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Everything posted by Opine

  1. While I totally agree with you, Mr. Opine and Opine Jr. (who pay no attention to blogs, FB or any other off season discussion) were very disappointed with the format change.
  2. That was stupid and absurd. Really? MRS now lives in a pod and stays in lockdown off season? I think not!!!
  3. I hate her eyelashes. And her oily skin. And those braces. When she was outside, those eyelashes took on a life of their own! I mean we all know they never looked real, but with the sun on her, they looked like caterpillars.
  4. It's weird because I thought her voice sounded different, too. Like lower and not so perky..... I think Charlotte's reaction to Claire is a definite sign of the future.....if she stays she will be point someday.
  5. Don't kill me all you Kat lovers but.....Kat's feet are too far apart. She is too far back. And her arms akimbo pose is not pretty. This is our new show group member? I think she is hilarious. But this is not a good image for her.....
  6. As far as front and center in the pic goes, I definitely think Kat is a contender. Then I remember Kelli talking about Darian last year. (I think, tell me if I am wrong!) She said something like if she doesn't make it here, she should do runway.
  7. I'm a snarker for sure, and I truly believe Kelli's snark is why many of us enjoy the show. I am okay with most of it, but not the character assault one's like Ika and Brandi. If I was either girl's mom, I would probably go after Kelli! The non-character ones though......that's just the show and what a lot of people watch for!
  8. Well you are going to have to post a pic and vid for us!!!!
  9. That is so cool! Truly one of my favorite shows of all time. "As God is my witness, etc....." Do you know where he is now?
  10. Adorable face - doe eyes, perky nose, cute little pointy chin....
  11. I think she may have lost some weight in the face.
  12. And I'd love to see Andrei just knock her out! I am not one for fighting, at all. But to see someone who can physically stand up to her just shut her mouth would be MUST SEE TV!!!!!
  13. And the shit eating grin with the "I am sick" business.....that was too weird for words! From Betty and Ron!
  14. I think Libby has quite a bit of Covid weight. It actually seems more like post pool party assault weight because it doesn't seem like she was that heavy this season.
  15. Well, that's what this board is for, right? Our opinions! I can't stand her so I sound like I like him..... you can't stand him so you sound like you like her. IRL we are probably closer in our opinions than we sound. Or maybe not :)
  16. I wish we were still home! I made my home office sweet! So comfy and so quiet! Plus the dogs get to sunbathe. I, too, heard the complaints from folks that wanted to go back to the office. I wrote it off as deep insanity....... Anywho, back to DCC! Thanks for the Jenna/Robin link! I enjoyed it!
  17. We hire a retiree's replacement up to a couple of years before retirement if they are a key employee. That doesn't mean they have a high ranking title, it could be just that they have a lot of institutional knowledge and no backup. Maybe Kelli has said three years from now is her date and they are already trying to find the trainee?
  18. Do we work together??? I am back to driving to Tucker every day from Cobb......to sit in my office and try to stay away from others. I got so much more done at home......
  19. Yep, agree on all counts. I know this isn't PT, but the PT-ers generally think the same thing. Mike is an oaf, but he loved her. And she just toys with him like a cat toys with a mouse before killing it........
  20. I think the parents are grinning and laughing because they know Brandon will come home now that daddy is sick. That's sick!
  21. I've only watched half, so I may change some of my opinions, but here goes - My heroes - Jovi and Angela (OMG! I never thought I'd say that!) When Natalie appeared in all of her glory (and she did look glorious! she's lost weight, the dress was awesome and those legs are amazing!), she was hoping to do her poor me victim act. She does her best acting when she is a victim - the pouting silence. I don't believe that is a lack of understanding English. I think it is her act just like riding on a suitcase is part of her adorable act. But I just wanted to stand and clap when Angela called her out about being a victim! That's exactly right! Natalie left Mike. He said he doesn't even know where in Florida she is. And Jovi and the look on Yara's face said it all about the Russian "friend" at dinner. That was no "friend". So Natalie shows up, doesn't like the guy (duh! all of us could tell they weren't a match), and just walks off with a bank card as her free meal ticket to just whore around the US? Naaaaa, that's not the way that the K1 is supposed to work. Yes, if she stays he needs to support her instead of letting our tax dollars do it, but he doesn't have to give her unlimited funds and pay for a good time roaming the US!
  22. It was just Angela taking another page out of Mama June's book. That agent shouldn't get paid anything when she is just re-doing all that is Mama June. Heck, it might even be the same red outfit!
  23. I truly think that without a pedigree or recommendation, they make you come back the second year to make you prove you want it.
  24. It was RICH!!!! when Kalani and Asuelo got upset that they were being thrown out of the house. "It's bad timing". Yeah. It was a better time to move out when you first came to the US. It was better when you knocked her up with #2. It was better for all that time between arrival in the US and now. It's called independence dude.
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