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  1. And aren't you GLAD you quit!!:) I'm afraid it's not going to happen..::::::::::( Well see you later people, must go back to other page and wipe some tears....:(
  2. HEY, Ooooh!! How are you??..Hope everything is well:)..Miss your conversations..:)..See Nexus every once in awhile on FB..should be back on regularly next month when The WALKERS return...chat with you soon..:)...Cigarettes cost way too much..tell them to stop, if I could, anyone can..I smoked KOOL'S ,..A National Killer..
  3. WOO HOO!!!!!..Here comes The Ride!!!
  4. Ha!! You can Try...but maybe someone from Huff and Puff won't recognize you???!
  5. True I'm in Sammy's Group in FB..don't use real name..no problems..then again, never gave a reason for questioning from FB either...If I could suggest one thing..make sure your First and Last name are believable...
  7. Bon Soir, Everyone..:)
  8. It REALLY is Getting RIDICULOUS!!..This is suppose to Appease Us for All the Screw Ups the Show has made??
  9. I always believed Eugene would come through, too Dixon Vixen..:)
  10. Wow!! so the Rules hae Changed??Can stay on Episode thread and Discuss and watch Talking Dead without changing??Thank Goodness!!:)
  11. Ys, I saw that Scene thought they were making Moonshine!!:)
  12. So she was talking to someone in a Helicopter??..She was setting up Father G., the Whole time??
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