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Everything posted by Clawdette

  1. Entertainment Weekly has a story about its article about the new season of Outlander. It has info that's spoilery if it is correct. I know this is a spoiler thread but am tagging just in case.
  2. Here's the link to the EW promo. It's a little spoilery.
  3. I've caved. Because I had already viewed Season 1 that covered the first two books, I decided to start reading with book three, Jeremy. Now I'm on Warleggan. I'll go back and read the first two later. After reading, I believe I can predict how this year's 10 episodes will be divided. So there's that.
  4. I think we have all probably known someone who is endlessly fascinated with a former love. (Perhaps we have been in this position ourselves.) No matter how positive their current relationship is, they simply cannot tamp down that intense feeling of first love with the other. In real life I've been more sympathetic when the piner has connected with someone with whom he or she is totally unsuited. But when a good match has been found and the parties are truly happy, I want to tell the piner to, "Snap out of it," as Cher once said. I love the Ross Poldark character and it wasn't his fault that circumstances prevented his happy ending with Elizabeth. But he has a gem in Demelza and I so hope his love for her will eventually allow him to sever his romantic pull to Elizabeth. Demelza has so much to give and will always measure herself against her "rival" and feel she comes up short.
  5. No comments about the difference in hair this episode on #poldarkshair Twitter account. I guess the hair is unconcerned.
  6. I couldn't wait for the Poldark return and was not disappointed. I had proselytized to various family members (much as I did for Outlander) and they were delighted, too. I missed Ross's Season One hair but will take Aidan Turner any way I can get him. Somewhat surprised George wasn't given a mustache to twirl for the second season! I'm trying to decide whether to start reading the books. Having read the Outlander books has made that series more enjoyable for me but I like being somewhat unspoiled for Poldark.
  7. I can totally see John as Ian. Like Morgan said, it's different than my mental image but makes sense now that I see him.
  8. I think William learning about the circumstances of the Earl's death is key to his understanding how Jamie was there for him from the time he was an infant until it became socially - and legally - dangerous for him to remain in contact. He is so angry now because of the web of lies but going all the way back to the beginning is a step in understanding and moving forward.
  9. I've always thought-pronounced mar suh LEE with the emphasis on the last syllable. This is a perfect example of how individualized each person's reading experience is. (And why screen adaptations are so tricky when we have our own interpretations)
  10. I was a little perplexed about the Cinematography loss. While I enjoyed The Man in the High Castle, admiring its cinematography never entered my mind. Black & white has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity so maybe that was an influence.
  11. Damon Herriman aka Dewey Crowe is in the new series Quarry. He is still a scene stealer, that one.
  12. Claire also references Jamie's seasickness in Episode 1:16 when they are on the ship waiting to cast off. She says something along the lines of Murtagh has assured me that once we get underway you won't be able to function. I think they need to bring it up again because it surfaces throughout the books. The scene with Jamie as a pin cushion would be a treat.
  13. We in the western part of North Carolina would throw a parade if Outlander filmed here. But, alas, the state has ceased to offer filming incentives and so far, our odious and notorious "bathroom" bill has not been repealed. Not looking good for our beautiful state. Note: the movie Serena, written by an NC novelist and set in western NC, was filmed in the Czech Republic. Sigh
  14. We have a Lord John. This goes to the Outlander Facebook page. If you can't view the link, the actor is
  15. I'm not much of a t-shirt wearer outside of the house but I ordered this one and it fits perfectly. Just may have to venture out to advertise.
  16. During Droughlander I am watching Lark Rise to Candleford. There is a scene where a woman mistakenly thinks her husband has died. She rushes straightaway to his bee hives to tell them that she will be now be looking after them. Quite a coincidence that I happened upon an illustration of this book title.
  17. Kit Harington's Infinity ad is being shown before the new Jason Bourne movie. It's rather fetching. Tyger Tyger burning bright
  18. I've been thinking about the book-to-screen translation of the latter books, too. So much material involves new characters and it would be easy to get simultaneously bogged down and fragmented. It will be interesting to hear the Starz take on 5-8(9).
  19. Yesterday I binged The Crimson Field and enjoyed it and would have been onboard for a second season if one had been filmed. Today, I watched the first two episodes of Wolf Hall but I've dropped out. It was simply too slow for my tastes. So, I've watched the first episode of Lark Rise to Candleford and am moving on to the second installment. I guess I'll try Poldark once I finish LRtC. I also have several novels in process but can't seem to find anything that really excites me right now - aside from re-reading my favorite parts of the Outlander Eight.
  20. I haven't read any of the Lord John books but Lord help me, I've downloaded The Scottish Prisoner and have started reading. That will give me something to do for a couple of days. I've also been rereading parts of Voyager. If Sam is preparing, I will too.
  21. Oh, I didn't think the video was really aimed at non-watchers. I enjoyed it as pure snark for those of us who love SLJ and GoT.
  22. I think I remember early in season one someone (Ron, Diana, Maril) talking about Sam's physique. They made the statement that they wanted him to bulk up, not like a body builder, but to reflect muscles that a laborer would acquire. And that's how I always viewed his body - reflecting the hard work required on a farm. Did I like Jamie's body? Absolutely, but I'm shallow.
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