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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I will take a Laurel/Roy lunge purely for entertainment purposes.
  2. If MG is really afraid of losing the Olicity part of the fandom, he shouldn't say stuff like "you all will be so pissed at me that I'll have to stay off twitter for a while." Really, what is he thinking?
  3. Actually, I was just thinking about that. Those who watch, please let us know if it's as bad as the Ra's/Oliver fight scene. That one was really awful about showing the stunt double's face. But, it should be fine considering it was hard to tell that wasn't KC in the photo.
  4. #EpicFail. Hahaha. I can't believe we missed that! I see over in the spoiler thread that Oliver is probably going to be having nightmares about Felicity in this week's episode. Hope that doesn't mean that we're back to the "because of the life I lead" crap when he returns. Ugh!
  5. Poor little Felicity, forced to nest inside Laurel. What did she do to deserve that? But it must feel awesome to have SA single out your gift and post about it on his social media.
  6. I wish that Ray would just disappear. I guess that I should be thankful that they're finally detaching him from Felicity's hip, but I'm not really looking forward to a "ton" of Ray/Oliver scenes (hoping this is MG being overdramatic as always). MG's memory doesn't seem so great. He keeps insisting that the mayor was in episode 3x05, but I don't recall that happening at all. Unless, maybe my memory is not so great. He also tends to write some pretty offputting/pervy stuff like never having the opportunity to confirm Felicity's natural haircolor or how he's sure that Felicity could molest a kitten and people would still love her. Yuck. I kind of want Laurel to cross over for an entire episode of The Flash, but I'm afraid that the show would try to give her magical ninja fighting skills, so maybe not.
  7. Maybe episode 15, Nanda Parbat, is actually about Laurel & Nyssa and episode 16, The Offer, is Nyssa offering to train Laurel or Nyssa offering LoA membership to Laurel (ahhahahaha). Just putting these worst case scenario guesses out there in case.
  8. I'm not sure how KC's Black Canary hair and makeup says "feminine," but I'm not a fashionista, so what do I know?
  9. No, you're not the only one. I wasn't a Tommy fan and have no desire to see him return. But maybe that's a good thing because if they do bring him back, there is like a 99% chance they absolutely destroy the character (see Wilson, Slade). If Laurel does die, I'm just going to prepare myself for her resurrection because if I thought it was for real, and then MG was like "psych," I would be super pissed.
  10. I just had the most horrible thought. If the team returns to Lian Yu for some reason, what if Laurel tags along and gets left behind or "dies." Then she is picked up by Nyssa and taken back to the LoA to train. Oh my gosh, this would make me rage so hard.
  11. Somewhere in another thread, it was mentioned that people in this forum are not so kind to those with a difference of opinion. My two cents is that there are people with differing opinions, and then there are people who live to antagonize. These antagonizers, however, are fairly easy to spot. They'll say something obnoxious, and then walk away, waiting for other posters to respond to their comments. A while later, they'll return to say something else obnoxious. This goes on for a time, sometimes there are contradictions involved, but if you engage them long enough, they'll eventually say something that shows that they really had no idea what they were talking about, they were just trying to piss you off. I've found that it's best to just ignore these people because even if logic prevails and you make your point, they'll just be back in a month to start the same cycle all over again. My advice? DON'T ENGAGE. It'll keep your blood pressure from skyrocketing.
  12. I would find it immensely irritating if Oliver comes back and decides that he can only be The Arrow. Because if thinking of Felicity as he draws his last "dying" breath isn't enough to make him actually get off his ass and do something about his feelings for her, then there is no hope for this dumb bastard.
  13. I think that it's called co-washing and the purpose is keep the hair moisturized by avoiding stripping it of its natural oils. I don't know if a lot of curly-haired women do the co-washing thing, but I tried it once and it wasn't for me (dryness isn't my problem...my hair is just hella thick). I don't even use special shampoo or conditioner on my hair, really, but I do use leave-in-conditioner to weigh my hair down and heat/humidity gel that is made specifically for curly hair. But if anyone wants to suggest some affordable shampoo, conditioner, or styling products that work wonders on your curls (especially in humid climates because my hair is awful in the summer), I'm curious.
  14. Ah, OK. That question was not posted in the spoiler thread. A friendship between those two particular women doesn't seem organic to me, so I would prefer that any interaction between the two is limited and civil. If the point is to get Laurel detractors on her side by having Felicity on her side, well look at how well that has worked out for Ray. All of his interactions are with Felicity, I think that we're meant to like him because Felicity does, but reactions to Ray seem mixed at best. There is also the additional problem that KC frequently does not come off as intended in scenes, so even if a scene is written as friendly between the two women, it could very possibly play out a different way (see the gleeful jacket passing scene where Laurel smiled cheerfully as her sister returned to her life as an assassin).
  15. I've looked at the spoiler thread and I'm wondering why people are saying that MG is really pushing the Laurel/Felicity scene. Is there stuff he's been saying on Tumblr that hasn't been posted here because to me, it seems like he's pushed that scene no more than the Laurel/Diggle one, which people said wasn't even a big deal. It's probably going to be Felicity and Laurel acting like normal human beings to each other for 30 seconds and that's it. Am I missing something here?
  16. Well, Chrissy Teigen did accuse KC of not having a job. It would be super awesome if she knew something that we all didn't.
  17. Haha, my mom permed my hair as a child, but I had naturally curly hair. Doesn't make sense, does it? I was so scarred by my classmates that I just always wear my hair up. Can't stand my hair in my face at this point. I very rarely wear it down or straighten it, but then I'll get those "Your hair looks so nice" comments that really do feel like maybe the person saying that is implying your hair does not look so nice when it's curly.
  18. I loved Bright and Hannah. They were what kept me majorly interested in the final two seasons.
  19. Even in the US, I think that curly hair isn't considered desirable. Look at how many actresses with naturally curly hair wear it straight most of the time. I saw this segment on Good Morning America (or one of those morning shows) where the lady doing the story took photos of herself with straight and curly hair and then showed them to men. The men had to choose which woman was more attractive. It was the same woman in both pictures, but the men overwhelmingly picked the straight-haired woman as more attractive. I just don't get it.
  20. I'm getting like a Marcus Mumford vibe here. I kind of like it.
  21. I'm Generation Y. Seriously, I think this is when basic human decency started to go downhill. Pretty sure that kids are even worse now.
  22. Oh my gosh, I had no idea that Tracee Ellis Ross is Diana Ross's daughter. That's cool. In my case, I found that the only people envious of my hair were ladies of my grandma's generation. They loved the curly hair! Kids my age...not so much. In fact, some of them were complete A-holes about it. So I get why these little girls don't think their curls are beautiful. They are probably bullied about it at school, and that's just so sad.
  23. I was thinking that it was on purpose to show Laurel "struggling" at first. I'm sure she'll be an expert in about two episodes because we don't want to rush it...
  24. In honor of KC, here's something that all curly-haired folks will probably find relatable and get a good laugh out of: http://www.buzzfeed.com/regajha/things-people-with-curly-hair-are-tired-of-hearing#.wuKqgEpVz
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