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Everything posted by NutmegsDad

  1. Then again, he dragged out the Who Killed Kannie reveal for so long.
  2. Make that VERY scary psycho. More emotion than SBu, but not scene chewing. This has potential. If "AVENGE ME!" doesn't make "The Soup", there is no justice. Oh, and Nathan's father is Sonny. And the LuluFrozenEmbryo is Sonny Sperm'd. Because Sonny has to procreate every female in Port Charles. In fact, when they get around ressurecting Kannie, she will already be pregnant with Sonny's kid. Yeah, who does he think he is, Sonny? He's not psycho enough, and Stavors wouldn't hurt barware.
  3. It's giving Morgan's Father-Brother a run for its money. Since the Cassadines have Dante and Lulu and Sonny finally gives a shit about both, we may finally see the Helena/Sonny showdown. Unless it ends in Sonny's Poochified Dead Dead DEAD! Death, I'm not looking forward to it. Also, "WHAR GEORGIE JONES DOSSIER WHAR?!?!"
  4. We were expecting, with Victor wearing his mask, to look at Det Sexypants and say, "Nathan *I* am your father!" We were also expecting a little kid in a mask to come up to Dr. O and ask, "Are you my mutter?"
  5. I noticed for in our On-Demand section of cable for B99, they have a quick 8-minute recap of S1 (actually more of give a few seconds on each character). The also highlighted Dirk Blocker and Joel McKinnon Miller. I'm wondering if they will be promoted in the credits.
  6. And Coleman was much more sleazy. He was suppose to be stalking SWSNBN and AJ was suppose to rescue her (stop laughing! they were serious!), until Frons wanted her with SBu, and thus AJ was the villian once again. In my mind, he's being played by Jeffery Wright. Yeah, that's it. He's actually undercover CIA working to get Fluke through Levi: "It appears we are at an impasse. What shall we do, Mister Dunkleman.... what shall we do?" The less I have to watch Maxie and Lulu remain hostages the better. I'll just pop in my "Avengers" DVD/Blu Ray and FF to the Black Widow Hostage scene for a pallette cleanser.
  7. I was half-expecting on Friday for Sabrina to pick up and dial her phone and drop her "Precious Princess" demeanor while saying, "We have a problem."
  8. It could have been worse. They could have turned Zingbot into an Ariana Grande Kareoke Machine.
  9. For the love of Gloria Monty, I needed to see Chris Harrison when Sonny made his "escape". Tell me his moobs saved his ankles.
  10. Nicole has been hurt the most by production's shenanigans. I'm still a bit wary that Christine did win the Superheroes POV (easy enough to say that "this was her time"), which would have backdoored Frankie. But Frankie's BotB win cemented it, which should have been a slamdunk for Nicole to remain HoH. I read somewhere (here? Joker's) that the "save" for the evicted houseguest will be used to keep Frankie in the game. And I'm calling it: there will be an Ariana "concert" in the back yard or at the finale.
  11. They had a setup with Franco. Tweak it so that Franco (and Joss) have to send ransom notes to Nic. Red Chief hilarity will follow. But no. Cameron has to tattle to Liz. Thanks, Firestarter!
  12. Upon further review, you're right. Which, by putting it out in the universe, means Britt will be the agressor. No three-ways in your house, Carly? Who knew you had standards. And sadly, I figured out who were her "Mile High" companions, along with the guys upstairs at Jake and the one she was having a fling (like her brother's father!)
  13. I don't know if I can say "I called it!" about the ICE guy, as much as "Oh, my God! The only reason this guy is hammering away about Levi's immigration is because he's in on it! Please make it stop!" I'm also calling Judgy Wudgy in cahoots, and this involves Spinelli's Lante kid. Yup, Dante was in back of Levi, could have had a *BOOM HEADSHOT*, and then LOST THE ADVANTAGE! Probable result: Butch and Sundance will do some nice gunjitsu and shoot ICE Guy and wound Levi so that he can talk. I'm Heading to the Barge: Sonny and Shawn arrive. Shawn shoots ICE Guy. Sonny overpowers and overemotes over Levi. Mac dies in the shootout. It'd Be Nice: Ava shoots ICE Guy and Levi sniper-style from Julian's apartment. Honey, Clean Up the Bed; I Wet Myself: ICE Guy is shot out of nowhere, and getting the drop on Levi is Georgie, who has been undercover and tracking him, even faking her own death. Oh, and Liz is shooting down the idea of a three-way because of Britt? Careful. I might put it out in the world for a Liz/Britt pairing and have Nick stay at home with Spencer.
  14. The reveal's already been leaked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49EoV50oba0 "Ohhhhhhh DINGDINGDING We have a winner!!!!" has been the best WTF line to jumpstart an annoying storyline since "Hello, Mother."
  15. Lisa, Season 3. The jury got to see Danielle's DRs, where she trashed everyone. Jury voted against her in spite.
  16. You mean "You're Not Alone", the Hymn of the Sabweeeeeena.
  17. I'm just hoping that we're seeing the end of the shitty shitty Dunkleman storyline (and yes, when Mac picked up the Aztec book, I shouted, "I KNEW I wasn't imaging it!!"). Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease. At this point, the only thing that would save the Jason reveal is if a) he was played by Michael Mulvey, b) he started to sing RHPS or "Putting on the Ritz", or c) it's Tom Bergeron plugging this season's DWTS.
  18. Lillybee, I thought of you when Sonny got "Mickey's sister" to sign off. Enjoy your trip to the barge. Between this and the Return of S&C, I wonder if Robin had revived the Sonnycentric writers of the Guza era. I'm undecided if Victor and Fluke are just two ships that passed in the night or are part of a new Legion of Doom. Either one can lie just to have "oh, look at this terrible accident....". Victor not knowing where Nina is .... um, er.... how she ties in.... my brain hurts.... need more coffee.... They better make Rosalie as the Top Big Bad. That is all.
  19. Good news, at least from the previews: The scene with Sam and the director was more painful than the knee in the groin she gave him. NutmegsMom went deaf every time Patrick asked Robin if she was being held against her will, Victor was threathening her family, yadda yadda, bacause I was yelling "YES, YOU IDIOT!" at the top of my lungs in response. The napalming of Scrubs is just too awkward.
  20. Let me know when the conversation steers to Sam going humina humina humina when the director confronted her. Sheesh, my kingdom for a "Look over there!" *bonk* *eyepoke* When a fricking 9-year-old is more overpowering physically than an adult..... oh wait. Spencer is male. Sam is female. On this show, if you want to incapacitate a female, have a male hold her forearm and talk menacing to her. Yeah, that's the death grip.
  21. Don't forget Netflix and NFL Sunday Ticket.
  22. I defer and thank you for clearing that up. I'll also defer to "taping on VHS", unless Joe despised Betamax so much he made the distinction (and Joe's the type of asshole that would do it). BTW, even though we record on DVD, we still refer to "taping off the TV". :)
  23. So THAT'S what happened to Pluto. Joe, you sociopathic bastard! Count me in on the side of "Nice enough ending if it doesn't get renewed". And nice pickup on "killer app" anachronism. NutmegsMom even thought that was wrong. I do want my web epilog of 2014 Cameron (played by Denise Crosby) giving a lecture at the Computer History Museum with a functional Cardiff Giant, complete with CameronOS.
  24. And here I had hoped that President Obama was announcing that, after a successful raid on the Jerome Gallery and with the cooperation of undercover agent Julian Jerome, Michael "Sonny" Corinthos Jr. was captured and held in an undisclosed Federal maximum security darkened hall closet.
  25. Okay, here's a wild one: Fluke is a deranged Morgan from the future, hellbent on revenge on his dad. He never got over Ava and the CryptSex. He's being thwarted by the MavaBaby, also returned from the future, who was smart enough to remove Danny's firetruck, forcing Molly and Sam to leave before the boom. Horny as all hell and thinks of women as sex objects? That's Sonny's son, alright. Especially with Lauren.
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