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I get you. Carolyn strikes me as having ingested lots of questionable substances for years that may have damaged her brain. Since recovering, now she's an expert to counsel other people? She seems sharply in tune about how others perceive her, ignore her, but like someone said above, we're not with her 24/7. Maybe she's just an insufferable weirdo. I was kinda surprised at the merge feast when the bottle of wine was revealed and Carolyn was the lone voice of excitement "Yeah!" More editing?
Am I the only one who thinks Matthew's fall from a huge, slippery rock was an unprecedented act of stupidity? He's fortunate that he's not permanently disabled - or dead. I'm interested in why did he impulsively run up to that tall rock and start climbing it? It appeared that he gave no consideration to the pitch of the target, weather or footwear. We know that Matthew watched and studied Survivor, maybe obsessively. Is it possible that during these years, steadily aging, (as we all do), he became his own fantasy man? A large healthy man, young, bronzed by the sun, fast and athletic? Did he feel invincible because he was on television? Did he feel like he was the star, playing a young, handsome Ozzy-type character? A man who can swim like a dolphin, climb like a monkey, and run like a cheetah? Surely, television isn't real; Matthew losing his grip thinking: "A stunt double, show producer, someone! will fix this; nothing bad will happen, its TV!" Matthew must have pain in every nerve, bone, joint and muscle in his body. His fall was spectacular, and I don't mean in a happy way. His whole body bounced hard against the sharp rocks like a ragdoll. How far do you think he fell? It will be a miracle if he fully recovers, imo. I wonder if Matthew is the type who climbs out on a lone precipice over the Grand Canyon, "Hey, take my picture!" Yeah, I don't like those people, it kinda ruins the moment.
S05.E17: Tell All Part 2
Rt66vintage replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days
Off topic I know. I've always thought that most of the 600 pounders were the biggest and most demanding babies in the world. Some cannot walk or take care of their most intimate toilet issues. Meals are provided like magic, and if there's not enough food or it's late cue a meltdown. Some are in attention-seeking heaven when six firefighters are fawning and comforting them while transferring them to a ambulance. -
S05.E13 : There's No Fear In Love
Rt66vintage replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days
Nailed it. OMG, just imagine the type of Nurse Memphis' counseling - Hello, now today the whole 45 minutes is you listening to ME! Her childhood struggles, her terrible experiences, her disastrous marriage and love life, her need for quality time with her children. On and on and on. And in THAT voice. -
I can't decide if our gurl Danielle was a sex tourist when she went fishing in Tunisia, or actually became a [frustrated] tourist once she had Mohammed trapped in Ohio. I got married three weeks before I turned 29, so just under the wire, lol. This year it'll be 40 years.
I'm thinking how can TLC segue an older foster kid show (possible title "Out of Time") with their 90-day Fiance train wreck show. So, Robin is possibly looking for, and found, a life partner? Would this even be a possible scenario if the sexes were reversed? Interesting concept.
S05.E08:Calm Before The Storm
Rt66vintage replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days
Kim needs a little defense about her belly. Being in a foreign country with different foods and drinks, stress from traveling, and the cluster f*ck video shoot (which she may have helped finance), she's probably uncomfortably, possibly painfully, bloated and/or constipated. She does need to back off of pressuring Usman, because it's adding to her stress. Have you met poor weepy Danielle from Season 2? Her TH after Mohammed left is television history. "He don't know how it's affected a whole fambly, the gurlz..." -
Delusional is right! First off, Chris needs to buy larger clothes, about three sizes bigger. He may be one of those people who are in denial about what size he wears, and puts too much emphasis on the size tag. His tan shorts are practically indecent and I'm uncomfortable for him. @TwirlyGirly, ITA that Chris will have to watch what he eats after surgery, it's not a miracle solution for obesity. Further, I've heard that our pre-diet fat cells will always be present and just waiting to balloon up again. Idk if this is an old wives' tale, but it seems logical.
S05.E06: Burns And Betrayals
Rt66vintage replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days
Memphis was wearing the most impractical high-heeled shoes when they were walking outside amongst the road rubble. I know what you'll are saying about Kim, that she's an ignorant pushy American, and I agree for the most part, especially about her grooming. But Usman made the comment that his crew were incompetent and that Kim had actually been helpful, both true statements. Maybe these topics have already been talked about, I was on page 3, so now I'll continue reading. I love this forum. -
S05.E06: Burns And Betrayals
Rt66vintage replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days
I have a strong suspicion that Kim is an "executive producer," i.e. she's funding the video. -
Someone asked where you were on the latest TOW episode. That person commented that they always enjoy your commentary, and so do I.
I think the stress of an impending marriage (and thinking up new excuses not to marry) to Jenny has depressed Sumit. He's looking pretty rough lately. It doesn't help that he's literally pulling his greasy long hair out and rubbing his neck like there's a rope closing around it. Jenny refuses to read his body language; she acts like a deluded teenager. I remember Sumit used to be quite the neighborhood dandy, getting shaved and barbered in the street, in front of God and everyone. Probably showing off with Jenny's money. Now, he appears to have given up. Does he want to repel Jenny? He repels me. Sumit and his father have white-lied their whole life for the benefit of not upsetting mother, so it makes sense that this is how Sumit will deal with the Jenny problem. Ambiguity reigns. I've read comments on YouTube from actual Indians who say that Jenny would not be safe living alone in India. She has a real dilemma about where she can live on her small social security check. Poor ol' girl.
Yes, I totally agree, Meg was definitely fired. Who knows, maybe we'll hear the whole story someday. She was an overgrown cry baby, and it angers me that she represented the great state of Oklahoma. Why do I believe she latched onto her white savior complex not from her life but from mainstream media? Also, her dingy bra look with revealing pasty fat skin was, as Tim used to say, "a lot of look." I used to love that part of the show. Have you noticed, more in the first episode, the judges frequently saying, "I need that, I'd wear that, make one for me!" I will also agree with the posters above about not wanting to sit through sob stories and ugly cry faces; Survivor being guilty too.
Ironically, after the disgusting, obviously painful nasal flossing, both Mother and Father Sumit spit their gross mustard snot ON THE PATIO! But poor ol' Jenny must be sure to dispose her Kleenex in the bin! Are we being punked?
I had a tan Eddie Bauer hoodie. Do you know I had to put it in the donate bag after I saw Baby Lisa wearing a TAN, too tight pullover sweatshirt. It was featured during one of her ugly growling speeches to Usman. Maybe we're too hard on ourselves, but it's necessary.