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Everything posted by deirdra

  1. Didn't Janelle also get an inheritance that was put into the fambly pot?
  2. When Whoopi was half way through a sentence and Meghan interrupted yet again with "Let me start", Whoopi should have said "No, I just started and I'm still talking".
  3. Me too. Why should ethnic female journalists only get 33% of a show when most people get 50%? I was getting confused too about the Curry, Wright, Hill etc. families. I liked Lisa Ling's attitude - yeah my grandfather was a philanderer who owned a brothel. What can you do about it? - nothing but avoid following in his footsteps. Most people find something shady or never spoken about in their past that turns up in DNA or old newpapers that we can access today. Things like blacksmiths practicing dentistry without a license in the late 1800s or their dog biting someone in the early 1900s made the newspaper. Or my new aunt who just found out at 78 that a married w/kids family friend was her bio-father; if her married mother were not a teetotaler, she might have found out earlier.
  4. is a show that should be on every week since it would be more in line with what most watchers can afford. 20/30-something slobs on LIOLI think they want complete open concept, but it is stressful to see the mess in the kitchen when you are trying to enjoy family time 10 feet away. And when their kids are teens, they will probably be stomping off to their rooms and slamming the door to get away from all the togetherness.
  5. I just assumed she was tipsy in the tub and possibly when Felicity was conceived too. Having a drink with your smoke while relaxing in the tub or with family friends is straight out of the mid-century mothers' handbook. I missed the opening and didn't even recognize Felicity with her new face and teeth. It wasn't until HLG called this generic-looking blonde "Felicity" a second time, ~15 minutes into the show, that I noticed the ropey thing by the side of her upper nose and realized it was Felicity H. Muffman. Her original eye shape, teeth and laugh lines, everything that made her look distinctly Felicity, are gone.
  6. I saw it too and other victims of the Louise Wise adoption agency have turned up in the aftermath on shows like Long Lost Family and Finding Your Roots. Did Mother Teresa's Orphanage deceive Bridget's mother too - if not, STFU, Meghan.
  7. Is DG driving a right-hand drive car in LA while chatting in that video spinxella posted? Or is he a passenger while "driving" with one arm up at steering-wheel height and looking up and around like people do when driving? Or does he mirror his video images to avoid getting arrested for distracted driving?
  8. Mindboggling, isn't it? I suspect the show will be cancelled before anything gets built on those lots and any unsold houses will be foreclosed on.
  9. Good one, ginger90. Her uncertified followers have more insight and better ideas than Ms. CertificationIsImportant, Janelle.
  10. Thanks for your story, aulait. I guess it is safe to say that the surgery did not interfere with your ability to wear a pretty dress, which was Christine's main concern (which has always been odd since their religion supposedly dictates dressing modestly).
  11. Exactly. Her business loan plan should have outlined how much profit she would make (based on previous owner's data), how much she needed to put in the BnB for maintenance, upkeep, the cook, renovating the Caretaker's cottage etc., and if what remained was not zero or less, that is what she would pay back. How long would that take? It is unimaginable that it would be a "short term" loan as she claimed. Did she really think she could make a profit (after inventory costs and taxes) of $40,000 by selling LulaCrap in 10 days?
  12. She said she had to ask the fambly for Strive starting funds a third time before getting it after being turned down twice since they didn't have the money right now and someone's schooling had to be paid for (I think) another time, and her business plan made no sense.
  13. Maybe JO's "stalker" has hacked her website LOL
  14. If you google around you can find the whole thing for free on the Internet and JO doesn't get a cent.
  15. There are also reviews of Almost Meri'ed on amazon and some images that show that JO is less literate than many of the Browns.
  16. Her Strive followers are probably cancelling or not renewing their subscriptions, so Janelle wants to portray herself as a supportive voice to keep the cash flowing in (since her health advice obviously isn't working). Meri's family probably LOVE it when she puts up her walls and secludes herself in her 5-bedroom house, so they don't have to dill with her. I find it hard to believe that guests at the BnB would pay enough to even cover the mortgage, much less the $40K as well as the mortgage on her Wet Bar home and the inventory for her online sales.
  17. If Kody thought the business he is liquidating was doing so well that he could cover $40K, but he's only getting $20K, how much did his "equity partners" lose on his venture or did they only loan him $20K or less? If Meri isn't going to share, they should charge her a steep interest rate.
  18. The problem with these flashbacks is that "young" Annalise & Sam look 50 and "young" Bonnie & Frank look 40 with their forehead wrinkles.
  19. The cactus looks nice, but how old is the photo and did it arrive looking like that?
  20. deirdra


    They both look like they've added 50 pounds. I wonder if "the banker" is pregnant and FT is having a sympathetic pregnancy or just a taco stand worth of tacos?
  21. Nice photo editing, Saje81 LOL. When she carved "Sam" on her leg did Meri break the skin or just scratch it lightly with a fingernail or something? (I FF'd through the past cat-fishing episodes).
  22. The longer she walks with a 42 degree kink in her spine, the more her entire body will be thrown out of whack, like the opposite hip and knee. I cannot believe the idiot parents. After Truly & Day-un's health problems, did they ever buy health insurance, at least for the kids, with all their TLC money?
  23. Bill often paws the black guests sitting next to him. Shake hands when guests arrive and then keep your hands to yourself!
  24. Thomas Love appears to have his own real estate business and 20 yrs of experience.
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