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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I have zero desire to see Felicity with Crazy Eyes Ray. Zero. And that interview with EBR didn't exactly give me the warm fuzzies about tonight's episode. I think I need to downgrade my expectations from a 9 to like, a 6. Felicity, please don't rebound with Ray because you think Oliver's dead. God, are they going to drag this out until the season finale, when Oliver and Felicity finally get together. Blech. Yeah, "The Return" is definitely in reference to Slade (Guggenheim has "featuring the return of @manubennett"). I thought Oliver was returning in episode 12? Haha, if he's returning in 13, I don't think they'll con me into watching Canaries live just so I can see Oliver. Nope.
  2. So apparently Malcolm is in a scene up in the mountains as well (can't watch the video, so I don't know more than that). Is his crazy ass going to be the key to Oliver's survival? I would love to see Malcolm nursing Oliver back to health.
  3. I think that maybe that means that the evidence was planted, and that's the end of that (could I use the word "that" any more than I possibly did?). I guess we're reading too much into it by suspecting that the evidence will somehow link to Thea. But I'm very confused by what he said, so...huh?
  4. It sounds like he's saying that by expecting the writers to use actual real-life science, we're expecting too much? Like we've thought about this more than they have.
  5. I posted another Guggenheim interview in the Spoilers thread (comicbook.com) where he talks about the Lazarus Pit (wishy-washy answer, basically) and he also says this: So, huh??
  6. Yeah, I was wondering if Oliver really does die, and they use the Lazarus Pit on him. I hope not. The only one that I want to use the Lazarus Pit on is Sara.
  7. Maybe he's been getting some bad feedback on that? Who knows. But I trust Kreisberg a hell of a lot more than Guggenheim, so if Kreisberg is telling me that it's a Laurel trilogy, I'm going to go with that.
  8. ^Don't forget, it's really about Team Arrow (minus the actual Arrow, of course). WTF? You're not fooling me, Guggenheim.
  9. Oh, sorry. It was Kreisberg that said this: Guggenheim doesn't know where this idea came about? It was from his fellow EP.
  10. From the IGN interview: Yeah, so basically he's not going to react, because he's "dead", right? I'm pretty sure that this is where we're headed. Oh, are we trying to walk this back now?? Isn't he the one who told us that 10-12 is the Laurel trilogy?!
  11. Surely they have to give us some reason to return in January, right? If I leave this episode thinking Oliver is "dead", have no Olicity to look forward to when the season resumes, but have the promises of Buckle suiting up, I'm not sure that I could even be bothered to tune in after the break.
  12. Sad thing is, there are probably people who will actually believe that he's dead. The viewing audience ain't always so bright. Nah, I don't think that will happen. SA described this episode as including "the greatest Oliver/Felicity scene we've ever had." I think it will be something very positive for their relationship.
  13. Ugh, it's probably the "literal cliffhanger" with Oliver dangling off the mountain, his grip slipping from whatever he's holding onto. So not looking forward to that.
  14. Haha, probably. But that wasn't clear in the clip (and yes, I watched more than once just to be sure).
  15. I don't know. I don't think that scene was particularly graphic except for the fact that the lady wasn't...uh...wearing any clothes. Basically it was just kind of a make-out scene. Speaking of not wearing clothes, when in the hell did SA's pants disappear?? He had pants on when he ran out the door, he had pants on when he had the lady in a bear hug by the car. And then his pants disappeared??
  16. So, in the Spoilers thread, it was mentioned that SA was in a short film where he had some chick up against a wall. If you're interested, here's the link (obviously, NSFW!!). The wall part starts around 11:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6EULi3jYfA
  17. Ha! Found it. I'm moving this to the Arrow Stars in Other Roles thread.
  18. Ooh. What's the name of this movie (or where can I see the clips)?? God, this episode is probably going to leave me sobbing in the corner. I'm actually dreading it because it's going to hurt so bad. Their reunion in episode 12 had better be epic. Wish I was binge-watching this instead of having to wait until February!
  19. Wow, Emily looks gorgeous in green. Does anyone ever remember her wearing green on the show? I know that Felicity wears a lot of colors in the red family (red, pink, fuchsia, etc.) and she wears a lot of blues, but I don't remember green. Haha, are they "saving" this color for something special??
  20. Once I heard the term "convoluted" being thrown around, I basically stopped trying to predict who killed Sara because it's probably not going to make sense anyways (and I don't really care, tbh). I just want to make it through this week and fast-forward to Oliver's return in episode 12. I know Oliver's not going to die and he'll be returning in a few episodes, but I just don't think I can handle Felicity thinking he's dead :(
  21. See Barry, it's not just a stupid bar. Salmon ladder proficiency can literally save your life. Oliver could probably hang out all day on that branch.
  22. Wouldn't gender be one of the easiest things to determine from the DNA sample? During the course of this "investigation," why haven't they bothered to establish whether the evidence is pointing to a male or female?? So if the DNA is a match to Oliver, but it turns out that Thea is really the killer, I'm going to seriously side-eye this ridiculousness.
  23. I think that I missed something. Back in 2006, how the heck did Tony come to the conclusion that Ian knew Vincent Bourg? Ooh, another mystery. Where did Ian disappear to eight years ago? Is he just hiding out somewhere with a new identity, or is it possible that Tony killed him or was somehow involved in his death? Maybe that's what the journalist was referencing when he threatened to tell the police what Emily and Tony had done (although I hope that this journalist isn't so shady that he's covering up a murder).
  24. I kind of loved Oliver and Felicity's body language in the first part of the crossover. While the two were getting coffee at Jitters, Oliver had his hands clasped on the table with his torso leaning towards Felicity. He's open and trusting with her (and with Barry as well), but as soon as Iris shows up to give him coffee, he crosses his arms against his chest. Then, as was mentioned in another thread, Oliver physically places Felicity's body between him and Iris at the end of the episode. I have to laugh at the way he steps back and to the side, effectively coupling himself to Felicity. Then there's the sing-songy way that Felicity walks up to Oliver to hand him his coffee (right before baby mama appears). She gets so far up in his personal space that when he stands up to leave, I'm pretty sure that his chest bumps into her left hand, which is holding her cup of coffee. So yeah, while Oliver is saying that he can't be in a relationship with Felicity, his body is definitely not on the same page. Haha!
  25. There's been some discussion about directors and how much responsibility they should accept for an actor's awful performance. Well, I'm watching the Christmas movie Mr. Miracle right now, and whoever directed Rob Morrow to act this way should be taken out back and shot! Seriously, he's awful and I hate it.
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