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Everything posted by DEL901

  1. Was there a chainsaw involved in James' story? One word: Sharknado!
  2. Jackie Evancho already had a following and a number of cds out before being on the show. And even her success has been fading quickly. Agree this is not a show for singers. And if the judges mention the million dollar prize again, I'm going to scream! It's paid out over 40 years. (No, that's not a typo). And it's taxable.
  3. So, Shelli, your super power is attention to detail? Yeah, right!
  4. Actually, if you come in day 1 and stay to the end, it is 20 days. The Bachelor/ette is 42 days if you stay to the end.
  5. No wonder Tenley is single. OMG, her ability to read people! (Although at least with multiple guys after her, she's not desperate Tenley from last week which was just plain sad) As for Joe, yes there's a game aspect, but he just relishes manipulating everyone and putting them down. I always wonder what kind of blowback IRL there is when someone acts like that. As for Jade, as an earlier poster said, shut up Jade.
  6. Jason/Molly and Sean/Catherine were on Celebrity Wife Swap last night. I was never fond of these two bachelors, but now I like Jason and hate, hate, hate Sean.
  7. Sean was never my favorite Bachelor, but I was horrified last night. If this is what he was like for the cameras, what was he like when they were off. For their first night together, Jason gets a sitter so he can do something fun with Catherine. Sean goes out to play flag football and leaves Molly with instructions of what to make him for dinner. That's all you need to know about the two men.
  8. For all I have sympathy with Nick's request to be cut loose if she wasn't going to choose him, that's not the show he signed up for and he knows it. Do I particularly like Kaitlyn or Shawn, no. However, I think they make a good couple. Who knows. Maybe they'll be another Desiree and Chris. I didn't think they had a chance after the Brooks debacle, but they ended up getting married.
  9. Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. The headline made it seem like she was forced by the producers to pick a guy she didn't want as F1 But the article made it clear she gets her first choice as F1, however, they made her take another guy to F2 when she wanted to bring Ben H. The article said she was also pressured to make it seem like she liked F2 guy a lot more than she did for drama since it was clear that she was crazy about F1 guy.
  10. According to new issue of "Life and Style" who are such an "authority", have a headline where Kaitlyn says she picked the wrong guy and the producers made her pick him. But reading the article (yes, and I even bought the damned rag), it is the runner up that is being referenced.
  11. I thought it was funny how Nick called Shawn on saying he'd just spent the day and night with Kaitlyn. Pot/Kettle.
  12. Apparently TMZ has posted about Jeff's under the cover activities. I'll post the link if I can find it.
  13. Shawn does look odd in some angles, but I always chalked it up to that accident he told Kaitlyn about.
  14. Looks like the abstinence crusader who competed twice is pregnant again. Out of wedlock. Again. http://www.people.com/article/bristol-palin-pregnant-second-child-month-after-wedding-cancellation http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-moms/news/bristol-palin-pregnant-with-second-child-i-do-not-want-any-lectures-2015256
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