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Everything posted by DXD526

  1. Jon often seems to possess a weird combination of cynicism and naivete. I wasn't expecting so much of the interview to be taken up with that conversation. On a totally different note, I thought it was interesting that Jon, a lefty, played the drums right-handed.
  2. Learning all there is to know about the Shilling Game! Gonna get my share of the Shilling Game!
  3. I knew Tom Tom Club was going to be a TS, but it was still kind of depressing.
  4. Just yesterday, I was wondering where Louis was, and looked it up. I'm surprised they haven't said anything on the show. They talked about it when Jon had Covid.
  5. I was a little kid during Watergate, but I know John Dean when I see him. That was a really surprising TS, since Dean has been a public figure for his entire adult life. It's not like he disappeared after Watergate. ITA with those who dislike the tourney being called a 'best of seven'. It's really not a 'best of' anything, it's whoever gets to three wins first. When Ken says 'best of seven' it's like sandpaper on my eardrums.
  6. 1/5. 1/1 on Monday, 0-fer the rest of the week. I first heard of the Sword of Damocles as a tiny tot, while watching the 3 Stooges (yes, they can be educational)!
  7. My brother mentioned recently that a friend of his had Covid. I expressed my sympathy, and he was like, meh, he's already had it twice, it's no big deal! So there is that attitude out there. Amy did a great job. I've never found Chappelle funny, and, adding in his crass remarks of late, have no desire to watch him next week.
  8. A very somber end to the episode. I agree with everything Bill said about the impending death of American democracy, and have been trying for the past few months to tell anyone who will listen. Most get glassy-eyed and bored pretty fast. They just don't care. Not enough people are paying attention.
  9. 2/5. Monday was an instaget (though I also thought of Steinbeck, but decided that Hemingway was better known as being a manlike manly man's man). For Wednesday, first thought of the Salvation Army and knew it had to be wrong. Came up with the right answer in time.
  10. Upcoming Decades binges: 11/5-6 - The Fugitive; 11/12-13 - Wonder Woman; 11/19-20 - Highway Patrol; 11/26-27 - Matt Houston; 12/3-4 - WKRP in Cincinnati.
  11. That was a rough episode from a rough period for the show. Even WU wasn't funny (that bit with David Koechner as 'Gary Macdonald' went on way, WAY too long). Why was this picked for another airing? I don't know what the process is for choosing the vintage episodes, but I'd guess it involves a dartboard.
  12. Hemingway was my first thought for FJ and I stuck with it, but Steinbeck occurred to me, too.
  13. I liked Aisha's remark regarding to what she attributes her success, IIRC: No pets, no plants, no kids! 😄
  14. 1/5. Monday was an instaget, the rest of the week a bust (though I did get Mongolia on Thursday, do I get a half point?).
  15. It broke my heart that Andre Braugher was a TS.
  16. I have to admit LOLing at the cold open, when 'Trump' asked into the phone, "Is Mike Pence dead yet?" It was funny, in a gallows humor kind of way (pun not intentional, but noted).
  17. Seriously, that's real, it's not from The Onion? Books's verbosity is very verbose in its verbosityness.
  18. Christie admitting that he voted for 45, in both '16 and '20 😐 At least he was honest, unlike Wallace's weasly "it's called a secret ballot" answer, but still. Can't really call Christie a 'reasonable Republican' with that on his record.
  19. 3/5, best week of the season. Was 0-2 after Tuesday, but Weds and Thus were instagets, and Friday a good guess!
  20. 1/5 with a *. Going backwards after two 2/5 weeks. Yay soccer balls. 😔
  21. Yeah, Flanagan's BJ's in school crap (which I still don't know what point she was trying to make) hijacked about half the episode. I did love her take on that white guilt party nonsense, though: "Next week, 'Eat, Love, Pray' at Dana's house!" I'm still LOLing! I didn't appreciate the cheap shot Bill took at Admiral Stockdale. He's old enough to have seen that VP debate, and even if he didn't, he should know better. That moment has been unfairly twisted into a 'senior moment' for Stockdale, which it wasn't. The guy is a true American hero, do some homework, Bill. It's awful that that incident is the first thing people think of when they hear his name these days. Shame on Bill for perpetuating it.
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