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Everything posted by NutmegsDad

  1. Oh hell, here's my pics: Best Actor: Chad Duall. Angry Michael is Fun Michael. Best Actress: Maura West. She actually has more than two emotions, and even when she in her "Ava-as-Daffy-Duck-SHOOT-HIM!" mode, it's fun. Worst Actor: Tyler Christopher. He plays bored and temper-trantrum Worst Actress: Teresa Casillo. Where's Missy when you need her? Best Storyline: Michael finds out the truth, Sonny goes to for-real prison. Worst Storyline: Judge Cockblocker. Runner-up - Robin is held captive by the Legion of Doom and has to divorce Patrick because reasons. Best Couple: Brad/Britt. The Britch had her detractors, but these two need to get a show. Runner-up: Mava. Morgan was actually mature around her. Worst Couple: Tracy/Whoever TG is playing, Kiki/Whoever She's Sleeping with (tie). Best Newbie: Rosalie. Not ruined yet. Worst Newbie: Nina, Nina, Nina.
  2. I love the rotating ever-changing topic speculation. It's like a couch gag!
  3. Here you go, and I don't know why it's such a dark secret, but Rosalie is a relative of Maxie's either half-sister via Frisco, or a cousin from her mother's side. Too non-blonde, unless Mendel's Jumping Genes come into play.
  4. On the heels of the Christmas Eve episode, I have my variation..... Monica stands up in front of the frightened children to announce that Santa is real and Krumpus doesn't exist. However, the figure of the Krumpus arises from the back, growling. Monica yells at Liesl to stop scaring the children, when coming down the stairs in hospital garb is --- Dr. O. "If that's not you.... then.... who... who....?" "What's the matter with you pudding heads," yells a voice. "When you see a monster, RUN!" It's --- the Doctor! *opening GH credits, with a TARDIS flying through PC* The Doctor whips out his sonic screwdriver, destabilizing the image of the Krumpus, who is revealed to be Judge Walters. The judge reveals his true mission is to keep all children separated from their parents. The Doctor says something pithy, aims his screwdriver, and destroys Krampus-Walters. However, out of the shadows comes Missy, who grabs Sabrina, tells her to say something nice, and disintegrates her. No one cares, except for Joss, who is thrilled. Missy then tells the Doctor that she will reveal who Fluke is if she can escape with the children. Before she can do so, Jake walks up from behind and knocks out Missy, who is revealled to be -- Helena. (No wonder she can't die). Later, Rick is brought in after being rescued by the Victorian Trio - Madame Vastra, Jenny, and Strax. However, thanks to Strax, the garage and most of the waterfront is destroyed. Vastra and Jenny are forced to divorce after both admit to never seeing either "The Golden Girls" nor "Knots Landing", therefore, they cannot remain together. Jenny is paired up with Patrick. Strax replaces Sabrina on the GH staff. Finally, the big reveal that "Soldier Boy" Jake is actually someone once thought dead. Both Sam and Liz speculate that it is Jason, but Clara proves that Jake is really Danny Pink. (There was *extensive* surgery, remember?) The episode concluded with the Doctor regenerating in the form of Spinelli, and Maxie joining him as the new companion.
  5. Have yourself a rapey little Christmas.... UH, no. Just no. *heads to Internet Archive* *click click click search* With no Presidential Newscast to interrupt, here's a TWOP classic. Festivus Greetings and Merry Christmas from Haus Nutmeg: Have yourself a bloody little shootout Let the bullets fly We can only hope that Sonny will also die. Through the year Cartini spoiled us rotten With the Legend of Doom Now it's time to bring on our annual carnage of gloom. Here we are, in the Golden Year, characters from yore appear, and plot Now we're back to the Guza Mob, Carrrrrrrrrlos' ass is shot Through the year, we've loved the shoutouts to the history Budget impacts allowed Even muddling through Sobrina somehow... So, have yourself a bloody little shootout -- POW!
  6. On the one hand, I can see that. Both Diane and Alexis can't pull off the usual legal miracles that the Mob Clients rely on, Monica could cockblock him, and Felicia (and Mac) are MIA. Then again, it looks like Dr. O to the rescue (and I don't think Judge Walters was *not* persuaded by Dr. O). On the other, Maxie was kidnapped and almost killed, and then Judge Walters threw in this bullshit. Unless "stay away from the man who rescued you" means "change"....
  7. I was going for "Waterpik", but I like your Product Placement better. And when the fuck did Sonny get Helena's skills of close-quarters knifing?
  8. I'm citing -- let's call it -- "ReRon's Trope of Reversed Expectations". Every time Maxie's been up for visitations, she's been "There's no way Judge Walters will deny me," and yet, Judge Cockblocker shits out a new ruling because Nathan has two names and he gets hurt in the line of duty. This time, she joined the rest of us with 'Fuck this shit, just FF already where Georgie is played by Lindze Letherman," and lo and behold, the Judge calls Alexis that he's revised his decision. Right after Nathan asked (very reluctantly) for Dr. O. to help. Yup. she'll see her, maybe for good.
  9. *sigh* The anvils that the Davis Family will be together just in time for Christmas signal that Carrrrrlos and Johnny are going to be taken down by Moobster, Inc. I'm getting ready that Franco will be the "snitch" to bring down Johnny so that Sonny can stay "pure", *ugh* Everyone's in love with the new lawyer. I'm just amazed that there's a THIRD lawyer in Port Charles. Who smuggled him from Genoa City? Yeah, Carly and Silas changed the DNA results. She's an old pro at this. Hopefully this time, Morgan won't be hanging on a hook signing his parental rights away to Sonny. So the Maxie/Judge Cockblocker saga is.... over. Just like that. At this stage, I should be relieved, but I miss a final comeuppance. I'm just imagining that Dr. O. found the mole working at GH (Nurse Day-Player) and that Monica's been out of the country for a week, so Judge Cockblocker lied in court. I imagine they couldn't get a German translation of "I've got you by the shorthairs, big boy. You fuck with the son, you lose your balls to the mother." Well, they had "mutter". Coming up: we find out if President Obama's assertion from Friday that Fluke is Kim-Jong Un is correct.
  10. I thought Ellie and Spinelli and Georgie were in Portland, OR. Or was that Seattle, WA? D) It's a Lante baby after all.
  11. That was me! Right now, I'm not overthinking it too much and ordering a mojito, because I could see ReRon going Occam's Razor and just making the judge an asshole who can get away with it for reasons. It's 50/50 that we'll have a Christmas Miracle, and I'm putting it at 40% that Judge Cockblock is working for the Alliance/LoD. With ReRon, he'll stretch this out so that Georgie will be played by Lindze Letherman after SORASing. If we see Judge Cockblock in the Baby Mava case, $10 says that he'll award her to Nina with all charges dropped because reasons and new Y&R pet. Oh, and in Haus Nutmeg, the DNA testing to see if Baby Mava it's Sonny's or Morgan's was surprisingly spot on, both medically and legally. I guess ReRon wasn't looking. Edited to add someone's observation from another board that can be used for Judge Cockblock: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." But don't rule out malice. Hanlon's Law
  12. To Barge or Not To Barge over the Maxie Custody Storyline? Judge Dickblock holds court at the Metro Court and has more intel than Johnny's boys. Barge. Nathan finally told Obrecht and she's ready to go Full Metal Inigo Montoya. Not to Barge. Nathan asks her not to interfere. Barge. When does Dr. O listen, especially when she finds out about the decision? Not to Barge. Alexis is pissed. Not to Barge. This guy seems untouchable, even with all the pissed off people aiming for him. Barge. Possibility of Monica kicking the judge in the balls after finding out he was using her to cockblock Nathan and Maxie. Not to Barge. Felicia could or could not be Mayor and also could put pressure on Judg-- wait, is that still a storyline? If this doesn't wrap up with a push from Dr. O, mumbling German obscentities while the judge shits his pants, can someone order me a mojito?
  13. This is one aspect that we'll never see with MB around, but I'm hoping they would touch with Sonny: his claustophobia is all BS, and Deke was more afraid of him has a demon spawn child that he was locked up to protect Deke and Adela from Sonny, with the "Deke is a bad cop and abusive father" thing as an invention of Sonny's psyche.
  14. *looks at preview* Sonny ruins everything! *orders ticket to barge*
  15. Well, fucking Friday on TFGH. Between Jakeson putting a table faceplant on Carrrrlos nd , I thought I was seeing a Guza retread. At least there was shirtless buff Julian who ended up unmarked by the Sonnyverse. Can we get Canada to refuse to extradite Ava because The Great White North Doesn't Gives A Shit About Connie?
  16. I want a Terrance and Philip cameo. Franco is given "tear gas".
  17. Because she has close-range sharpshooting minions who appear out of nowhere, unlimited resources, and the ability to slit a throat on a whim. Let me say this: I. Like. Constance. Towers. However, I'm getting a thrill out of all the newbies who look at Helena after the vets pee their pants and think "this old broad?!?" Repeating: I'm waiting for someone to doubletap her in the head while she's doing one of those solioquoies to terror. Or, in lieu thereof, since she never goes out in the open without an entourage, start to see said hidden minions come out of nowhere, keeling over dead. Side thought: Zoe the Franco-phile looked a lot like Lindze Letherman. I can haz Georgie Reborn and Reboot?
  18. The CIA will blame Anna, and fire Jordan.
  19. I'm thinking one better -- he draws back the curtain in the trauma section. You know, the section where Dr. O. and Nurse Dayplayer chased everyone out bcause they aren't family? I know Maxie snuck in, but this would be a "what the hell is he doing in there???" moment.
  20. On today's episode, if Judgey Wudgy goes right into Nathan's trauma room for no good reason while Maxie is there, he better be working with the Legend of Doom. Otherwise, I'm not taking this asinine unreasonable nonsensical plotline anymore and barging it.
  21. Don't forget about Georgie. Georgie is alive and working for the WSB.
  22. The only thing that would make it worthwhile is if you're right and Fluke is Luke under mind-control, and that Luke is a schlub -- or maybe Bill Eckert himself, brainwashed. Oh, and $20 says that Fluke is a time-travelling back-from-the-dead Jake Webber.
  23. Helena learned how to speak Spencer. First scare the shit out of him, then get on his good side. Manipulative. Let's see if she gets involved with using Spencer (it's not Britt-evil if she does it, remember).
  24. I will give my Happy Trails to Kelly. What started as a "why is she getting nekkid all over the place? Does she have a purpose?" turned int one of the best potential characters with backstory starting with "Hello, Mother." The contract negotiations left a hamfisted exit ("I demand to know what you are taking about in my house, and you better not lie, because I taught Spencer not to lie...."), but those tears at the end were real. She really enjoyed working with Dr.O. and Spencer. And the best bet is that, even after Helena found out that she had Spencer in the middle of things, she left PC alive. Speaking of which, put in a few years of SORAsing on Spencer and see how he goes against Great-Granny. I don't think she'll be able to keep him on the farm, er, island. And yeah, after Helena wanted Spencer wrapped up in bubblewrap to Spoon Island, it's not only going to come out that Nathan is a Cassadine, but probably THE Cassadine Prince by primogeniture, as daddy will be Valentine. Oh, I did like this exchange -- Lulu: Worried about your man? Maxie: Yeah. How could I not be, when my man is at pentonville? Cut to.... a shot of Johnny. Okay, RC, nice nod. You nailed an in-joke perfectly. Now *leave it alone*. Do NOT run this into the ground.
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