the morbidly obese blonde. In hindsight, the only thing wrong with that compromise was that if she had accepted it, he would not have taken a plane cross-country in order to keel over in front of her, giving the Christmas episode its surprise twist ending. Yep, I can vouch for that!
  9. HAHA that's my favorite so far. Joe Walsh - the guy who was going to "grab a musket" if Trump lost - is pretty freaking angry that nobody is taking this Russian thing seriously and he's been saying so all over Twitter. So Trump blocked him
  10. So true! One of the weird double standards that I come across a lot in books and movies is the not-so-attractive person who is in love with someone really good-looking, and the good-looking one is blamed for being too shallow to consider dating the not-so-attractive person. But why is the not-so-attractive person interested in them? Could it be because they're good-looking? If you're going to ask other people to look below the surface, you've got to do it too. In all fairness she's going to be dieting for years, so it wasn't really that small of a hurdle.
  11. For anyone who watches Bojack Horseman - this conversation reminds me of my favorite arc on there, Princess Carolyn's. I don't think anyone should settle, and I don't think life is worthless without a man, but was Kate supposed to be settling or is it the audience who thinks she's settling? Because she seemed pretty crazy about him (go figure). Although if they kill him off I guess she has to be, for storyline reasons - there's no story if she doesn't suffer.
  12. We used to ride the back of the neighbor's pickup truck on the highway. Ah the good old days of incredibly stupid but generally approved risk-taking!
  13. Oh right I remember that too - saw it retweeted I believe. Hmmm.
  14. My conspiracy theory: the people who are falling in line are being blackmailed with information Russia gathered.
  15. I will now confess that I laughed until I cried at the musical. Something about it just perfectly captured this godawful nightmare of a year for me and made it hilarious - I have no idea how or why. I am not putting this well but, bottom line, it was one of the highlights for me. Go figure!
  16. You're not alone, it's been about a month now and I still can't shake off the sense of unreality. It's too stupid to be real. If it were in a novel I'd roll my eyes all the way to Mars. Yes, and that will be a good thing generally, but it's also a little bit horrifying knowing that eventually this will all be just ordinary life.
  17. Just more ASP disingenuousness - of course she plans for Rory to keep it, otherwise why have her asking her dad about his feelings on single parenthood.
  18. Sexy is part of her brand, and you never mess with your brand.
  19. I wonder if Netflix has to necessarily hire her if they decide to do more episodes.
  20. As I recall - and I can't back this up with the source link, so grain of salt - Melissa McCarthy was pissed off that she wasn't even asked to be in the revival, and she finally said so in an interview because she was irked that people though she was too successful to bother with GG. And it was not long at all after that interview that she was suddenly hired. And the really stupid thing there isn't even that it's about Rory and her specialness, it's a topic that has long since stopped being special. (Not single moms themselves - the topic.)
  21. Yes I agree, it wouldn't have mattered, we already knew about a thousand horrifying things that should have put paid to him but his supporters did not care. (Frankly, any racism or misogyny probably would have just given him a boost.) The only way it would have made a difference is if the tapes revealed that Trump was Muslim, an illegal Mexican, gay, used orange spray tan to disguise his black skin, or paid for abortions. And even then it might have taken all of those things. Not that I have any problem boycotting Burnett regardless, but I already don't watch any of his shows.
  22. The way it unfolded as I recall was, they said she was too busy, she said nobody even asked her, and then they asked and she said yes.
  23. I never thought about it until I read your post, but that is absolutely true.
  24. Some people on Twitter are complaining that the white girl appropriated black dance moves and got the credit for them. Which ... is true. Hmmm.
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