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Everything posted by dccfangirl

  1. The new song is HORRIFIC. SO SO BAD. Who wrote those lyrics? It is humorous how dire it is. I'm so bored with Victoria but enjoyed the strong dislike vibes coming from Lily. Charm seems cool but I have no idea why they intro'ed her three times??? Yay Shelly and Phil - also Judy is way better value than Kelli is now, she's way more fun and funny. LOL on the "these are your future best friends" but "I didn't recognise my rookie sister's kid" - come on Kelli! LOVED that we didn't get the yes/no/maybe explanation but didn't love how much they banged on about the board!!!! Literally the most straightforward concept in history. TAKE AWAY: I feel like there are so many girls trying out again and so few spots on the squad it doesn't really feel like a new season, just an extension of last season?
  2. Anyone know if/when the podcast is coming back?
  3. I didn't think "50-yard-line Kelsey" should have made the team at the time but I'm glad she did. I feel like I'm anti VK at the moment but am open to redemption. Ultimately the show made her look TERRIBLE so let's hope it was a humbling and clarifying experience. Lots of us were probably assholes when we were 18. I'm rooting for her but I'm rooting for a different version of her if that makes sense. Hopefully being Brennan's boot buddy will help as Brennan is much older and has a very mature approach to DCC life and can help Victoria become more resilient.
  4. The Cowboy fit promo HAS to go. I can't believe a single viewer has seen that awkward product endorsement and thought "gee I definitely need to become a member." Waste of goodwill for the brand and so boring for the viewers. Any of the staged convos between the girls is always horrendous - they're beautiful and I LOVE them but they can't act.
  5. 1) LOVED Gabby, really sad for her 2) Holy moly VK has lost a LOT of weight SUPER quickly. Respect to her for that but that'll be hard to keep off. 3) I was rooting for Malena a bit but her solo SUCKED and I'm SO glad she didn't make it back now. She had a YEAR to prepare and came back with a random bit of half-assed improv. 4) If I was someone like Lily I would have ZERO faith in Kelli's process. 5) The diversity stuff is BS. The team looks so BORING and old school for being so white. It was more diverse in the eighties. They need to make it more diverse. 6) Still sad that the solos were so blah this year.
  6. Anyone know what the footwear guidelines for solos are? SO many of the girls can't seem to turn / are slipping around - why aren't they wearing jazz shoes or something they can't dance in???
  7. With one or two exceptions these are the most boring solos we've had in years. Disappointed 😞
  8. Tina is. BY FAR. my least favourite guest. She's always so mean but adds zero value.
  9. I hated her in the Breelan season but have liked her a bit more since then. I like it when she does dance and showmanship feedback with the videos but can't STAND the fitness bits etc - the spin class and the injury prevention class were boring and cringeworthy. She does know what she's talking about with showmanship but the rest is such filler BS.
  10. 1) I think the incessant prep class industry is reducing numbers - girls who may have tried out before are going to a prep class, appreciating the standard and dropping out 2) the girls this year don't seem to be so preoccupied about being in shape - maybe they dodged the topic of VK's weight so much and were so lenient that people forgot what assholes they can be 3) it feels a little lacklustre this year? maybe last year was so high that it seems less good in contrast ALTHOUGH - I kind of love a shitty rookie class from a CMT/reality TV perspective as I just yell at the TV and enjoy the drama
  11. I'm honestly a little shocked at the Rachel W dislike - I think she is outstanding on every front and completely adorable!!!
  12. If you had to cut three returning veterans at auditions based on what you know right now, who would you cut? I think they'll cut two on principle but I like figuring out who's on the chopping block!
  13. I would. I wouldn't want it to be the defining thing in her life but I think it's a great program and would be a lot of fun. Everyone looks back on the clubs and teams of their youth as being a special time, I don't see this as being that different. I could definitely do with less floor humping in the choreo tho!
  14. What's going on round her boob/armpit??? surely they should have smoothed that out in post production?!
  15. YES me too. All the dance bits are the best bits to be honest (especially when they're shown in full and not cut with loads of HAIR FLIPS ugh). I like when Kitty teaches technique and had time for her feedback prior to this season. In dance. I like her dance feedback her costume/personality feedback can go away! When she's like "UGH YOU'RE A GRANDMA" I'm like ugh you're just being rude.
  16. I really wish the squad was more diverse overall!
  17. the videos the girls shoot themselves are the WORST "hey people we are doing something boring PRODUCT PLACEMENT awkward pause WOOOOOO", I need them to stop! Think this years calendar shoot looking the strongest for a while - this is the best returning vet class in a few years IMO
  18. I think VK is going to have a ROUGH year. I don't wish it on her - in my ideal world, she's gone away, grown up some, lost a load of weight, watched the show back and learned a lot of humility. I really really hoped she'd go away and change her diet and attitude - from the looks of things she is going to do a last minute crash diet and she'll end up in the same position all over again. What I think will happen is she'll rock up again and make the same mistakes and CMT will juxtapose it with her idiocy last year MULTIPLE times - 50 yard line Kelsey will seem like she got off easy by the end of this season. Kelli is going to have to make some comment on what she expects from VK and you KNOW she's going to be "professional" ie dodge the questions and ignore the facts that are staring everyone in the face. The best thing Kelli could do at judging would be to excuse herself like Judy had to and admit "I was biased last year because I was so eager for her to succeed". Would love for skinny-ass Charlotte just to call it at round 1 and say "if she's coming back that heavy it's not going to work out". I don't think VK is the worst person in the world but she is way too immature for the way DCC is these days - 10 years ago she could have made it but now it's just too brutal. Sorry to bang on about Cassie but I feel like compared to VK she gets such a bad rap - she was HUMBLE in the early seasons to the point of being annoyingly mousy. She was a decent dancer and really lean and was definitely dedicated AF to the DCC. I'm not saying I'd want to be her BFF but she had the right attitude.
  19. Who was the DCC who got cut after panel interview for saying "I make the uniform" (as opposed to the uniform makes the girl)?
  20. 1) I think people are probably being slightly unfair on the Cowboys, CMT makes out the organization is weirdly old fashioned and traditional but Kelli, Judy etc have been around the entertainment business enough that they definitely aren't homophobic and Charlotte is genuinely a pretty worldly sophisticated person (star touching aside...) 2) I think they had to keep it private because of contracts rather than LGBT stuff, hence the Cassie comment. 3) AGREED RE SHANNON - really really hope he isn't hosting in the future and he always sounds so sleazy when he asks about whether they're single. It's not irrelevant to me, it's a behind the scenes show after all, but there's a way to ask that isn't so gross. 4) What's the Maddie situ? Is it because she's a Mormon or something else. Tea spill please. 5) Again. Yay Jinelle. So much yay for Jinelle.
  21. So many of the girls are engaged atm - would people want another brides epi? I kind of liked the first one.
  22. So fricking happy for Jinelle!!!! I think there will now be publicly out DCC and LGBT women will feel more confident auditioning. What a role modellllllll ❤️
  23. I KNEW it would be Caroline but Heather was a surprise! Really hope she's point next year, I think she's outstanding. Sad to see all of the retirees go - they all brought something really special to the squad. Without being mean I don't know much about Jessika but the rest were all really unique and memorable cheerleaders. This has been such a great year, especially after last year's combination of toxic training camp and flaky rookies. Really excited to see this rookie class as vets!
  24. For sure. 1) enough with inside jokes 2) NEW QUESTIONSSSS - please don't ask "what was the most surprising thing about training camp" again - also they can never articulate this question in a way that makes sense to the girls which is absurd given how often they ask it. 3) I never want to hear about Shannon's vacations. EVER AGAIN. 4) i think it's much better with Jinelle there but they need to freshen up the format - but the games they play suck and are no fun. 5) Enough with plugging prep classes...
  25. I think a big one is CMT shouldn't be afraid of the technical dance content - shows like Dance Moms and SYTYCD show that audiences either know enough or "get it" to follow. I personally like it when they have a wide shot of the group so you can see them side by side and notice mistakes and timing issues. The compilation of hair flips and slow mo moves is so cheesy and boring. Also when the girls arrive early and practise before rehearsal - that seems like prime camera time. I think conversations about diet and fitness are relevant and interesting because they have such extreme demands but I want it to be through the cheerleaders' eyes - I would be way more interested in a Q&A with Jinelle and girls on weight probation than I would on random nutritionists.
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