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Everything posted by 100Proof

  1. This is one of seemingly only 2 vaguely active threads so..... I thought I'd give this series a go yesterday. I got almost 3 episodes in before I decided I couldn't take 8 seasons of this. Same old same old tired formula characters and situations. I did search through episode synopsis's to find out when, if any, Rick beats up Shane for diddling his wife and neonazi Merle gets killed and looked at those clips, I needed that 'closure' from watching those first 3 episodes, lol
  2. I've been thinking about that as I recently watched some movies from the 70's. I see them as having that smoggy, hazy, yellow...or browns and oranges if you like...tinge to the film. All the tv cop shows then had that same look.
  3. So David buggered son Patrick? I was waiting for the sound of a strap whacking Patrick after the bedroom door closed but there was none. That plus the threat David made about 'ever mentioning what happened' in Patrick's bedroom during the dinner party, he must've rogered him to teach him some kind of 'lesson'. Way beyond being cruel, that's sick.
  4. Have a hard time believing how peoples behavior suddenly change overnight. Heck, if I had a bar in trouble and called Taffer, I'd be like..'yes sir, yes sir, anything you want me to do. Just tell me what and I will do it.' lol
  5. Didn't Janice the cop go over Gene's apt. or house at some point? I don't remember. If so, was it the kind of place a guy with money would have? He does drive a big black SUV. Lol, none of this is important. Maybe the writers overlooked his backstory. I dunno, he just seems like one of them hack actors who had a few, as you say, standing in line roles, and then opens up an acting school. However, maybe that's a stereotype fostered in me from movies and tv shows in the first place, lol. I just thought the forward time jump and 'all is well and they all hang out together' vibe was too much, as folks are saying, like a daydream scene.
  6. That was quite a time jump. Barry sand Sally are lovers. I must've missed where Fonzie had acquired some nest egg as a child star or something to afford that big california country house. That plus Janice the cop and him also appear to be an item where she always seems half revolted and embarrassed by him. I like this show. Hader's voice and face is made for comedy but when he's 'serious' and angry, I imagine him being that way in his real life. He would come off as very creepy and psycho looking
  7. The living room looked fine enough. Only thing too much was the mirrored sliders. Maybe just a pair of collapsible louvered doors would've been better. Laurie should've just painted the walls yellow and purple, applied all kinds of cardboard alphabet letters, barnyard animals, dogs & cats, spaceships and stars on the walls then furnish with plastic kiddie furniture, a hobby horse and a sit 'n' spin. The two idiots would've LUUUUVED it.
  8. Yeah. On the old series run, and now this one, I always cringed at the stuff the carpenters built. All rough cut plywood, slapped together with a coat of paint. Like a TV show set design. Looks good on camera from afar, but awful if looked at up close. The show is also an excuse for these designers to be 'silly' at the HO's expenses. Of course homeowners should know it's a crap shoot and expect to be disappointed. If someone actually paid good money for a designer and they did what they do on this show, the HO's would be chasing them down the street with a meat cleaver. I never liked what Hildi(sp?) does. It seems she likes to purposely trash a room with her handmade garbage, lol. Also, one of the basement's looked like it was left as bare concrete with paint splatter on it. In the before, I saw a carpet
  9. I get Molly Parker confused with Carrie Coon. As an older male, I'll never get why this would bother anyone in any way shape or form. WHO CARES! And I hate PC. That is, REAL PC idiocy. lol
  10. That Lindsey character looks like she got face surgery from jack the ripper. When will women that want their faces done understand that they will mostly wind up looking like ugly misshapen freaks of nature. Her boobs look exactly the same.... well maybe inflated a couple psi.
  11. I've watched xfiles since the beginning, but this whole ongoing plot 'reboot' I can't make heads or tails of. Moldy has a kid?? Skelly has a kid?? Ciggy Mann has a rape kid?? Skinner has a kid??? Kid is a frikken asshole?? Moldy and Skelly have sex??? They had a kid???? Who the hell remembers plot lines from 10-20 years ago???
  12. You get that from all the 10 seconds worth of blurbs in an entire season from these people's city 'real life'? My money's on he's an asshat gone to seed fratboy doosh 24/7. lol My sympathy at first for his girlfriend has now gone to how bloody stupid can you be and exactly how much lack of any self respect do you have in you lady Then again, this is 'reality' tv. You don't really see these people at any kind of job. Just walking, or in Pratboy's case, bicycling, on a manhattan street for a few seconds. Then a producer says, 'Hey Linds, sit here at the desk and we'll film you picking up the phone'. Or have Carl sit in an unused office and have the assistant camera guy pretend to interview him for a 'job'. lol Hell, perhaps Kyle and Amanda are just actors doing a script too
  13. Would've been real world satisfying if JJ beat the living daylights out of Trish. But its not. Its a tv show. lol
  14. There are rare exceptions. God knows there's as much British tv garbage. However, imo more often than not, when a British series does become a hit big enough for American tv to copy, its a flop. As far as this is concerned, Brits, like Charlie Brooker, are known for their scathing satire, sarcasm and humor that Americans seem to lack. Maybe Black Mirror's just running a natural course of an initial first season 'wow', then maybe an even better or lesser sophomore effort, but then further season slides, as this season was imo For all I know the magic formula might be, at least to american ears, that everything is delivered in a british accent, lol. However, that's doubtful although a good part of it. There's american shows I may be watching and liking that I never saw the brit original, such as 'Shameless'. But actually that's the only one I'm aware watching of british origin. Maybe it is successful because so called 'white trash' is sooooo ameican in the first place, lol
  15. I'm not sure if the dialog in this episode was written by a two year old's idea of x-file dialog should sound like or that it's being done on purpose as a parody of a parody of a parody of the X Files itself. It almost seems like it might be the latter because of the facial expressions and general acting by M&S towards each other while reciting the dialogue
  16. In what's the domain of physics, mathematics, chaos theory, game theory, statistical analysis and AI, people don't realize that all the stuff they upload and talk about and who they talk with and all of their behaviors is pure data that is collected and analyzed by highly sophisticated AI algorithms. These in turn are used to manipulate and to literally steer the course of history. Of course none of this bothers the average person, because unto themselves, life is pretty boring, ordinary and fairly uneventful so what do they care who's collecting their data and they got nothing to hide anyway..... However, it's you times hundreds of millions of other people's 'boring' lives, likes and dislikes, political and religious leanings, etc etc etc etc, that enables various 'agencies' and large multi corporations to predict future events and therefore manipulate them. It's kind of like, for example, a person arguing with another as to why are they driving a gas guzzler and what its doing to the environment and all that. Gas guzzler guy says, "mind yer own business. what I do has no effect on anything." Which is true. However, this one guy times tens/hundreds of millions of other gas guzzler guys like him, adds up to real world tangible effects on environment, gas prices, wars waged for oil, politics etc. Except this time its pure data that's the commodity
  17. Scully's house was more suited to Media Bowie
  18. This almost could've been a black mirror episode
  19. Hope that's scripted and not biographical given the shows premise, cuz she ain't that funny or has 'star power'. She came off as full of herself as what's his name comes off as pathetic
  20. I'm right handed but I'll play pool, hold a rifle and use a camera left handed. Never even realized it till years after. Probably has something to do with my left eye being dominant. Its not that an unusual thing I don't think
  21. What kind of medical in the 23rd century indeed. I find it hard to believe that if by the 23rd century there are things like interstellar/galactic spacecraft moving around virtually instantaneously, that there would even be anything recognizable as human as crew in the first place. More like the ships themselves would be cybernetic or if an actual crew, a much genetically altered being.
  22. This show is just one big pile of deus ex machina, one right after another
  23. In about 7 minutes. So why are 2 teen girls roaming around an abandoned ship late at night in the first place? I mean, ther's nothing more I'd rather do than parade around in the most run down parts of a town waving thousand dollar bills and yelling, "come and get it". lol Skelly is doing a much better job in 'american gods'. X- Files is american god awful
  24. What drove me nuts is when murdering woman asks insurance woman, "does anybody know your here?" Of course the logical answer is "Yes!!' "You can't kill me, the police will be coming right for you." But no, it actually won't save you because now murder woman feels that the most efficient and logical way to deal with her predicament is go and kill your family, then everyone in the insurance company, then everyone in law enforcement in the country who are certainly going to take notice now... Kind of reminds of the Blackadder II episode where he's in love with 'Bob', his manservant and worries about his social status if others knew. So the old crone giving him advice says, 'kill Bob." "Never!" "Then kill yourself." "NO!" "Then ensure that no one else ever knows." How?" "Kill everybody in the whole world!! Ah, ha, ha" I thought this 4th season was a big letdown and I think I know why. When it was more or less the style of scathing wit that's singularly British, it was great. Then as seasons progressed it's turned itself more into an american made copy, with more and more american actors, of a great british show. Charlie Brooker or no Charlie Brooker And we all should know how american tv turns british tv into pure crap. I also notice this happening a lot lately with british programs having american actors in the leads. Awful
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