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Everything posted by morgan

  1. The rape was brutal and I am glad they did it the way they did. Outlander has shown so many awful rapes onscreen, that this showed a new aspect to the horror. Staying on the people who did nothing as she screamed for help was a good choice. Poor Roger and Bree. I hate what is to come.... eta, I was bummed that Brianna didn’t tell Roger that she thought she needed to focus on him in order to return through the stones. They really seem to like to gloss over the complications regarding time travel!
  2. I’m surprised she didn’t use a branch now that your say it! It was nice that loaghaire made reference to her fixing stuff but yes something like that would have been great character development. In the book she heads right to Lallybroch, but apparently not in the show.
  3. Yes that is what I meant. So very important to Roger!!!!
  4. Yes! The actress who played Luna is very similar to how I pictured Lizzy!
  5. Ooooh I missed that!!!! Off to check that out, good catch!
  6. I might be wrong because it’s been a while since I read, but wasn’t the woman and baby his wife and child?
  7. I do like that Frank and Loaghair’s stories were told, but oh how I hate that time at Lallybroch was sacrificed. And Bree only meets Ian? I knew Jenny wouldn’t be in it, but no other random cousins or other family? I always loved that Bree, the only child who had no other family than Claire and Frank, was suddenly surrounded by all of this family! Not to mention, Lallybroch was always a bustle of activity, It just seemed to oddly empty. Another deviation was not showing how Roger had to make 2 attempts through the stones. They really are choosing not to show just how hard traveling through the stones is, are they? Um, Lizzie? Is that you????? I understand no matter what age, your father doesn’t want you to be a concubine, so I understand her father’s distress, but dear god she looked like his wife, not his daughter. Why did they age her up so much? I suppose easier to use an adult actress but this one threw me off a bit. There was a lot to love about this episode. I love the quiet moments and Bree remembering her story. It is nice to start seeing her point of view. I love the Jamie/Claire story, but have always seen outlander as so much more. I mostly love Roger and Bree’s story too. Rik kicked ass as Roger once again. While I hate so much of what happens to him, I’m looking forward to getting going with it all. Can’t wait for next week!!!!! oooh, eta that I love Bree wearing Claire’s coat from season one. I always loved that coat and she looks amazing in it!!!!! Also loved the nod to the PBJ!
  8. That’s what I thought, too. Was wondering if scenes were cut in preview to make it seem like Bree was on Bonnet’s ahip
  9. Palace seemed fine to me. Having visited colonial Williamsburg and the Governor’s Palace there, i assume it was the normal term. I also don’t have a problem with the seeds of the Revolution showing up now. They were definitely building over years prior to the war. Google is my friend! Apparently the Governor’s palace in New Bern is a real thing, you can even take tours!
  10. My non book reader husband asks questions from time to time and I just ask if he really wants to know, and if he says yes I give him a straight answer. Some people have no interest in ever reading the books, they are just curious. So why not tell?
  11. When he first meets Bree he thinks she is coming on to him. I assume hot silver smith wife was to set up how often they probably happens to him/establish a pattern.
  12. The furnishings don’t bother me at all because I am assuming they are coming from Jocasta. Claire made reference to her being home alone in the cabin before so I fanwanked that Jamie has made trips here and there, and Jocasta maybe sent some things along here and there.
  13. So much to like about this episode! Love Claire and the Native American healer bonding (blanking on her name). Horrified what happened to her. Love all the small details about life on the homestead. Rollo and the white sow are both fabulous! Murtagh!!!!! Nice twist not having him with Jocasta as many of us speculated, but having him with a useful trade and a regulator was great. And taxation issues! Obviously not just an issue for Boston! Jamie and the candlestick...I was so sure he was going to come away with a new ring for Claire that was like the one in the book! And I kept wondering what that would mean for the Bree/Bonet encounter. Although Bree wouldn’t know of course. Love that they referenced jamie’s dream/forsight. Mueller and family vs the natives was horrible and real and heartbreaking. Claire’s fear was well done!!! I’m curious as to what propels Roger through the stones after getting Bree’s letter. That didn’t happen in the book did it? And I am anxious and nervous to see his adventures back in time and how that is portrayed. Loved both how awful Bree’s dress was (hello gunnesax!) and how they handled her passing through the stones. I thought that was beautifully shot.
  14. I didn’t get the impression it was more acceptable to kill a human vs an animal onscreen. Don’t forget the boar hunt from season one! I just think logistically changing the bear to a violent/murderous man was easier. And I think the whole connection with what happens later in the season probably worked for the writers as well. Just like the symmetry of having Roger and Bree head to the Highland games in NC instead of the Highland games in NH.
  15. Acorn street didn’t bother me at all because I assume Bree had $$$ from her mother and father, the sale of the house, etc. I guess I was just happy they showed something that actually was, or even looked like Boston as opposed to that complete anomaly that was supposed to be Harvard last year!
  16. My thought is that Mrs Graham would not believe in interfering with what will be. Telling would make no difference so why tell?
  17. I didn’t catch the connection between the bear-man and Roger down the road. Good catch and makes total sense!!!!
  18. Loved this episode! I’m so excited to see Frasiers Ridge come to be. Lovely. And I agree the Cherokee costumes were amazing. I’m loving Claire’s wardrobe too, and as much as I will always miss his kilt, Jamie looks gorgeous. I am loving Ian more and more each week. Interesting the difference with the bear, and I appreciate why they made the change and it works. Nice to see Fergus and Marsali and still enjoying JQM. I enjoyed Roger snd Bree and I just love the difference between “modern” times vs our time. Imagine having to write a letter and wait for a response, whereas now Roger could just jump online. Loved that Fiona is still a part of the story. I’m curious about next week and what motivates Bree to go...how does she find out about the fire in the show?
  19. So a size 16 dress in the late 1960’s (when Claire would have bought her anything) would be, what, a size 10 or 12 now? Which on a very tall (6ft?) woman would make her fairly slender. Not model thin but also not heavy. We all see the characters differently. I still see my book visions when I read, not the tv characters. I have no doubt my vision of Claire is very different than anyone else’s, etc. I think that I just got used to seeing them differently so by the time Brianna came along I just accepted her differences in height. And accent! I struggle to accept the American accent. I have British ex pat friends and all of their kids still sound English, even the ones born here.
  20. Does the book say she is a size 16? And is that a 1970 size 16? Which would be way different than today’s size 16! I do remember Brianna being tall but never saw her as particularly heavy. Claire’s parting advice to not get fat makes me think she wasn’t particularly large. I actually have more problems with how different Sam and Catriona are from the Jamie and Claire I envisioned. I handwave it away for the most part and just accept differences between book and show.
  21. Well obviously, the boots are from France!
  22. I loved it! Loved the 1970 bits and the 1700 bits. Some of my favorite bits from the book are when Roger comes to Boston and they go to the Highland games in New Hampshire so at first I was miffed with the changes, but in the end I liked the symmetry of them going to North Carolina, traveling the road Jamie and Claire are on. I love Roger even when he is being so very possessive and knowing what he wants. And oh how I love that Rik can sing! I love how much Sophie has grown as an actress. She is doing Bree justice! He strong will and also her confusion. Loved the bit with the ghost and the shoes. I thought it was well handled Frasiers Ridge!!!!!! I’m so excited to finally get here. I loved all of it with Jamie and Claire. Welcome home. Ian and Rollo, and JQM. For me there really wasn’t any bad.well, maybe Jamie’s wig.but I can get past that. im really hoping they bookend the calling is the clans like the book did. Another favorite of mine. I do wish they had had Brianna stand for Fraser but understood why they didn’t.
  23. Great clip! I have to say I think Sophie has grown as an actress. I know the clips were brief but she looked so much better! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!
  24. Two basic things I will take with me into the holidays are Carla’s pie crust recipe, and gravy. Gravy is one of those things I make only at thanksgiving, maybe one other time a year. I have always been intimidated by it. But something about the chew and their holiday shows finally made it click with me. Not a recipe, more of a technique. And the pie crusts are really good and so easy!
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