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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. I rewatched St. Elsewhere on Hulu as pandemic comfort food last year. He was wonderful!
  2. Me, too. I thought she worked well with Eddie Albert, whom I find hilarious in this movie.
  3. A friend of mine had Olympia as an acting coach when she studied at NYU in the late 1970s. A friend of hers said that Olympia had developed dementia and had recently entered hospice. An all-too-familiar ending to long lives these days. 😪
  4. I liked Dern's dress better than the half-gown/half-bikini outfits that some of the other women wore.
  5. I watched this again recently, this time with my husband. (We had just finished watching the 3rd season of Shtisel together, but he had not seen Unorthodox before). I was struck again by how much better the Brooklyn scenes were than the Berlin scenes. The Berlin storyline felt very forced and unrealistic to me. I wish the series had either spent more time on the how and why of Esty's departure from Brooklyn or come up with a more believable sequence of events once she arrived in Berlin. Shira Haas was amazing, of course.
  6. I had only passing familiarity with his work, but his acting credits are impressive. RIP, Mr. Siravo.
  7. Or not been operating it 10 feet in the air without someone around. Horrible death that was avoidable.
  8. I loved this sketch! And I'm now surprised we haven't seen those characters from Kate and Aidy before. Absolutely nailed them.
  9. I've been watching The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, which I recorded recently, but am not sure I can persevere to the end. Vivien Leigh is compelling, as always, but the storyline is getting quite depressing and as pretty as Warren Beatty was.... he ain't no Paolo!
  10. Some of our favorite Shtisel actors are in HBO's movie adaptation of the award-winning play Oslo. Set to air later this year. Looking forward to it!
  11. Finished S3 and will have a lot to say in coming days! At first, I thought Libbi had died in childbirth, but later it was mentioned that she died two months afterwards. I'm assuming it was an accident or something else unexpected. Akiva seemed on the verge of saying more to Racheli about the circumstances but stopped. I suppose it doesn't really matter, except to pique our curosity!
  12. A personal tangent here: my maternal grandfather in northern Italy read many epics, including Quo Vadis. When he took his baby daughter to be baptized in 1927 or so, he told the priest her name would be Licia (this is how the name Lygia was rendered in Italian: LEE-cha). The priest balked, saying that was a pagan name. My grandfather countered that (in case that's a spoiler!) The priest relented, and so I have an aunt Licia. 😊
  13. I've been willing to carry multiple services during the pandemic since I'm not paying for movie and theater tickets. But when we're back to "normal," I might try what I've heard some other people do: rotate my subscriptions, i.e., Netflix for a month or two, then Hulu, then maybe AppleTV. Most of their content stays put for a few months at least.
  14. Except in pronunciation and spelling, no? One thing that makes Italian a little simpler, IMO, is that every word is pronounced the way it is spelled and there are almost no silent letters.
  15. So was Jane Asher, who turns 75 today. She isn't of the same stature, but she appeared in a classic film of the early swingin' sixties, Alfie. Perhaps most impressive to me is that since their breakup in 1968, it appears she has not uttered a single public word about her 5-year relationship with Paul McCartney. Classy.
  16. Richard Gilliand, who played Jonesy in the last season, passed away recently at the age of 71. Articles mention "a brief illness" but do not specify cause of death. 😢
  17. But perhaps SOME viewers will benefit from this. When I saw and read GWTW as a 12-year-old, eons ago, I naively thought its sympathetic depiction of the unnamed Klan was accurate -- no one had taught me any differently.
  18. People learning a new language typically understand better than they can speak. Recognition is easier than recall. But Tucci seemed (IMO) to struggle at times with fairly simple communication. I thought Samin Nosrat was much more fluent in Italian in Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat, but then she spent considerable time working in Italy, in a culinary capacity, as an adult. I grew a little tired of Tucci's political interjections. Italy is not the US. Perhaps he should listen more and talk less on such subjects.
  19. I haven't had the opportunity to watch any of the Reframing pieces, but from what I've read, they aren't censoring (the movies are still shown in their entirety) and they are providing context that some viewers should find helpful. White seems to ignore all that and jump to the extreme (and IMO unfounded) position that TCM is censoring. Well, SF has gotten weirder and weirder over time. To say "even in" SF... nah, SF is at the forefront of this stuff. Who is electing the officials out there?
  20. I have rarely found anything written by Armond White to be "interesting." He seems to delight in taking obstinately contrarian views.
  21. Very distressing. 😢
  22. Damn, I just saw this. Gilliland and Joe Mantegna co-starred in the Chicago production of Godspell in 1972. I still have the Playbill. I also recall him fondly from thirtysomething and many other TV shows. 71 feels too young... Condolences to Jean Smart.
  23. Aw, so sad to read this. During my 15 years in the Boston area, I watched parts of the marathon on many occasions. Seeing Dick and Ricky go by was always a highlight.
  24. I really did not recognize Cecily. Great job of disappearing into an insane character! How do they pick these "performers"? I listened for about 3 lines, then hit Ffwd. Took me a while to realize that was Tina and not Kate!
  25. Just saw it pop up on Netflix last evening but I have to wait until my husband is available to watch it with me. I'll pop back to discuss later. Woo-hoo!
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