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Everything posted by Orillia

  1. Probably none of the experts want to lower themselves to do this show. But that's okay....... just means that there's more time for the always scintillating baseball talk.
  2. I had to laugh at Abby today She was clearly trying to make Susan Rice look bad when she pointed out in kind of a snarky way that the president didn't take her advice. Wow ! Stop the presses ! The president didn't take the advice of one of his advisors. This is historic. There is one good thing to come from this. Now Meghan and Abby can bond even tighter over their great questioning skills.
  3. She just wants to make sure that Ellen knows her value.
  4. Abby's best question to Hillary ... Do you ever think back to what you could have done differently in the last election ? Yeah , I wrote a whole book about it. Even some of the audience was cracking up.
  5. Yeah , and if Hillary had given those speeches at a KYV event , Mika would have loved them.
  6. One thing ( besides Meghan ) that kind of bothered me today was how they kept showing the footage of Gabbie being rushed to the ambulance. I'm sure that's just what her husband wants to see. I know it's not what I want to see.
  7. I think that this is the first time a showmance has been final two, Should be good , Jackson aka Mickie vs the love of his life. Holly, not his momma.
  8. After a few weeks of relatively quiet shows , it's nice to see things finally get back on track.
  9. Maybe this will be the time she finally gets someone. Yeah ..... sure it will
  10. That was one of the funniest competitions ever. I especially liked watching the other players acting all pissed off at being eliminated. But I think they were all laughing at it too. Even they knew how stupid it was.
  11. I loved listening to Nicole's analysis of Jackson during the fight. Some good observations. I thought that her pointing out that both Jackson and Brent used the "own it" phrase was right on the money. I really hope she wins.
  12. That Whoopie ...... she has a real way with words.
  13. Nick and Nicole on the block would be worth it just for the voting alone. I can hear it now " I vote to evict Nick " Julie ; " Do you mean Nick or Nicole ? Happy birthday to ...................
  14. Those two reached a new low with their behavior. What do they have , hearts of stone ? As if it isn't bad enough that Christie's on the block , but she just lost the veto. The universe will get even.
  15. For Great , I thought of Balls of Fire or Santini
  16. Sara is supposed to be on the $100,000 Pyramid this Sunday. Should be good.
  17. I absolutely loved this show when it first came out and still consider it to be my favorite show of all time. For years it was my most wanted on DVD show. When I heard that it was finally going to be released , I couldn't believe my luck. Despite the fact that there were no extras and the video quality was sometimes less than stellar , I didn't care........ that much. For once I didn't worry about what wasn't there but appreciated what I had. Every episode of my favorite show. I find that it still holds up fairly well and every once in a while, watch a few episodes.
  18. Don't worry , she's got a month to toughen up .
  19. But it would have made poor non snowflake Meghan feel better and after all. isn't that the thing that really matters ?
  20. Yeah, but he didn't die from cancer so what does she care ?
  21. This was the one time she should have broken her don't look at Meghan rule.
  22. I think they purposely used the worst picture of Meghan that they had . Good job production . They must not like her either . And where was Abbie's picture ? Remember her ? ........ who ?
  23. When did being in the top 4 become a thing ?
  24. You can add me to that list. Sunny drives me up the wall. But seeing her shut out Meghan this week made me like her just a little tiny bit. However , to be fair, if she was doing it to anyone else I'd think she was being an idiot. The fact that it's Meghan , makes it ok and is getting funnier by the day.
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