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random chance

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  1. I think it's just that there's always more conversation fodder in criticizing something.
  2. Yeah I think it's pretty clear that the Republicans are going to choose power over country.
  3. Boy if that doesn't just about sum up how this whole tragedy happened.
  4. Jeez I almost bought one of those damn pillows. Thanks for the heads-up!
  5. My own petty hope is that all his hair falls out, because he goes to a crapload of trouble to look like he still has some. I also hope he gains a few hundred pounds, but I want the hair thing to happen during his inauguration.
  6. I have wondered that myself, since the show never really addressed it. Harvard I figured was Lorelai's dream because supposedly Rory wanted to go there from the time she was a toddler, which is nuts, but why Christiane Amanpour? Did we ever even see them watch the news? It was always ancient TV shows.
  7. I only meant in the sense of being a journalist - not a features writer or an anchor. Once upon a time, that kind of thing would have been done by a stringer who maybe could work their way up. Now it's just anybody with an iphone who's near the blast zone or whatever.
  8. That's a good point on how journalism has changed. I saw an ad just yesterday where a news show had an app you could download and if you were near anything newsworthy they'd let you know to video it. And if they used the video, you got paid. That's the kind of thing Rory would be competing with. Personally I always felt that Huntzberger was right - she's a born organizer, and if she had taken his advice she could have organized her way straight into the White House. Whenever she was put in charge of something it went off like clockwork. She had an instinct for delegating the right people to the right jobs, she was good at being bossy (not too aggressive, but not too meek either), she commanded respect, she problem-solved like a champ; she got things done.
  9. That doesn't even make any logical sense. Suppose their grandfather repaired rotary phones, or typewriters, or VCRs -- would we have to keep those things around just so they'd be employed? As for the link above - I always come back to this: white college-educated women put Trump in office. Unless that statistic was a lie. For some reason everyone zeroes in on the poor and uneducated element, but all the blame is not on their heads.
  10. Me either, but every time I look at the replies on his crazyass tweets they're full of crap like this: "Oh is the sensitive little #snowflake #triggered do you need a #safespace." Yeah we're all gonna need a safe space soon, buttercup. God yes, I need time to run out for cigarettes and gin. Although once he's in office I suppose I might as well go ahead and buy them. Ahaha happy new year indeed.
  11. Yeah that's the thing - it's like a rags-to-riches story told by Disney. ASP's mentions of those days are already pretty twee, so I can just imagine the long version. Bluebirds help Lorelai become Queen of the Maids while soft little bunnies let Rory use them as a pillow!
  12. Not me, I'm glad the show started where it did (and that's where the book should start)! The early years always sounded like a snooze, to me. "We lived in a shed, we shunned the grandparents, and Rory was precious." Heh.
  13. First I will echo, your entire post is a thing of beauty and I agree with all of it. I think the paragraph above is probably the root of all conflict - personal and global. The rest of the unattributed quotes below are also @stillshimpy Oh yeah, and we should have seen it coming because this election wasn't the one that woke me up to just how misogynist the world still is - that was the 2008 election, with how Sarah Palin was treated ... by liberals. Yep. I actually heard women say things like "she should stay home and tend to her children." Liberal, Democratic young women, who you'd think would have belted anyone who suggested women should stay home and tend to their children rather than holding down a job. At the time I thought they were saying this simply because she was on the wrong ticket, (which was bad enough, being hypocritical as all hell), but now I wonder if they're part of that statistic that put Trump in office. Probably especially true if they've got a lot of people telling them they're wrong all the time. Even if they are wrong - for example, there is no Nigerian Prince who will be sending them money - they resent it. So many times I have thought of the John Oliver rant that included the line, “when he’s sworn in as president on Jan. 20, 2017, on that day his opinions are going to matter. And you will remember that date because it’s one that time-travelers from the future will come back to to try and stop the whole thing from happening.” @KerleyQ You make a very good point with the tran/t***** observation (sorry I accidentally deleted that quote box), I think people are willing to learn so long as they aren't made to feel bad or stupid. That's the key thing. Once you make someone feel bad or stupid, they're going to dig in their heels.
  14. When I was watching the picnic basket episode the other day and Lorelai was going on about Jess being a hoodlum it finally occurred to me - she talked about him like he had a criminal record, when actually all his hoodlum activities were things like that chalk outline outside of Doosey's - exactly the kind of thing that Lorelai herself would have done at his age, to hear her talk anyway. I was so used to just thinking of him as the dangerous edgy hoodlum that it took all this time for it to dawn on me that I was going by Lorelai's description, not any actual facts in evidence.
  15. ‏ I wish the artists would say they turned him down so that I could make sure I buy their stuff.
  16. God yes, that really is the worst part. If someone is just misinformed, at least you can still tell yourself it's not a character defect.
  17. Supposedly he's going to reveal this information on Tuesday or Wednesday. Probably during the ribbon cutting ceremony for a new hotel, or in an infomercial for his wine.
  18. Ooooh I love that. I read his NY tweet and I thought well, this is what we have come to, our PEOTUS uses Twitter to neener at us. We really can't sink much lower. I say that knowing that of course we will sink even lower. I will forever believe that last year was the result of time travelers meddling with events so that the Cubs would win the World Series. Here's hoping that this year, other better time travelers FIX IT. Happy New Year y'all!
  19. Or alternatively, the conspiracy theories are true and Putin has got something devastating on him, in which case he'd be acting exactly the same way. If this were a movie that would be my guess on the twist: he's actually trying to be taken out of power, because once he's in office he is going to have to give Putin the nuclear codes or something. But he's a victim of his own popularity because now, nothing he says or does is evil enough for his followers to drop him.
  20. What does that tweet even mean. Which Russians? What are they doing exactly to play a news station for fools? What is Fox "getting"? He knows all this how? Seriously, WTF does that even mean?
  21. Yeah that is kind of a tone deaf thing to say to people who aren't billionaires. How much of a fricken struggle could it be, Oprah?
  22. My favorite thing on that flyer is, "your invited." I see that so often on Twitter - someone attempting to be scathing with tweets like, "Your nothing but a looser and Trump will make America grate again."
  23. So he combs it back over what I presume is a typical bald spot, then forward again? I wonder why he didn't just get plugs in the back while he was at it. The pain? He must have a really low threshold. Oh wow will he be required to disclose the results of his physical once he's in office? Or is that voluntary? I will laugh so hard if he's forced to disclose them, but it seems too good to be true.
  24. I agree, it's much brassier, and I think it's getting thinner too. I've never been able to figure out the mechanics of it - does he swoop it from the back of his head to the front and then back again, and then spray it down? Or is it gathered from the back to the front, then back-combed, and turned under in the front? It doesn't look like a side comb-over, anyway. (Maybe there isn't enough on the side to comb over. I can see where he tries to weld the longer orange hair to his bald spots using mousse or gel or something.) I wonder if he uses peroxide or Clairol or Sun-In. Personally I'd bet on Sun-In.
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