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Posts posted by Cosmocrush

  1. Not sure what thread for this topic, but has there been any information on whether there will be a "goodbye" show for either Sherrie or Jenny?

    Not sure if Jenny deserves one since she's been there for one season. Sherries been there a while, but of course, so had Elizabeth and she basically said "bye" and was gone the next day.

    Elisabeth, Sherri, and Jenny were fired so I'd be surprised to see any kind of "goodbye" show for them, but who knows -  with Geddie also headed out the door right behind them the production staff might put something together.  I suggest they just end the season with a giant flush sound effect. 


    When I read Sherri was sitting in Whoopi's moderator seat today I thought about when a football team is losing 40 to 2 in the fourth quarter and they let the third, fourth and fifth string players in because it doesn't really matter anymore.   And I knew I had to watch.  


    Much to my surprise I found myself thinking Sherri did a pretty good job.  Now granted, I think Whoopi sets a very, very low bar for that position so I guess just doing the opposite of Whoopi made her that much better to me.  


    Today, Sherri was everything Whoopi  is not.  For one thing, the Not Hot Topics were familiar to her, she clearly doesn't roll in at 10:45 for an 11:00 show; she  didn't appear to be seeing the material on the teleprompter for the first time and was able to go off script  when appropriate.  She not only took time to mention that Whoopi wasn't there but gave her a shout out.  I've seen Whoopi completely ignore the subject of a missing co-host all the time. 


    Sherri introduced the two guest hosts without using the words "amazing" or "fabulous."  She not only let them speak but called on them by name to ask their opinions and seemed engaged in the conversation where Whoopi more often than not just leans back if something doesn't interest her.  In fact, the only snarkable thing I could find was Jenny's dumbass contributions (as usual)  to the topics.    All in all, despite Sherri's usual crab claw hands, I actually watched the entire show. 


    I don't watch GMA or remember Amy Robach from before that  but I thought she was stunning and seemed pretty smart to me.   Harvard educated Alicia Menendez would be a great addition to this show but I have a feeling she might be to good for it.  I loved the contrast of these smart, educated, professional woman sitting next to Jenny McCarthy while she spewed her ignorance.   I hope Jenny noticed it too - just because she makes me mean like that. 

    • Love 8
  2. Oh Cody, you are so pretty, why do you have to be so weak and dumb?   Whatever his brother is saying about Cody tonight, I'll second it.  I can't believe I almost fell for it  when Cody shook Donny's hand and told him he was not going to put him on the block but then I remembered I was spoiled so...  


    Oh, yeah- Caleb with that plastic dagger while stating at Cody and Amber!! God, that was amazing. Is Caleb for real with all this, or is he playing it up for tv time? Because the former? Is terrifying.

    From everything I've seen on BBAD I don't think he is playing it up - that's him.   As entertaining as crazy can be on this show I wanted him out before jury because the thought of that guy in the jury house with Amber and without surveillance is beyond creepy.    I'd be fine with Amber leaving too for the same reason and because I don't find her entertaining at all. 


    It seemed like Donny was out there with Brittany  during the brutal soccer thing for most, if not all of the whole time while everyone else slept, ate, whatever.  I'll be sorry to see Brittany go home after that but Donny better not go either.  Hey Grodner, now is the time for the coup d'etat - save Donny and make Cody nominate someone else.  Ha!


    Frankie is starting to grate on my nerves and not just the theatrical stuff;  I am hating his gameplay too.

  3. I wonder if Sal even considered Jeffrey as anything other than a kid that lived in the house.

    Or Sherri as anything but a bank account. 


    Is there anything that Sal could say or do that doesn't warrant criticism??

    @RogerFromOhio, I think Sal needs to STFU and stop broadcasting his business.  The only reason anyone, outside of his mother, cares what he's doing is because of Sherri. 


    By the way, I totally get your point about gold diggers. Besides this trash, I have a fondness for the Real Housewives shows, of which are cast with about 50% pure gold diggers - all who have kids right away to secure their futures. One former RH of Orange County even had two kids via surrogate and ended up with something like $50 million in her divorce (no pre-nup, lol)   So yeah, it goes both ways. 


    In the same vein, there are plenty of wives who gave up their youth and careers to support their husband's career, had kids and end up screwed financially when the husband decides he's done with the marriage.  I think that happens more often than husbands being taken to the cleaners actually but I couldn't prove it. 


    But just because women have done it probably forever, doesn't make it okay that Sal is trying it.  It sounds to me like Sal really only wants a child if it came with a bank account otherwise he wouldn't make such a big deal about trying to get Sherri to pay.  He would woman up and get a damn job and support himself and his kid.    Something I've always felt everyone, man or woman, married or not,  should be prepared, able and willing to do by the way. 


    In my opinion, if Sal had any dignity or paternal instinct at all he would raise his child without Sherri's money and let her go instead of putting stuff out there like she doesn't want this child. Sherri has never said that or even indicated it from what I can tell - that's all Sal - putting that crap out there for his child, his child!, to see someday; that his mother didn't want him. 


    The whole thing is a colossal mess and I'll be interested to see how it shakes out legally.  But meanwhile, I think he just needs to stay off social media and start looking for a job. 

    • Love 13
  4. That sounds about right. The tv version of Larry is a self-important dullard who has made Piper's experience in jail all about him and Biggs(the actor who plays him) seems like a disgusting person in real life from everything I've seen.


    My guess is that a big part of the reason they invited Biggs on the show is because he got into so much trouble about those Malaysian flight tweets...

    Oh, I bet that's it @Turkish!  Good call! They were hoping some of Bigg's "sparks" would rub off on them.  Good call.  Add shame to the list of things this show is lacking. 

  5. Did anyone else notice Whoopi's body language when they were trashing Kanye's latest ridiculous comments and by association, Kim Kartrashian?  She read the Not Hot Topic off the teleprompter and immediately leaned waaaay back in her chair, disengaging herself from the 'conversation' and of course by conversation I mean the other co-hosts trying to get a word in while Sherri was flapping her gums and hands.  Then, she sat forward and said maybe he had a point in there somewhere; completely unwilling to alienate any celebrity or fellow 'artist.'   She also admitted she was pissed that Kartrashian made a reported $200 million by selling her likeness to an app.  Ha! 


    Of course she found her voice when it came to the Biebs though - all puffed up when she talked about what she would do if she lived next door to him.  Guess Beiber doesn't make  her list of Celebrities to Defend. 


    Sunny Hostin has said numerous things that make me question her thought process but taking on-air wardrobe advice from the co-host who was just fired and whose seat you hope fill seems like a dumbass idea. 

    • Love 5
  6. I brought this up on Jenny's thread, I think, but I don't know that Evan is likely to read these news stories - and certainly it wouldn't be fodder for the bullies. I doubt 12-year-old boys are looking online for entertainment news or reading synopses of The View. 


    It was a discussion at a roundtable of other moms, a great-grandmother, and a new dad. I don't see it as out-of-line in those circumstances.

    Haven't you ever Googled yourself?  Or your family?  Friends?  I have no idea about the degree of Evan's autism but if he can go to  a mainstream sleep-away camp (really?) then he can probably work a search engine.   It's one thing to see all stuff about his mother because she can talk to him about that but what about the stuff about himself? At age 12, I'd say that's not cool. 

    • Love 3
  7. Frankie is super theatrical which makes sense since he said he was on Broadway for three years.  Add in that he seems to be a huge BB fan and his DRs make sense.  What doesn't make sense to me is a 31 year old man (who looks older than that)  acting like he's much, much younger and much dumber or at least I hope the dumb part is an act.  Grow up Frankie. The glitter nails and imitations of a 14-year-old girl aren't even a little bit attractive on a man his age.  I guess it's consistent with someone who calls his 21 year old baby sister his bff at least. 


    I think this act probably worked for him ten years ago and he stuck with it but how "cute" will this act be at 35 or 40?

    • Love 4
  8. I sorta hate twitter, but I do follow some celebs, sherri included, but i usually don't post. Yesterday, in response to her video working the grill and intimating just how far she had fallen , I asked if she had really meant to insult the people who have to work in fast food to make a living.... (I was serious). WELL....the notifications came fast and furious and didn't stop for an hour from her fans, calling me everything from  "hater" (naturally), "miserable", "coward" and a few more. (I didn't engage with any of them, except to post later that my question was legitimate. To be honest, it was a near-scary experience.

    @pachebo, I thought the same thing about Sherri's "joke" and wondered how many hard working people would be put off by it.  I honestly don't work very hard now but I certainly have had hard, stand on your feet all day jobs and I wouldn't have appreciated that then nor did I see the humor in it now.  I don't follow her on Twitter but if I did I probably would have tweeted something like  "What would you know about working hard in a kitchen all day for minimum wage?  Shut up."   But I wouldn't have thought about a Twitter backlash from The Sherri Army.  Yikes. 


    I wonder if anyone got in trouble for letting a semi celeb who had no idea what she was doing behind the counter where other customer's food had been and would be prepared after she was done with that photo op?

    All I could think about was that super long imported hair not tied back while in a commercial kitchen.  Blech. 

    • Love 4
  9. Damn, the girl is caught in her "sexy, exciting" hi and happening 20's isn't she.


    She and Donnie may get married, but it won't last - she's not a grown up.



    Oh for pete's sake, I meant hip and happening!

    I don't know much about Donnie Wahlberg  but he's a 45 year old and still performing with his boy band from his own twenty's: New Kids on The Block.    Sounds like it might be a good match. 


    Edited for literacy

    • Love 2
  10. @backformore that entire article is hilarious!  Thanks for sharing. 



    Wow, they are crawling out of the woodwork to get in Rosie's spotlight aren't they?  Babs must be thrilled wherever she is, which I hope is out on some yacht enjoying herself and reminding everyone within earshot she created The View. 

  11. I'm not losing any sleep over Sherri Shepherd's finances. That dumbass made more money showing up for a part time job for seven years (not to mention all the other gigs she was able to get due to her exposure on The Spew like DWTS, hosting game shows, reality wedding and a failed sitcom) than 99 percent of Americans will ever make, including single mothers and divorced parents.  

    Would Sal be considered property? Seems he rented himself out for about 60K.

    I think that's considered a bad investment @Fisher King although she probably made more than $60K on her televised wedding.  Heh.

    • Love 5
  12. It appears we aren't going to have Sherri to kick around much longer so in honor of her many many contributions to The Spew's downhill slide race to bottom I'd like to reminisce about my very favorite Sherri moment of all time.  Sure, it was years ago but I don't think much has changed for that clown.  It's from when this show still tried to have conversations and not drive-by talking points, although re-watching this I can kind of see why they decided to give that up. 



    Sherri Shepherd Doesn't Get That Whole BC Thing, Insists "Jesus Came First"


    For whatever reason, the ladies on "The View" were discussing ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus this morning. Naturally, talk soon migrated to the topic of religion, and Sherri "I don't know if the world is flat" Shepherd came out to play. More specifically, to spew ignorance and a complete lack of understanding of basic world history! Discussing whether Christians were around during Epicurus' time (Epicurus lived from 341-270 B.C.), Sherri chimed in, "[The Greeks] had Christians 'cause they threw them to the lions."


    When Whoopi tried to cautiously navigate her through the timeline of basic world events, saying, "I think this might predate that," Sherri responded, "I don't think anything predated Christians." Joy's attempt to explain the Greek-Roman-Christian chronology was futile, as Sherri insisted, "Jesus came first before them." Sherri's argument was all the more powerful due to her convincing "use your finger to write on the table" trick, but she can't fight the facts. Perhaps if Barbara were on today she would have explained THAT WHOLE B.C. THING (you know, as in, Before Christ).



    And here's the video from youtube.   Ha!  Still makes me go, "Wow." 

    • Love 7
  13. I'm just catching up here but wanted to respond to one of  @RogerFromOhio's  tweets on KO's page.  Nice argument by the way Roger, even if I disagree, I like your style.  


    RogerFromOhio ‏@RogerFromOhio Jul 17

    @r_bagby @KeithOlbermann They sure do try to stop him from being President....but the Right hasnt figured out how to over turn elections yet


    Ah but they have @RogerFromOhio.  Have you forgotten 2000  Bush v Gore already? 

    • Love 6
  14. I tend to believe The Daily Beast.  It's generally proven to be legit.   Is Tina Brown still the top editor?  


    Maybe it's because that article made my day when I first read it!  No more Sweaty Dickhead (Bill) Geddie is almost as big of news as when Bitsy left, except of course I sadly didn't get to witness his well deserved, long overdue, 'retirement'.    When ABC basically forced Babs into leaving (announcing her retirement when both she and her publicist were out of the country and the show was on a break) I had hoped it meant SDG would be going too.  After all, his entire career was producing shit starring Babs.  But the best part could be if he produces his own farewell party on air. which I doubt he will since this wasn't his decision.  Still,  what kind of sincerity could Jenny BitterCakes, and Sherri Shake 'Em Shepherd muster for that show?  We know Whoopi will be the same, wake, bake and roll in ten minutes to air.


    Come to think of it, maybe that's why Jenny and Sherri seem extra crazy chipper these days - their boss got the same ax they did. Ha!




    Like it's a FORMULA. "Oh, we now thing Lisa Ling was nice, and our fans speak nicely of her, so lets recreate that". And "People tuned in for Elisabitch, even if they also hated her, so lets recreate that".

    Right?  Because viewers only liked Lisa because she was Asian and hated Bits because she was a Republican.  Nope.  I liked Lisa because she was smart and articulate and I hated Bits long before she became a Republican For Pay. 

    • Love 3
  15. Meanwhile in the PR.com article.



    Um...because it can be fatal in adults?  (then again, I'm not a doctor.) 

    Before the vaccine came out, (mid 90s) every year about 100-150 Americans did die from chickenpox but a much larger number - something like !0,000 kids were hospitalized each year.  I remember this well because I got the chickenpox as an adult just a few years before the vaccine came out.  It was very painful and very expensive (housebound for almost two weeks)  a year later, my brother came down with it as well. 


    But back to Jenny - does she ever talk about Evan's father?  Is he in the picture at all?  I can' remember. 

  16. I wonder why Whoopi acknowledged Jenny wasn't there today but made no mention of Sherri's absence on Monday.

    Whoopi seems to stick to the teleprompter - when she can see/read it.  That and her earpiece.   I thought not mentioning Sherri's absence on Monday was weird too.  I've seen them do it before and it always cracks me up - it's like if they don't mention it maybe we won't notice.  Hee. 

    • Love 2
  17. West Coast show was preempted today by ABC News and the 777 that went down in Ukraine.  I am always conflicted when this (The Spew being preempted, not a plane going down) happens because my choice to watch was made for me instead of by me.  On the other hand, I clearly have no self control about this crapfest - I always think something epic might go down and I'll miss it. 

    • Love 2
  18. That is absolutely insane.  This, is why this country is so bizarre anymore.  I can't make any logical sense of it.  Hard working people cannot get jobs in this economy, the middle class is disappearing before our very eyes, whilst untalented people reap a gazillion dollars a year.

    I understand (and share) your frustration @NextIteration but remember ABC/Disney is making tons of money off this show.  Now it seems someone there has decided we the viewers are a factor in that.   It's all relative.  By the way, totally off topic, I feel the same way about professional sports. 


    edited for spelling

    • Love 2
  19. Article from the Daily Beast.  Of note: claims that Geddie will not be back and Babs did give up her ownership of the show. 

    @mtlchick,  this article made my day!!!  Good news all around:  Sweaty Dickhead Geddie  leaving against his will, Babs being relieved of her duties and yet keeping the title Creator, lol.  


    Hell, if Whoopi's been getting  $5milion for  just showing up and doing the bare minimum then a draw like Rosie should be paid at least double.  The show got by being super cheap for a long time.  Sounds like someone finally realized you have to spend a little  money to make money. 

    • Love 3
  20.   Above all, Howard said if she was talking like this now, she'd still be on the View. 

    Howard Stern knows how to stay on the air.  Just sayin'.     Like Bitsy's move to to a Faux morning show, I'm just glad Jenny McCarthy is going to be working someplace I can easily avoid.  I'll miss her shoes though. 

    • Love 1
  21. Damn, my dvr refused to record this shit show today (sometimes it has better taste than I do) but it sounds like another show where The View tried to cram a case that belongs on Dateline into a five minute segment.  Is it worth watching online? 


    I'm thinking probably not since it's not like there won't be another opportunity to watch this show make a mess out of story or spew misinformation and half baked opinions based on, oh I don't know, a tweet by a Kartrashian.  I don't like to watch too many episodes in a row out of the fear I might either go insane or throw something at the screen.  There is always tomorrow and always a new low for The Spew to reach.  I wonder where the bottom is?  We must be halfway to China by now.

    • Love 4
  22. Hasn't she talked about this on the show? I can't remember one way or the other clearly enough.



    Now that you mention it.... I'm really sure she told this story on The View.... one of those mommy stories that they are so proud about

    @RogerFromOhio, I heard it too - at least the "sex is like a foot rub" part.  But you know what?  I highly doubt any of it is true. 

    Bitsy clearly left her "make up fun family stories" notes behind for Sherri who is probably sharing it with Jenny.   Making your kid part of your act isn't so funny to them by the time they are tweens.  I think it's disrespectful too.   What's that saying?  If you want your kids to respect you, then respect them. 

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