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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Oh my gosh, I can't believe that Kelsey's fugly dress is actually a reality. I hope that we were meant to find Younger's rip-off design hideous, and not a "work of art," or something. Oh yeah, I forgot to add something. Lauren's dad is a CREEPER! He's so completely inappropriate that I just can't find him funny. At all.
  2. The "fashion" on this show continues to be AWFUL! The top that Liza was wearing with that hideous plaid diaper actually looked kind of cute while she was sitting down. Then she stood up and it was Aaahh! What are you wearing?! Lauren's outfit was hideous, the one-of-a-kind dress was hideous, Liza's denim jacket and white skirt was hideous. I've never seen anyone dress like like the women on this show are, it's bizarre. I know that many find Charles boring, but he seems like a nice guy and a good dad, and he has a stable job. Those qualities aren't that easy to find in a partner these days! Josh is fine, but I was really put off last season by the way that he and his gross roommate live. I can see Liza having fun with someone like him, but I can't imagine her settling down or getting all that serious with him. I wish Kelsey would dump her boyfriend. He hasn't caused any problems this season, but I remember him being quite the douche during season one.
  3. Huh. There was an awkwardness between Peggy and Daniel in the premiere, so I assumed something had happened last season. It appears as though they both like each other, though, so I wonder if something's going to happen this season.
  4. I skipped Agent Carter season 1 but watched part of the premiere last night. What is the deal with Peggy and Daniel? Did they ever date? Kiss? Anything?
  5. Moved to Mind Your Surroundings thread.
  6. LOLing at the title. "Thea Begins to Doubt Everything (and Laurel Isn't Helping)"
  7. I have nothing to base this on, really, but I feel like MG is back to infecting this show with his shitty ideas. I thought that Arrow was supposed to have a happier, lighter tone this season, but based on spoilers, we're continuing on this downward spiral that began with the introduction of BM/surprise spawn. Paralysis? No, that's not a situation that anybody would describe as happy or light. Bleh. For the sake of my sanity, I have emotionally detached myself from this show. I continue to watch mainly to see people freak out about stuff or post snarky comments, but I can't say that I care much for the show anymore. How sad.
  8. Ew, I just saw this Guggenheim quote regarding Vandal Savage and Kendra: Nope, not "interesting." Just so, so gross. There were hints of this in the crossover episode when Vandal proclaimed to Khufu that he would "know Shiera as you have known her" (while stroking her face like the creeper that he is). THIS is the motivation that you decided to give your season-long (series-long?) villain. Gross, but I've grown to expect as much from MG.
  9. 30-second teaser for Bates Motel. Season 4 will premiere on March 7th.
  10. More teases here that Quinn may return next season.
  11. I also thought that Josh was pretty immature this episode. It's very noble that he didn't want to keep lying to Liza's friends about why they broke up, but you don't just take off on someone without so much as a goodbye while their back is turned! He literally disappeared while Liza was distracted, and didn't even text to say that he was leaving. Not cool. But, you know, I could be biased, because I want Liza and Charles to get together. Speaking of Charles, I thought it was pretty crappy that he was flirting with the dentist in front of Diana. He has to realize that Diana's interested in him...right? So, again, not cool to make an embarrassing situation (like chipping your tooth and having a dental procedure in front of your crush!) even more awkward. I hope that this means we won't be seeing much more of Caitlyn. I don't know why, but I found her annoying. I really hope they don't have her go after Josh. That would be pretty icky.
  12. I'm guessing that you're talking about filling out your W-4 withholding forms. Handling these forms is one of my job responsibilities, and I may say something if I notice that a new employee has done something funny (like claim three allowances when they have no spouse or children), but that's just because I'm a nice person. Yeah, your employer is definitely NOT checking how you fill these forms out. They just make sure that you have completed the forms and signed them, and that's about as much as they can do. I guess they might say something if they notice that you've claimed an insane amount of allowances, but if you put somewhere between one to three, that would seem legit, and they wouldn't question it. My tip for anyone who cares is to completely ignore the personal allowance worksheet and if you like getting money back at tax time, always claim zero allowances (and maybe even withhold extra money from your weekly paycheck). They tell you this is bad...blah, blah, blah, because you're loaning the government interest-free money. But whatever, I like a large tax refund.
  13. I don't know if anyone has seen ads for Fox's new show, Second Chance. It's about this older guy (he's like 75+, I think) who dies and is brought back to life as a "younger, better version of himself." Please tell me they are not going to have a 75-year-old man trapped in a 35-year-old's body, and this guy is going to be lusting after some young woman? Eh, I'm not watching, and it sounds like this is just the sort of show that Fox loves to cancel, so goodbye, Second Chance. I watched The Shannara Chronicles, and I thought that the visuals were pretty impressive for an MTV show. They film in New Zealand, so the scenery is really lovely. But some of the acting is really bad. The girl that plays Eretria is...not so great, and Austin Butler was a complete miscast. Hmm. I'll probably keep watching, but the "this season on Shannara" clip made me wonder if I'm going to enjoy the direction that this show is gonna take. I don't know how MTV can afford this show, especially with not-so-stellar ratings.
  14. I'll definitely try to watch Miss Fischer's very soon. Do the leads have great chemistry? Emily Owens RUINED Justin Hartley for me. He was such a douche on that show, only interested in Emily when she was showing interest in other guys. Ugh, I was so mad about that show getting cancelled because the season finale was completely unsatisfying. Also, Justin Hartley was a plastic surgeon with a shoe fetish on Mistresses, yuck! (Why do I watch that terrible show? I don't know!??). I know that I shouldn't let fictional roles affect how I view actors/actresses, but I just can't help it :(
  15. Taking Justin Hartley discussion to Small Talk thread.
  16. I liked Gilmore Girls well enough when I watched the original run...but years later, I binge-watched it, and I CAN'T STAND Lorelai or Rory. Oh man, they are so damn obnoxious. Lauren Graham was annoying on Parenthood as well, so I'm left wondering if maybe too much of her actual personality is bleeding through in these roles? I received the first season of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries for Christmas, but I don't know when I'll ever have time to watch it. I said screw it! and deleted a bunch of shows I just didn't care about off of the DVR (I'll never see how you end, Defiance. Oh well), and I still have a LOT of stuff sitting on there. If anyone is looking for something completely charming to watch, I recommend The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. It's only one season, it's absolutely delightful, and it has some great cast members (like Jill Scott, David Oyelowo, Colin Salmon, Idris Elba, etc). It's fantastic and you won't regret it.
  17. From the Laurel article: Geez, is that sentence confusing, or what? I'm thinking that this was just written by a fan, right? The article just wasn't as polished as I would expect from a professional writer. Also, I noticed that I can pick any reaction to the article except for "Hate it." Hmm...fishy.
  18. Well, whose idea was it to cut those scenes out of The Spirit of Christmas? Boo! Sadly, I probably won't be able to track down the extended version. I actually really like this movie. The main woman was pretty, the main guy was pretty, and we got a happy ending. That was enough for me. I watched A Christmas Kiss II this weekend. I didn't like the main guy, I didn't find him attractive (like, at all), and I thought he was quite skeevy. They really needed to cast a guy that was charming, and this guy wasn't it. I was hoping that they were going to pull a switcheroo and pair the main woman with her best guy friend/neighbor, but no such luck. Ugh, I hated the main guy so much! I watched the Mariah Carey Christmas movie, and wow, is she a really bad actress! She was seriously terrible. I wasn't fond of the little girl in the movie, and I wish that the girl playing Mariah's daughter would have been the lead instead. Brennan Elliott was great with the little kids, though. I'm really annoyed that I have to wait until next year to see the second half of The Bridge. I liked the guy playing Ryan, but the girl playing Molly has played a few characters that I really didn't like (on The Killing, How to Get Away with Murder, and The Carrie Diaries), so it was hard for me to enjoy her here. On the Twelfth Day of Christmas was cute, and I liked both of the leads. I enjoyed Maggie's homemade cards and watching Mitch/Maggie perform the challenges listed inside together.
  19. I don't see the harm in Quinn fans wanting to believe he's still alive. Frankly, there are a few bizarre things going on here: 1.) They didn't actually show Quinn's death and we didn't see his dead body. 2.) Homeland folks have gone completely silent about the finale episode. Why aren't there any interviews from the showrunners or Rupert Friend? It's common for exiting actors to give several interviews after their character leaves or is killed off, but instead, we get...silence? Would it be realistic for Quinn to survive? Mmm...no. But when is TV actually realistic? This is a show where a main character was trapped in a real-life version of Final Destination, escaping death at every turn. And this is a show where that same man survived a sarin gas attack because a kindly terrorist saw fit in his heart to administer some atropine! So yeah, it's very easy for me to believe that if Homeland wants Rupert Friend back next season, Carrie will change her mind about killing Quinn at the last second, he will wake up, the doctor will say that his brain damage isn't nearly as bad as they expected, Quinn will go through intensive rehab (offscreen during a time-jump), and then he'll find a different career-path. Or I could be wrong, and Rupert Friend could give an interview tomorrow where he explains why he left Homeland. I just don't know, but until he or the showrunners confirm the death, I'll keep believing that he might be back next season.
  20. Quinn's entire storyline this season made zero sense to me. If the intention was to kill him off, they could have done that with the gunshot wound, or the resulting sepsis, or the knife fight with the terrorist, or that other terrorist hitting him over the head with a tire iron, or the sarin gas exposure, or the doctor waking him from his coma at the request of Carrie/Saul (which was completely pointless, since it yielded no information whatsoever), or the major surgery for the brain hemorrhage. But no, he survives all of that to...lie comatose and be killed by Carrie? WTF? Yeah, no. I'm going to hope that the show wouldn't let him go out like that. Quinn narrating his letter very much felt like this was the end, but the last scene (with the light) left things ambiguous. I guess I'll wait until we have 100% confirmation that Rupert Friend is not returning. Ugh, I hated that ending so much, and it'll basically ruin the entire show for me if Quinn's really gone.
  21. I swear that I'm not in denial, but it seems unclear to me if that person on that show we're talking about actually is dead. No, it would not be realistic for that person to be alive...but this is TV, and plenty of things that happen on TV are completely unrealistic. If that really was supposed to be a death, I won't be watching next season, and I'm more than a little pissed that nothing much every happened between the couple, because I ship (shipped?) them too.
  22. See, to me, that didn't seem like the show killed Quinn off. It felt more like they weren't sure if Rupert Friend was coming back next season, so they set things up so it could go either way. Maybe his contract is up and they're trying to get him back for another season? To me, it played out more like Carrie was getting ready to end things, and then the room was suddenly bathed in light and she took that as some sign and was rethinking going through with it? I'm hoping that the showrunners don't release interviews saying that Quinn is 100% dead, because I won't bother investing in another season if Rupert Friend is no longer part of Homeland. I'm not sure what this show will look like if he survives, though, because he apparently has some massive brain damage. Will there be some miraculous recovery, or...? I'm left wondering if poor Rupert Friend really ticked someone off because they treated Quinn terribly this season. And separating him from Carrie was a HUGE mistake, IMO.
  23. Anyone else think we should have a thread exclusively for gifs? Just me? I can't even read this thread on my phone because doing so eats up too much of my data. This could just be a "me" problem though, cause I'm poor and can't afford a better data plan!
  24. I missed the part where the promos promised to reveal the bomber this week, so I was totally confused when I came on here and people were saying that Caleb did it. While watching the episode, I just figured the stuff with him and the safety deposit box were red herring # 367 in this convoluted mess. I'm not even convinced that the writers actually know who did it yet...it just feels like they are making this crap up as they go. I had to laugh at the stupidity of Alex running around in FBI gear when her face has been plastered all over the news and she's just plead guilty to an act of terrorism. Yeah, sure, nobody's going to recognize her. Uh huh. (Well, in real life, people would probably notice, but on this stupid show...guess not.) Forever lol-ing at the thought of Ryan writing a song for Alex. That just seemed so random.
  25. LOL, I wasn't saying chemistry = hot sex scenes. I recognize that there are several forms of chemistry, but I was speaking only to the romantic/sexual type of chemistry. And if I'm going to root for a couple (in the romantic shippy sense), there absolutely has to be the desire for me to see more intimate moments like hugs, kisses, flirting, etc. If I'm actively cringing during those moments, no, I'm just not going to get invested in that pairing as anything more than friends. Barry is cute and sweet, but other than that, he does nothing for me.
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