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  1. Now, in hindsight, I don't think anyone could have beaten him. He's some kind of Svengali. Did you post that because you wanted me to feel even MORE terrible? Also, I did vote. Spent $50 in uber fare to do it too, in a red state where she had no hope of winning.
  2. Thanks! It certainly would have been the perfect crime. Figure out a way to do it, accuse the Dems of it thus forcing them to explain how it couldn't possibly happen, and then do it. And of course now they can't admit they suspect you - they're on record saying it can't happen.
  3. One of the things I'm seeing elsewhere online today is a lot of blame for those of us who didn't convince our Trump-loving family and friends to vote for Hillary. Are you freaking kidding me? All this year I couldn't even get out a "hey how are you" before they launched into their Hillary screed. They got all their talking points from Fox News and Trump's surrogates, I couldn't even get anywhere countering their "facts" with actual facts. They didn't give a flying goddamn about the facts. Trump could lie to their face and they'd know he did and they'd still manage to spin it so that he was really telling them the truth - how the holy hell would I have a chance at persuading them to vote for Hillary? Our conversations went like this: "Hillary eats babies to stay young." "Fact, which you can Google so you don't have to take my word for it -- Hillary has never eaten a single baby." "Many people have seen her do it! Have you seen Chelsea's babies lately? No, because she's eaten them! Also, she murdered Scalia and faked the moon landing, and she wants to turn us all gay and take away our guns. Trump will make America bigly again by bringing back sock hops and banning lady pants suits! Yeeeehaw!" I mean that was the level of conversation for God's sake, where in there am I going to be convincing them to vote for her? It's like blaming me because I couldn't persuade a house fly not to eat crap.
  4. I came across that percentages graphic so I'll post it in case nobody else has. I was trying to think of some way to show solidarity today that wouldn't be cultural appropriation (like wearing a hijab would be) if anyone has any ideas let me know. I'm in a red state.
  5. I feel ya. I am putting off checking in on my elderly dad - who has been ill - because I just can't cope with the gloating. I will never accept this turd as my president, and I'm old and I have accepted a lot of people I didn't like much so this isn't just a "moving to Canada, not my president" post-election kneejerk reaction. And I will not be hoping he does well, either. I hope he's an epic failure so that we never see the likes of him in office again.
  6. I've seen a lot of people say they're avoiding the news. I hope that means they take a big hit in ratings and advertising this sweeps month. Also, it occurs to me that when they call him President Trump the T will get lost, so that it'll be President Rump. (This cheered me up ever so slightly for a microsecond.)
  7. No. Nobody is going to guilt me into doing that. The only way things change is if he fails utterly and goes down in such epic flames that nobody will ever, ever again consider voting for the likes of him.
  8. Forgive me but I can't bear to Google for the exact quote and source, but essentially white women put Trump over the top. White women could have stopped him. And they didn't. I don't even begin to understand it.
  9. Hillary did not turn half the country into racist pieces of crap - who would never ever have voted for her even if she read all her emails out loud in Times Square.
  10. Idiots. Also, ironically, he would have been a better choice.
  11. Given how the night turned out, what in God's name more could she have done? Besides finding a magic wand that turns half the country unracist, unbigoted and unmysogynistic. Today is the first time in probably 30 years that I haven't turned on the TV first thing in the morning. Can. Not. Handle. I believe that's the only way forward now - his people have to be shown (not told) that he's a piece of crap. He's a boil and they're the only thing that can lance him. And it is going to suck for them. Too bad this will also suck for the rest of us. If any states are seceding today I'll move there ten minutes later. I said it last night too but, it's like that scene in Cabaret where the fresh-faced little kids leap up and snarl "Tomorrow belongs to me!" I mean you're sitting in a nice cafe enjoying a coffee or whatever thinking everyone around you is good and decent and it's a beautiful day and all of a sudden the friendly school teacher next to you is yelling his love for Hitler. I feel ya. Yes, I'm grateful for that too. I blame them too. They spit in the face of fate by having her say, twice, that she'd be the next president. It was like saying "things could not get worse," or being a cop on a TV show who's one day away from retirement. This is worse than 9-11. At least back then the terrorists weren't my fellow Americans.
  12. Yes, they have a nerve and they're delusional thinking Bernie would have won. Hope their little revenge snit voting bites them in the ass forever.
  13. Well, I see on Twitter that it's over. I'm grateful I had this chat for comraderie and I know that's misspelled but I don't have the mental energy left to look it up. ((((((((PTV Chatters)))))))))
  14. Oh dear God. But, please let them buy stocks to support Trump! Buy them and then lose all their damn money! If only.
  15. (((((((DCALLEY))))))) (((((((KEEPITMOVING))))))) It ain't much but it's the only thing I can do for you.
  16. ((((((((Spacecow)))))))))))) (Old school hug.) I empathize, mine passed away in August. I was on the brink of finally signing up for Facebook this fall; I'm glad I didn't bother. Giving up Twitter will be hard though. Maybe if I unfollow all the news sites ... but yeah I can not cope with his gloating face or his vampire children or soulless surrogates. I'm going to have to ditch a lot of very old hobbies and habits.
  17. I don't know, but thanks for bringing that up, because I will certainly be looking into it.
  18. I plan on relying on Netflix from here on, and if there's something on broadcast TV that I absolutely have to see I'll buy it on Amazon. I will not be watching the news. I have the same reaction to him popping up suddenly, and it's no use muting him because I still have to look at the weird hand gestures and anus-mouth. I pass that along in case it helps at all. (I have anxiety issues too, and this has been a terrible year for me.)
  19. Me too, and I almost always have (or had) a news station on in the background.
  20. I only meant, their vote will bite them in the ass too. I know this is bad.
  21. And if he wins, it's going to be clear really fast that he is not in fact going to build a wall or bring back steel or any of the other fairyland crap he promised them, because he has failed at every single thing he has ever tried except for getting other people to pay for his mistakes. He's very good at that. As they will find out soon enough.
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