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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I just figured it would be Oliver's disappearance/"death" or Sara's killer (or red-herring killer) being revealed.
  2. Ra's looks like he's wearing maternity yoga pants or something. Haha!
  3. Trade-sies! Flash needs to darken up next season, right?? They can have Guggenheim and we will take Kreisberg back as Arrow definitely needs to lighten up.
  4. In Stephen's Q&A, he was asked what five songs he listens to while working out (I think that was the question), and one of them was Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. I chuckled at that one because wasn't that the song playing as he hooked up with Laurel in front of the windows while Tommy watched from the street? Also, on a completely shallow note, the man has wonderful teeth. Seriously, he has like the best smile ever. He definitely won the genetics lottery, lucky bastard.
  5. I convinced my brother to watch, and I really oversold him on the Diggle thing, telling him how SA had to bite his lip to keep it together. We discussed after, and we both wondered when the heck that happened. I didn't really find Diggle's reaction to Barry hilarious, but I did find it funny that he kept going on and on about Barry's speed, and how he wondered about Barry going to the bathroom. But I basically have no expectations about the Arrow side of the crossover, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised. Oh, I forgot to mention. I just love Felicity and Caitlyn's friendship. I'm hoping that Felicity can develop a relationship with Thea because I think that she really needs a female friend on Arrow.
  6. I'm hoping that Barry sets Oliver straight tomorrow night and lets him know that guys like them can have the girl (although that's probably not happening considering the state of Iris and Barry's relationship right now). So, if Oliver's decided that he can't have the girl, what exactly was he going to tell Felicity when he walked in on her kissing Ray? Ugh, this is so stupid. Oliver must be one of these people who isn't happy unless he's miserable. I was thinking that instead of sending Oliver away for three episodes, they should have had the LoA kidnap Laurel. That would get her off the screen for a while, and they could have had Nyssa train her while she was with the League. That probably would have made the transformation to BC slightly more believable.
  7. I think that they got me on his side after seeing him high on painkillers in the last episode. That was hilarious. Man, I'm glad that a lot of spoilers about these episodes didn't leak out because I think that the things that I've read were majorly overhyped. Like, I thought the coffee scene was going to be a big deal, but it really wasn't. I also read that this episode was hilarious, and I thought that there were funny parts, but they just seemed on par with a normal Flash episode, really. I mean, I still really liked the episode but maybe I was expecting too much?
  8. Yeah, it just hurts so much to see this and be reminded of how great the show used to be. Maybe Kreisberg was the key to it all, I don't know.
  9. I'm enjoying the good times while they last. Sounds like things will begin plummeting into free fall next week :(
  10. Lookin' good Colin Salmon, lookin' good. Is he a fireman or something??
  11. Yeah, I mean we already know that Oliver loves her, he's pretty much told her that twice, so I think the audience is pretty clear on how he feels. So I'm hoping that the moment of "definite clarity" is something more physical.
  12. The way that Barry said "Ollie" did seem like an insult (but then again, "Ollie" always makes me think of the douche Oliver was before the island, so I hate that stupid name). Maybe it's referenced earlier in the episode somehow? I'm thinking that The Arrow almost has to win in a fight between the two if the EPs intend for meta-humans to show up in Starling City somewhere down the line. Really, if Oliver can't be good guy Barry, how will he ever defeat super-powered bad guys?
  13. I'm not sure if I would love this or hate it. I think I'd be OK as long as they immediately pick things up when Oliver returns (please, for the love of God, no amnesia plots or one step forward/five steps back crap).
  14. I'm going in with the assumption that Guggenheim, who oversells everything, has majorly oversold this. That way, I won't be so disappointed. However, SA has phrased it as "definite clarity," so I'm really hoping for something good (like there'd better at least be another kiss).
  15. Hmm. From that interview just posted: Next week is the mid-season finale, so I'm confused. I thought that he'd be confessing his feelings in episode 9. Maybe he's just mixed up about when the episodes air or something? Or maybe we're not getting "clarity" until January or February??
  16. I'm thinking that this crossover event is going to get some really great ratings. They should have done this during November sweeps. You know what's going to suck, though? They probably aren't going to include part one of the crossover on the Arrow DVD (or part two on The Flash DVD), and I don't plan on buying The Flash just so I can have that first part of the crossover.
  17. So, I was just coming here to talk about this! Absolutely, the hatred for Laurel in this thread isn't a unique thing. Go to the OUaT forum and you'll see plenty of hate for Regina, or go to the Sleepy Hollow forum and you'll see the same for Katrina. I know that it probably sucks for people who like these characters, but I don't get why I'm supposed to feel bad about despising a fictional person. If I don't like something, I'll snark and bitch about it. I mean, of course I praise the things I love about the show, but I'm not here to just stroke the EPs egos. If I don't like something, I'll continue to talk about it in hopes that maybe the people in charge will finally get the fucking message.
  18. I'm going to take this to the Small Talk Thread as my comments aren't limited to Laurel.
  19. I feel like maybe there are too many mysteries going on here. What happened to Julien's leg? How did that one officer end up in prison? What did Emily and Tony do? What's up with Ian and the creepy pedophile? What's the deal with Julien's wife and this woman that's making her cry? Why was the undercover guy killed? Tony is like the worst at breaking into people's places. Sure, cut yourself, leave a nice blood trail, grab a kitchen towel to stop the bleeding. I'm sure he wasn't thinking that far ahead, but the pedophile guy could have shot him. Stupid. I don't think that this is going to have a happy ending. Either Oliver is dead or his story involves something horrible, like human trafficking. I'm half tempted to look at spoilers, but I kind of want to be surprised!
  20. Well if we're doing parallels to episode 301, can Laurel's storyline in "Canaries" end the same way that Sara's did in that episode? Please and thank you.
  21. I was just coming on here to ask if EBR is in Hawaii now or if those pictures are older. So yeah, I guess that EBR will have a smaller or nonexistent role in episode 13. That sucks. Maybe Oliver and Felicity aren't getting together right after he returns from the dead/being missing/wherever he is. Remember when some of us were hoping that season 3B would turn things around and be more like season 2A? Yeah, I don't think that's happening. I think that no matter what feedback the EPs get, they're just going to continue on this crapfest.
  22. Well, it's not like I was harassing the person on Twitter, I was just pointing it out. I'm understandably a little concerned about one of the biggest episodes ever for my least favorite character ever. But as BkWurm1 said, maybe it will be an improvement. I won't be watching live, but I will certainly know from everyone's comments :)
  23. I think that I read on here that Morena Baccarin is coming to Gotham, but did you know that she's the voice of Harrison Well's computer thingy that searched the newspaper from the future for any mention of the Flash? I didn't even notice that was her voice. http://tvline.com/2014/11/26/the-flash-morena-baccarin-voices-gideon/#more-568890
  24. I find myself more excited for the Arrow stuff happening Tuesday on The Flash than part 2 of the crossover on Wednesday, and that's kind of sad. Arrow really needs to lighten up very soon. Over on Guggenheim's twitter, he congratulated one of the writers for episode 13, Canaries. Turns out that it's this writer's first episode of TV ever. That's a bit worrisome considering some of the people that have been writing for this show for multiple seasons can't seem to get the characterization right.
  25. Oh my gosh. Some of the stuff on Guggenheim's twitter cracks me up. Here's a new one that I laughed at today. The person asks how they can support a show that they love that's getting not-so-great ratings. Guggenheim answers (maybe thinking it's a question about Arrow?), and then the person responds that BTW the show they're asking about is Forever. Hahahahaha! Also, if you're disappointed with Arrow it looks like you should avoid tweeting and watching on the DVR. https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/538123563329257472
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