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  1. This is not a partisan thing for me. I would take literally anyone else who ran for President over Trump. I would even take Pence, who's pretty evil in a lot of areas but at least he's not batshit crazy.
  2. My favorite me-me-me thing was when she was making Lane feel better about touching that boy's hair by telling the story of her teen pregnancy and how great her life was now. It had frak-all to do with Lane's situation but it supposedly made Lane feel all better. It makes me wonder if ASP has nieces who have to listen to the story of how she didn't get to write season 7 whenever they complain about acne or something.
  3. If there is any hope at all of getting rid of him, people need to understand and believe this. Don't waste your time digging up more proof that he's appalling, that approach has already failed.
  4. I appreciate that you're trying to help me but I don't want to go into it on here and I promise you I have explored the options. I only mentioned it because she said (not verbatim) "well nice you can laugh but I won't have insurance either," and I felt bad that she felt bad about me laughing, so I wanted to clarify I was in the same boat, and now I'm sorry I brought it up.
  5. I don't have health insurance. Obamacare raised my rates and deductible to the point where I couldn't afford it anymore. I still voted for Clinton.
  6. We now live in a post-PC world, so this is not petty. And neither am I petty for laughing along with you.
  7. I don't think his supporters would give a flying goddamn that he used the word r***** - only snowflake libtards care about being PC. And if he used racial slurs on that tape, they'd just cheer him on. If he called his youngest son a r***** because he's autistic, the only people who would be horrified on the kid's behalf is us.
  8. That is really, truly encouraging. People are pushing back, and it's working.
  9. It is really odd how many of them are acting like they were the losers. They continue to fight and harass and troll like the election isn't over yet and there's still something at stake. Even the politicians are doing it, like Cruz yapping about how the Dems will obstruct them. (Too lazy to look up the direct quote.) They won, but their angle seems to be that they're the losers who will fight us in the streets if they have to. It's weird and kind of laughable. Like on the Sandy Hook anniversary, Twitter was full of them warning people how it was a hoax to "take away our guns." When in reality, since they're in power now, if anybody's going to be interested in taking away guns it's them. They aren't "the resistance" anymore, we are.
  10. (Bolding mine.) Yes I think that's why so many of them caved to him in the first place, back when it looked like HC was going to win so there was no real reason for them to otherwise. They probably understand full well that Republicans didn't win, Trump won, and what's that saying - a loose cannon fires in all directions? The faster he's out of there the better for them, but they will have to do it while placating his followers, and he'll be a lot harder to take down than a sane person - their usual tricks won't work on him. They're presenting a smug united front but I bet that behind the scenes, the knives are already out.
  11. It's no actual trouble to answer the question - you get a link in the email that takes you straight to the form.
  12. I got the January 6th date from a news site; apparently it was wrong. Quelle surprise.
  13. I seriously thought that was something from The Onion the first time I read it.
  14. I suppose there is this hope: they'll destroy each other. I figure every last one of them will be gunning for 2024, and they will be ruthless.
  15. Yep - no checks, no balances, just a lot of rich old racists snarling Merry Christmas like the good Christians they are.
  16. I really did not understand that septic tank campaign at all. Why would anyone need to be convinced to choose the convenience of a city sewer system over the pain in the ass of a septic tank? But yeah, other than that Taylor had mellowed. And that town will go straight into the crapper when he dies, for all that everyone bitches about him.
  17. I believe it's January 6. Not today anyway.
  18. Probably because he can't make the Secret Service sign a NDA. But if he wants to play with fire, that's fine by me! And if he wants to hire that dodgy guy who claimed to be a doctor instead of seeing actual medical professionals, that's good too!
  19. No, if you bought the item you'll get an email when someone asks a question.* I assume the don't-know option is in case you don't know and don't want to bother going to the site to say that. There is no incentive that I know of beyond just being helpful if you do know the answer. When I've known the answer I've been happy to post it, and I did ask a question once myself and I was grateful someone saved me money by answering it. *Although I do think you can comment on or add to an answer if you want to.
  20. I know exactly how you feel. My grandparents risked their lives to escape from East Germany, and several of their grandchildren are Trumpinistas. I think it's because they believe an atheist won't have morals or ethics, unlike say priests who molest children or Christians who spit on gays.
  21. I would forever boycott any celebrity who showed up at his gloat fest.
  22. Which is why I will no longer wish someone a Merry Christmas, in case that's how it's interpreted. So that one backfired on them.
  23. I had to look it up on Urban Dictionary. You might as well insult people in Klingon. So do I.
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