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Everything posted by Supafanstan

  1. That ending for Dean was messed up. TBH though I'd rather see him dead than live out the life of mediocrity that Sam apparently did. Dean is a legend that can never be taken away.
  2. It's been a while but I had to come and say that this is probably the worst finale of any show I've ever watched. That's a list that includes Dexter and The Sopranos. Wow. One giant f**k y*u to the fans - well this fan anyway. It didn't even make sense. TBH it felt more like a commercial for Jared's new show than an ending for Supernatural. Pity, it used to be a fav to rewatch but I don't see how it could be enjoyed knowing it ends this way. I wish I had never watched this episode.
  3. There aren't any mountains in the Toronto area but there are definitely areas that could look like that well within a reasonable drive of Toronto. I feel like if it was British Columbia/Vancouver area the paparazzi would have found them by now.
  4. There is a minor spoiler in that link so.... On the other hand, this is awesome:
  5. More coverage of King Jensen's arrival in NOLA. This is so much fun!! Just look how freaking happy he is!!!!
  6. There is a video of last year's king on that site. He's... he's wearing tights. We're going to see Jensen in tights. 😇 (RIP me)
  7. Apparently this also belongs in Unpopular Opinions, lol, but since it is relevant to a spoilered director.... I think Stuck In The Middle (With You) was a hot friggin' mess, both in terms of direction and editing. I've never been a fan of cheesy slow-mo, and the ummm, homage to Tarantino failed on all counts for me. We'll never know if Dick Speight actually has a directorial voice since he just keeps trying to be someone else. I hope Fitzpatrick didn't take notes from him. I do like the Shaving People, Punting Things videos, so there's some hope.
  8. This is way too true. 😞 I should say that I have zero issue with the ship itself, and the millions of words of fanfic on it - I just think that's where it should begin and end. That goes for Wincest or any other ship as well - leave it in the fanfic world where it belongs, and ffs don't beat up the actors (or each other) over it.
  9. I am not sure if this is the place, but I'll try, since it is probably an unpopular opinion. This is from the Spoilers thread where the discussion of the spoiler blog being flamed due to thoughts expressed about Destiel and canon. It is a shame. I seriously have to question the motives and mindset of all these fans who demand Destiel be made canon in the name of representation and equality, etc., yet see no irony in insisting that a character - or an actor for that matter - be dragged out of the closet, kicking and screaming if necessary - because, subtext. I sincerely hope these social justice warriors don't treat their real life LGBTQ friends and family this way, not just questioning another's sexuality but insisting they know their truths better than the person themselves, often openly mocking them for being in denial. I have to wonder if it isn't just because they are two exceptionally good looking men fueling this fantasy. So I guess my unpopular opinion is that I don't believe the show is guilty of queerbaiting, because they have never once implied that Dean is gay or bi, Jensen has said repeatedly he doesn't play him that way, and Dean's love of women is legendary (and canon). Despite Misha fanning the flames of Destiel, Castiel has never shown any predilection to being attracted to the same sex, either. In fact all his relationships have been with women (or entities in a female meat suit). In my opinion, there has been no promise of a Dean/Cas romantic relationship ever happening, so ascribing one's own desires to these characters/actors and then calling your disappointment in it never happening 'queerbaiting' isn't fair. In my opinion.
  10. Hmm. Lots to digest in all that (fandom drama included), but I wonder if anyone knows anything about this guy, John Fitzpatrick? I was already iffy since the episode is written by my least favorite writer -possibly ever - but apart from the often dreadful writing, the editing has been the worst thing about the show over the last couple years, in my opinion. They chop up scenes willy-nilly, especially the emotional ones. Sometimes it's so jarring I wonder if my DVR actually glitched in recording. I hope this guy's directing isn't reflective of this editing 'style'.
  11. I agree. I personally don't think we were ever meant to see John as a good father, or even a good man, after Mary's death. There is such a dramatic difference between the John we see and hear about from the pilot on, and the warm, loving guy we meet in In The Beginning. Mary's death and his rude awakening into the world of the Supernatural fucked him up in every way - ways not even Vietnam did, if we're to believe ITB John was the 'real' John. He made this decision to hunt, and he also made the decision to drag his children along with him into this dangerous, vagabond life. He put them in harm's way every day of their lives in the guise of 'protecting' them. John not only put the responsibility of his infant son's life into the hands of child who was barely past being a toddler himself. He willingly exposed the kid to the 'reality' of the supernatural world and then made it his job to protect his brother from it. Even worse, he allowed this child to comfort and care for him (see: John's apology in IMTOD). Everything I ever needed to know about John I learned when, in Something Wicked, after saving Sam from the Shtriga, he held him tight while he only had scorn in his eyes for Dean, who was at least as traumatized as Sam, if not more. Regardless of Dean's 'screw up', he had just witnessed the near-murder of his brother - surely a good, loving father would have offered something other than disdain and blame, and self-doubt that would haunt him for years to come.
  12. I hope nobody ever loves me the way John loved his kids. 😘 I kid (sorta). I don't doubt that he loved them, but he was about as far away from a good, loving parent as he could get. He apparently never held another job in his life, relying on fraud and theft to survive and then passing that legacy on to his eldest. He left them alone for days and weeks on end, often without enough food or money. He made a child responsible for the life of another child, in every way, up to and including not eating himself so that his brother could. He made Sam choose between his family and his future, using the threat of exile as a weapon. Maybe if he'd told Sam why he thought it would be unsafe for him to be alone/apart from them? Then he abandoned Dean, for all intents and purposes, without explanation, just expecting his soldier to follow orders without question. The other shitty moments they showed us, both big and small - hiding from them in Home, then not answering even when Dean was dying. Explain to me how even a phone call would've endangered them then? Bullshit. The flashback in Something Wicked, the shitty comments to Dean about the Impala. And then his coup de grace. Sure he saved Dean, but in doing so, he also sealed his fate. First by making the deal - something Dean hasn't come to terms with to this day, in my opinion. And then by laying the 'save him or kill him' mantle on his shoulders before dying. And that's only season one. All the reveals since then only make him worse. (PS: even with all that ^^^ ? Mary is worse.)
  13. I don't even understand this. How can the showrunner not know what is happening for the rest of the season on his show? There are only twenty episodes this season, right? They must have written all of it by now, if not filmed it. I get being evasive or teasing, but he sounds like he actually does not know. If he's trying to sound stupid and uninformed, it's working.
  14. I've been following that @cw_spn account for a while, and the Facebook account as well - I think they are run by the same person? The twitter account rarely recognizes Dean/Jensen and definitely seem to be Sam/Jared slanted - but they never seem particularly enthused about the show even. The most excitement they ever show seems to be when the wayward women are involved. The Facebook account posts as much about the other CW shows as they do Supernatural. It's the strangest 'publicity' I've ever seen. Even for the CW, they suck. Honestly, thank God for EW or there would never be anything exciting posted about the show or the actors that isn't fan-war-generated nonsensical 'awards' like the spoiler thing.
  15. Performer of the month? Jared must have a helluva publicist, lol. Jared has set the bar so low that when he does have an admittedly good performance it gets an inordinate amount of attention. I just can't get past the stuttering/breathless-delivery-as-emotion myself. Meanwhile, Jensen's consistently great performances get taken for granted. The curse of excellence, I suppose.
  16. OMChuck yes. What even is this? Didn't Lucifer or his minions kill his family to make Nick vulnerable? Even if I am remembering wrong and he didn't, that's worse. Why do we care about a meat-suits non-supernaturally killed family? Of all the non-Winchester related things they could have done, this is one I couldn't care less about. Every time they cut to him or nougat-baby I just kept thinking WHAT IS MICHAEL DOING? At least the Sam fest last week was about a Winchester. This was like a really bad episode of SVU. What a mess.
  17. He is the worst. He's ruined beloved characters (Mary), made me dislike characters I should love (Sam) and brought in new characters I couldn't care less about (Nougat Baby - ha, I love that) and the Waywards (don't even get me started). By all accounts he's screwing up the much anticipated Mean! story. And still he won't let go of the Heaven and Angels crap that was stale 4 seasons ago. The worst.
  18. That is awesome! Dean is by far my favorite current TV character and right up there with my all-time favs.
  19. Agree! It's not an ideal thing, but lots of families require one parent or the other to be away for days/weeks at a time, 52 weeks of the year. My brother was a long-haul trucker in the days before Skype and Facetime. It takes a strong relationship and a great partner - in this case the boys' wives - to make it work. Kudos to them all. Question: Is the pic on the previous page of Jared and his boys an old one? He looks different in the Father's Day tweet on this page.
  20. Can we please make this happen now? :) +10000000000000000000000000 OMG I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
  21. Another reason I don't think Dean believed Michael would keep his word, but did it anyway is, what was supposed to happen to Michael after? If Dean ejects him, does he just fly around as a celestial wavelength until he finds someone to say yes? And would Dean have been willing to let this happen? Just turn him loose in some other vessel to continue his mission to "save" everyone , or use his own grace to open the rift again? I don't think Dean would do that so his only option was to keep him in his meatsuit and try to find a way to defeat or control him from within, like Sam did in Swan Song. Probably the writers didn't think that far ahead?
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