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Red Fields

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  1. Yeah, I laughed at that line!
  2. True, it must be a euphemistic name for something very ominous.
  3. I think Ms. Casey is a prisoner. They must be able to turn her off and on. Didn't she say she'd only been conscious for 117 hours?
  4. I am also now wondering if it is Helena down there. They purposely did not show us her reacation inside the elevator. BUT! If she is severed how can she go down to the severed floor as Helena? Can they turn it off like they can turn it on with the OTC?
  5. I loved, loved, loved that Milchick was having trouble getting his monitor changed from the Ms. Cobel message! That has to mean something. And I think he was lying about the Outie family visitation. It seems a bridge too far in the 'improving innie working conditions' crusade - it goes so against the idea of severance. I think he just wants to put a wedge into the group's tight allegiances by promising Dylan a big perk and making him keep it a secret from the rest of them. The only one who was totally forthcoming this episode was Mark. Helly is keeping a secret about her outie, Irv barely told anything about his innie/outie time, and now Dylan has a secret too.
  6. I think it really is Helly and she is ashamed of her outie. She is too afraid to tell them who her outie is.
  7. I just finished a season one re-watch five minutes ago and S2E1 came up. Has the entire episode dropped? I am going to wait until tomorrow to watch it.
  8. Once Dylan lets go, they are outies again and will have no knowledge of what just went on. I can see Helly's people not allowing her to go back down to the severed floor and really, Lumon can just not allow them past the elevator check-in. Now if the work that they do down there is real, then that could be a problem for Lumon until they get replacements, even if they have people already severed and in a queue. And having four new replacements at once would be a challenge especially since they fired Cobel.
  9. Mr. Red does security on Epic and helped install the system at a hospital in Hartford, CT several years ago, way before COVID. I can't remember the name but I think it was a Catholic one at the time.
  10. I heard the explosion! I was sitting in my parents backyard on LI, 38 miles away. It was shockingly loud. We all jumped and said WTF was that?
  11. I had the same thought.
  12. I agree, leaving the party without telling her friends was not cool. And leaving the car out front was not genius.
  13. I appreciated that Cleo's murder was done offscreen. It's been hard not to root for her getting away despite the fact that we know she is dead from the first episode. Seems logical that Reggie did it but I guess we'll find out. I really wanted Maddie to shout out to the whole party that Allan raped her. Seems very possible that he is Seth's biological father. They sure have the same hateful personality.
  14. Thanks for posting that. I can't even with Seth.
  15. So glad they stayed platonic without a hint of anything otherwise. Even though they fought, they seemed to truly be able to be themselves with each other which was really nice to see. Unfortunately, they also brought out the worst in each other frequently. It seemed realistic that Sylvia was not able to hack the rigors of starting at the beginning of lawyering after 13 years off (not to mention having three kids) but IANAL so I could be wrong. I hope they can find a true balance for their friendship during the second season, instead of having long periods where they don't see each other much.
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