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Everything posted by SevenCostanza

  1. My daughter was a cheerleader for a brief time and there's no way she could have done it on her own without a parent. You'd think Cam of all people would know about it and enjoy going to the games with her.
  2. I saw about 45 minutes of the part 2 and I'm not sure how much more I can sit through. Stacy is really looking artificial and it's not attractive she needs to cut back on the lip injections and whatever else she's doing to her face. Angela needs some serious anger management therapy, she's out of control. I didn't find Avery all that innocent either. Her endless crying and need to repeat the same thing over and over was really getting on my nerves. I couldn't take Jesse at all, I skipped through his segment real fast. Michael seems like his programming is working well. He's going to sit in the house and wait for further orders.
  3. I think Chase's smile looks very forced an unnatural too.
  4. You're right he was married and his wife was on the show. They were going to sponsor Azan to live in the US for Nicole because she didn't earn enough money to support him. I was wondering why we didn't see the wife on the last season he was on, maybe this is why.
  5. Nicole's dad was arrested Monday. https://starcasm.net/90-day-fiance-nicole-dad-tyler-arrested/
  6. We're speeding up the footage again. I wonder how much that tiny hand weight weighs.
  7. I don't like posting on the Reddit sub for Twit there's too many Twit lovers on there.
  8. I didn't know that. That's very interesting, I could see that happening.
  9. So because Twit doesn't want to count calories and loose weight no one else is allowed? That's really childish. People who are paying her money are not allowed to say what they want because it offends her, wow.
  10. I'm confused about why he's even there. I'm sure he was invited by why? He had nothing to do with this season. Are the producers just trying to rattle Darcey some more? That seems unnecessary.
  11. I just saw those. I see she likes the tilting my head to the same side in every picture theme. Of course the only comments allowed are the ones that kiss her ass all over the place.
  12. I agree, and now Amber is trying to make it look like she's the innocent one and everything was Vince's idea.
  13. I was thinking withdrawl from something. It was not just alcohol. From the previews for the next episode she looks pretty bad. I hope she gets the help she needs.
  14. This woman looks to be almost Twit's weight and she's a really good dancer. If you can't see the video click on the white border of it.
  15. I noticed she posted "You cute" on those pictures on Instagram and he hasn't replied.
  16. I don't see them either, she deletes comments all the time. I noticed she deleted her "Fuck you" response to the person that said the orange shirt made her look fatter.
  17. Someone asks if Twit is single in the comments for this pic and she says "Not even a little bit". Which I guess means No? She can never give a straight answer.
  18. Sorry I'm not familiar with these new guys. Is Chase the one that had his arms around her when they were watching the parade? It kind of looked like she was holding them down to make it appear he was being affectionate.
  19. That made me laugh so much. I thought maybe it was my hearing. I wasn't looking at the screen and every time she says John it sounded to me like Sean.
  20. I read that she gets escorted off the set of the new tell all because she goes after Avery. So you'll get your wish.
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