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Posts posted by Cosmocrush

  1. What could have been dealt with as a serious topic, turned in to the co-hosts grabbing each others breasts. What a clusterfuck this show is.

    Holy Hell, Whoopi must not have had time for her morning bong hit today - she was really worked up and shouting all over the place!  Shouting to the point where Sherri raised her hand to speak (really!) and when that first grade gesture wasn't acknowledged she just started flipping through her blue cards, lol.  


    Whoopi Goldberg, Movie Stah, seems to think she is the last word on any topic - including fans touching a singer on a catwalk designed to put the performer in the middle of frenzied fans.   I don't know or care if Tim McGraw slapped some woman's hand away while bent over encouraging contact but I do know that I laughed at Whoopi insisting she has been grabbed by fans more than Donny Wahlberg.  Oh Whoopi, call your weed supplier and calm down already. 


    If Sunny "I'm from the hood" Hostin becomes one the new co-hosts then I pretty sure this show will still provide plenty of ridiculous snark material.  As far as S.E. goes however, I'm not sure I'd bother to tune in - despite Rosie's return. 

    • Love 7
  2. As for this Zach/Frankie alliance/showmance/bromance thing, it's really hard to tell where their heads are at with each other, but Frankie moreso. I think Zach genuinely wants to take Frankie to the end above all others, but Frankie's more difficult to read. He insults Zach to the other houseguests at every opportunity, to the point where I find it hard to believe that he is genuine with him. He trash talks him a lot and it goes beyond strategy, for me. It may be a good one if he is faking it, but he's gotten quite mean about Zach to others lately, so I don't know where his allegiances lie.

    Of course I can't tell for sure but I've always thought that Frankie really would like to be sitting next to Zach at the end because no one would vote for Zach - and all of Frankie's trash talk is ensure that people don't like Zach. 

  3. Ok, I have to admit to not knowing something, and its bugging the shit outta me.... what the F is "Jenn City"??

    It refers to a  S14 hg named Jenn who was a guitarist from Brooklyn who went (goes?) by the name Jenn-City although that's not her real last name.    Here is a picture.  She was a tatted up floater in the game so I'm guessing that's why Zach used the reference on Christine although I'm not sure Jenn would appreciate it. 


    Oops, @TexasChic beat me to it. 

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  4. So what's the general consensus on Cody? Gay? Straight? Bi? I can't figure it out. Not that it matters, but as long as we're eavesdropping... 

    I could have sworn I heard a conversation with Frankie about this and his opinion was Cody was gay but not out and that he (Frankie) wasn't going to do anything about it either way.   Personally, I have no earthly idea but if pressed I'd put my money on somewhere on the spectrum closer to gay than straight. 


    If they go with Plan #2, TPTB better beef up security around the Jury House. The moment Amber gets sent there, Bambi will be trying to break in.

    Is this the last week the evicted hg goes home and not to jury?   Or do I have that wrong? 

  5. Frankly, as creepy as Caleb is towards Amber, I'm a-okay with her being backdoored and out before jury.  Get her as far away from him as possible. 

    I wanted him to go up because I don't think Amber's game (as shitty as it is) should be further damaged by Caleb's creepiness. The whole thing (Calab's obsession) seems like an extra penalty for Amber.    But I agree - they should not be in there together.  The simmering anger Calab displays when talking about how ungrateful Amber is or even how she didn't say hello in the hallway,  genuinely worries me. 


    And speaking of HN, I thought at first that the fitness tracker was an excellent way of choosing HNs, rather than have the HOH point to the volunteers plus whoever they wanted to screw that week. But Zach said earlier that someone in the DR figured the reason why he wasn't at the bottom of the fitness list was because he uses his wrist so much while he is up, which upped his fitness tracking (oh, the jokes about the Jack Shack that one could make...). After that, the HNs were in the living room shaking their fitness trackers as fast as their fists could go. So it's based not so much on how much activity, but how often you talk with your hands? That's kinda shitty.

    Last night Christine was lying on her side, shaking only her wrist for a long time.  Heh. 


    On the gluten free thing with Christine packing down the cookies, they had gluten free cookie dough along with the regular.  Sad that I often pay so much attention to what these people are eating.  

    • Love 2
  6. Even though Whoopi's eventual departure means they just decided to completely revamp, I still say Joy's departure had more to do with Barbara's narcissism, so that she could have the longest run of anybody on The Barbara Walters Show, oops, I mean The View.

    Oh wow @TheGreenKnight I bet you're right!   I never thought of that but it makes perfect sense when you consider The Year of Barbara!  Although if I was Joy I would be happy I missed out on being part of that. 

    • Love 1
  7. I know nothing of Nene Leakes and don't care about her.  I cannot remember ever hearing Sherri sing, try to sing, or talk about singing.  She might have a voice. Meryl  Streep and Glenn Close are two fine actresses who can sing, yet they don't in their acting roles. 

    In my opinion Nene and Sherri have alot in common.  Both lucked into highly lucrative gigs (Nene is the highest paid Real Housewife on Bravo at a reported million dollars a season) and then parlayed that into other projects.  For example, Ryan Murphy cast Nene in a small part on Glee and a now cancelled sitcom.  In the last seven years, Sherri had the recurring role on 30 Rock, a small part in a hit movie (Precious) and the opportunity for her own sitcom.   Both have been invited to slap their names on crap (wigs, wine, clothes, etc.) and sell it.  So to me, this means they have the (overblown) confidence and ego to think they can perform on Broadway.   I mean it takes some serious balls/nerve/delusion to attempt a role last played by Whitney Houston for crying out loud!


    All that said, I've been wrong plenty of times about Sherri - I never thought she would last seven years on this show for one thing - and I know almost nothing about Broadway outside of a seeing a few shows on vacations and watching the Tonys. 

    • Love 5
  8. I believe that with the addition of Rosie who is bright and articulate, Whoopi will be reenergized. 

    I'll believe it when I see it @kaygeeret, but I hope you're right.  


    I agree that Whoopi is a good actor, although I've never thought her performance in Ghost warranted an Oscar although she certainly deserved the Best Actress Golden Globe for The Color Purple. 

    • Love 3
  9. Well, well, well, it appears that ABC is giving Sherri a Farewell Show & look at all the "dignitaries & celebrities" attending!!!

    I am honestly surprised   I would not be surprised to find out Sherri made this happen and Geddie probably cares even less now than he did before and said fine.   Anyway, how awkward for Jenny, which is why I'll be tuning in.  

    • Love 5
  10. ETA:  Back to the feeds, Caleb has now spent approximately 6 hours explaining to folks: a) how he is over Amber, because b) she is unappreciative how how much he does for her but c) although he's over her, it is only for game purposes because d) she really likes him and is just being private and doesn't want to expose her real feelings to him in front of the cameras.


    I think he's looking for another situation where she needs to come to him, hug him and apologize to him; because that was the most positive interaction he has had with her.  I joke about him, but this is honestly not funny...lots of textbook behavior here...trying to isolate her from others and make her depend on him.

    Calab and his delusions and especially his simmering anger at the lack of Amber's gratitude make me feel like I'm watching a character from a  Lifetime movie.    I'm just glad this guy is under surveillance 24/7.  I shudder to think of him and Amber in the jury house together.  One of them needs to go this week.    

    • Love 1
  11. I have my doubts about the Megan story. I don't know what her other job is I never heard of it. Let's just say that 900k and perks to join a network show would be pretty tough to say no to. Even if your mom is worth 500mil.

    Maybe ABC just asked to talk? If they had come with an offer I think she would have accepted.

    Thank goodness she didn't accept or they didn't  offer.  Either way,   I'd like to pretend the brass at ABC  isn't going to  replicate the mess they just blew up.

    • Love 6
  12. Great job. I believe Sherri said he asked if they were  Giorgio.

    That whole story pissed me off. Oh, I think I said that already!!!

    They were Giuseppe, not that it matters for the story but you all know my penchant to be on shoe patrol.  btw, I hate Giuseppe Zanotti shoes -  I think that guy must hate women.  Maybe I'm showing my age but they look like torture devices.  Sherri has a few pairs. 


    Why would that even be a concern of hers? To figure out how to spot a gay or being perplexed a man would know those things? Perhaps he did.....with a former wife (or current) or girlfriends that coveted them as well. Didn't Sherri post the purchase of 3 pink very expensive shoes she purchased recently on an instagram in one fell swoop? Was that for her girlfriends or to get a man, or brag?

    The Not Hot (ice cold)Topic was "women want to know how to tell if a man is asking for a date or just hanging out, sometimes while actually on a date"  or some such bullshit.   Anyway, Sherri brought up this story about a pilot complimenting her friend and (exchanging numbers?) on a recent flight and they spent most of the flight debating if the guy was gay or straight and hitting on her.   Lame.   She also told an equally boring story about some comedian she used to text with all the time - when she was single (last year) who asked her to dinner so she got dolled up for a date and went to meet him where he introduced her to his girlfriend and they all three went to dinner.  


    Jenny's contribution included the crack about "done more pilots than CBS" and "If I need to get a blow dry and a babysitter, it better be a date."  Whoopi thought she said blow job.   Whatever. 


    The male co-host added that he is on Broadway and although straight and married to a woman, he could tell you what kind of shoes you were wearing and later proved it when Kristen Chenowith came out in some fabulous Jimmy Choos.  I liked that guy. 


    He clearly was invited by Whoopi to be on the show (is the production staff/bookers just gone at this point?) and thrilled to be there. I'll forgive him that since he does eight shows a week and probably doesn't watch this mess.  Whoopi was insisting the audience go see the show.  I thought maybe they were going to give tickets away, hahahaha, I know, what was I thinking?    But if you've seen these audiences you know they probably aren't going to pop a few hundred bucks for a ticket. I'm thinking The Spew gets it's audiences off the street bribing them with air conditioning, apple juice and cookies. 

    • Love 3
  13. ETA: Something happened with Derrick. He's upset and everyone is sitting in the living room. Derrick in DR, feeds in and out. Seems like a death in the family. His grandpa passed away this morning. 

    Seriously?  Wow, what are the chances?  I'll be interested in Frankie's reaction to that.  

  14. I actually shed a tear when they showed the Grandpa Frank segment. I really felt for Frankie.

    However, Frankie not leaving the game after being notified of his death is so bizarre to me. My family would be totally upset and never forgive me if I wasn't there to attend the funeral, help make arrangements to sell personal effects, etc. and uh, let's see give some emotional support at least. I don't get it.

    Frankie did a long solo  monologue/eulogy on BBAD after getting the news including reading the entire letter, which wasn't shown on the network episode.   It seems he comes from a very tight, very close family and they were adamant that he stay.  They even debated to tell him or not.   The family is all together and  waiting until Frankie gets home in September to have a service.   I trust that if his family wanted/needed him to come home he would. 

    • Love 2
  15. Yes, IF the POV winner isn't already on the block. If the POV winner IS on the block and chooses to use it on the person sitting beside him, then there is a chance they will go home if the replacement isn't voted out instead - and the rest of the house wasn't already plotting to backdoor the replacement. (As in, they wanted the POV used, so they could give their real target the boot). There have been a few instances I can think of, when this happened. I think Brenchel did it - Brendan deliberately used his POV on Rachel, and he was indeed, voted out.

    And Evel Dick was on the block with his daughter Danielle, used the POV on her instead of himself and survived.  The replacement was Dustin who actually volunteered to go up (as a pawn) was  voted out.   Use the POV on yourself if you're on the block and never volunteer to go up because the pawn can go home.  BB 101 - which I'm assuming Calab missed. 

  16. As opposed to googling ... his own mother? This was a banner week for her with this, Evan being "bullied" at camp, claiming that Hillary Clinton may be a lesbian and whatever she said on her radio show this week.  I keep thinking "2 more weeks and I can start hearing about her a BIT less." 

    Exactly my point @mtlchick


    I'm glad that Jenny, like Bitsy, will be headed somewhere off my radar.  Jenny even moreso really since I don't have SiriusXM. 

    • Love 3
  17. So Jenny McCarthy thinks a school volunteer should be fired for  his private blog because it wasn't 'mindful' of the children he works around.  And  her reason was  Evan likes to 'roam' on the internet, what if he were to Google the name of someone at his school and see their adult blog and/or naked pictures? Wait, what?  Are you kidding me?  I know these morons don't listen to each other but I wonder if they even hear themselves?


    I didn't make it past Kristen Chenoweth, actress, singer, and now (AllState) insurance pitchman. 

    • Love 2
  18.  I turned on the TV, watched a few minutes while getting ready for work.  Sherri was telling the story of Bitsy's kid patting Sherri's breast and asking "auntie Sherri, what's in your belly?"  All the while, Sherri was rubbing her boob, over and over, massaging that breast while telling the story. 


    I just could not watch any more.

    Oh em gee, I must be immune because that barely registered to me @backformore until you pointed it out! Normally, if any other co-host on any other show did that I would be disgusted and turn it off too.  Can you imagine Julie Chen acting the story out like that, lol? 


    I  need Sherri (and Jenny) to be gone now.   I did think  it was interesting that she told that story almost word for word and act for act the same way Bits and she told it the first time.  Then and now, it made both of them look like morons. And why in the heck do I even remember that??  Honestly, this show.    Gah. 

    • Love 2
  19. Of course it was a game move, and a pretty good one since that was the sentiment of the house.  Derrick neither wanted nor needed to win HOH this week.  I'm frustrated that it will suck the life out of the live feeds for the week, but I tip my cap to the move by Derrick. 

    Agreed.  My only consolation is that he will be on slop for a week.   Speaking of which, loved how Christine named Zach as the shoo-in Have Not for laziness and then ended up on the list herself. 


    Who dressed the Chen-bot tonight? That top was...unfortunate. And paired with yoga pants? Tsk, tsk.

    I was wondering how she could hold her head up with all that hair.  Good grief, there had to be five pounds of extensions on her head.  I did love the shoes though. 

  20. Thanks for the heads up on this show @Ellie.  I missed the beginning, currently recording, and hopefully it will be rebroadcast  so I can catch it all.   


    Still, I don't know why Whoopi wouldn't be able to make it to an 11:00 show if this one didn't start until six hours later. 

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