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Everything posted by AngelKitty

  1. I have to admit to a bit of eye-rolling and fast forwarding during this episode. Harris was pointedly not affected by the news of the bodies discovered, so I think he planted those bodies.
  2. I finally watched this and agree with everyone who said it was a little boring. In fact I may have dozed off a couple of times. I have watched the first season of Daredevil and I guess just kind of forgot to watch season 2. I also watched the first 2 episodes of Jessica Jones and Mr. AngelKitty didn't particularly like it so I never got around to watching the rest. But, I remember her door window being broken and being replaced with cardboard and the fact that it is still there really bothered me.
  3. I think it's stupid not to tell Johnny about Aneela/Dutch death connection because if he knew he could help Zeph search for a different solution. What show is it that always says "There's always another way."?
  4. Does Doc know Rosita is a revenant? I think they indicated he did but I'm not sure. It could not have been mentioned before that Jeremy and Dolls knew because then we would have known. Right? Oh, no, Doc in the well again! Regarding the ring: why didn't Doc just keep it on his finger until Wynonna was ready to use it? As for having an alternate reality episode, I'm optimistic. The only bad thing might be that evidently both Doc and Wynona will be absent.
  5. I think Dutch is a copy rather than a sister, but more a sister than a daughter.
  6. I always thought Dutch was some sort of copy of Aneela but I thought Khlyen had reproduced her. Instead it was Aneela herself. We need way more information about, well, everything. How did Khylen get mixed up with the Hullen in the first place? Was Aneela special from birth or was it just that the Hullen "infection" went wrong? My head is exploding with questions and I hope at least some of them will be answered by the end of the season.
  7. I can't believe Slade is dead. And yes, dumb regarding the anklet. Also when the wild hairy went to save the contained hairys he didn't have much of a plan. I wonder if all the unhairied people will be able to get their hairiness back with Slade's injections?
  8. Me too. At first I thought it was the kid who played Odd Thomas. Thank goodness for IMBD. So glad the team is back together but, man, there are a lot of Hullen!
  9. So happy this is back though it did take me a while to remember what was actually going on. I love that the bartender and the priest are still part of the team and also Fancy but I miss Pawter (especially since I see the actress on the Good Witch and wish she was here).
  10. I'm sorry to admit this but I fast forwarded through the whole show. I just do not care about the baby story. It doesn't even make any sense as it seems that they could get a surrogate for her egg and Zende's sperm.
  11. I just read the article above and also agree that this show has improved while The Walking Dead has gotten silly, but I just keep telling myself that it's a comic book. Is this one completely independent or is it a comic also? I have to say I was slightly annoyed about the subtitles but in the end the story came through enough to forgive.
  12. I'm afraid Mr. AngelKitty is going to opt out of this season. He thinks the creature demons are just too silly. I think he misses Bobo. I, however, don't really mind the silly creatures and will continue to watch.
  13. Wow, really surprised to see Sheila! It's times like this I miss being able to call my mom, who passed 2 years ago. She was the only other person I know in RL who watched. I always enjoyed Sheila's crazy antics. I might be remembering through rose colored glasses but she did crazy much better than Katie. I'm afraid I just don't care what kind of craziness Katie is up to, I just want her to STFU.
  14. I loved The Reaper show, was disappointed when it was cancelled. So I always see Ray Wise as slightly evil. He was also on Young and the Restless, played an evil person and actually dressed up as the devil for a Halloween party, then burned the building down. As for this episode I didn't realize the bowling ally wasn't a real place until Yuri came in and the bartender didn't say anything about all the blood. I'm not fond of all the vomit and peeing.
  15. So was anyone else annoyed there was a bed in the living room of the guest house. I'm sure there was a separate bedroom in the past. Unless it's a different guest house.
  16. I like this show, I do, but another witchiest witch whoever witched as the big bad is just getting old. Though I don't mind Hope being the special child because I'm really hoping they can get her to Alaric's school so he and Caroline can join the show. I miss Caroline. She was a fun character and this show needs a fun character. Do we know any vampires sired by Elijah? I would like to see some consequence besides a bunch of European vampires we don't know falling down dead.
  17. I'm very upset I watched the final episode, because now there are no more! Poor Sun, she just can't keep her clothes on. And of course as soon as Kala and Wolfie decided to meet in Paris, you knew something bad was going to happen. I really hope none of our people get killed. So not really any answers. But now we know our cluster knows the least about being a sensate. The other clusters seem to think they are stupid and yet admire them. It's way too long until this comes back. Wah, wah, wah....that's me crying.
  18. There wasn't much interaction between the sense8s this episode and that's what I'm mostly interested in. I just need to know more about, well everything. I'm a bit confused as to how the clusters are birthed. Is it kind of like inhumans on Agents of Shield where they have the gene and it needs to be activated? I can't remember, is it only adults or have we seen children activated? And how are they chosen? Is it random? Have these questions been answered and I just can't remember? One thing this episode did for me was to eliminate any sympathy for Angelica I might have had because it certainly looks like she willingly experimented on her "children". I don't trust Jonas anymore. I think his brain has been hijacked.
  19. I've been thinking about Lito and I think he should go into television. Maybe the world isn't ready for a gay actor being a motion picture action star but television is. I mean, look at John Barrowman. Everyone loves Capt. Harkness. And I think he's popular in the Arrow and Flash shows. I don't watch those but I saw the character on Legends of Tomorrow. Though whiny Lito is amusing, his career is not over and I want to see him succeed.
  20. This episode was a little too teen angsty for me.
  21. Well, I am so glad Brooke finally married Bill. I like them together. And I'm also happy Rumple (I don't know who coined that nickname, but I'm using it from now on. It fits so well.) is alone, boo hoo. Of course we all know he's going to get with Quinn and break his father's heart. I also like Thomas with Sally and so excited Rumple fired him so now he can go work for Spectra. I was disappointed he hadn't earlier.
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