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Everything posted by 100Proof

  1. I get the idea that Rachel can be using the baby. That's a separate issue from the point I'm conveying. If it turned out Rachel would rather have the baby cared for instead of bringing it along, and the mother is capable, then I find it rather cruel and bizarre towards an innocent baby. I mean, its like, "my daughter is an alcoholic, I don't condone her behavior and I won't enable her so if she wants to drive around drunk with the baby in the car that's all on her". I don't recall from the episode, but was it determined that either Rachel specifically wanted to bring her baby or was it that she'd rather have left baby with mom but mom refused?
  2. Jesse looks like Beavis of Beavis & Butthead. Darcy's Butthead
  3. Odenkirk's voice has a lot to do with his success as a character, imo. Can't imagine pulling off that balance of charming used car salesman sincerity /insincerity and comedy in any other kind.
  4. Yep. I posted my retraction seconds before you, ;-)
  5. No, wait, I'm wrong about the house. I didn't realize the shot I saw that's along the street with neighboring homes is because the scene had Chuck and Jimmy coming out of a side entrance and into a car. Plus, in an earlier scene in the previoius episode I scanned does have the house on a corner lot as well. My 'mystery' solved
  6. All aboard the crazy train! Next stop, DERPSVILLE!
  7. Yeah the house probably has been CGI'd to some extent. This episode has Chucks house on a corner lot, whereas in an earlier season, Chucks house is just one home along a street, with a home right next to his where a street is now in the fire scene. Apparently Chucks home appears earlier situated in a more residential neighborhood that would befit his type of income. The fire scene had the house situated right on the outskirts of a downtown/commercial buildings area. The change could have something to do with staging a fire scene, which may or may not have been fully or partially cgi enhanced
  8. I knew something was bugging me watching the fire scene aftermath. Chucks house apparently must have wheels on it as the neighborhood setting is different. lol
  9. From what I see with pics posted by people on social media from watching tv shows (usually shit bbc "documentaries"), no one looks like their tarted up filterized pics in real life. I'm waiting the time someone meets the other for real and goes, "uhhhwuuuuuuuuhhhh", lol
  10. Who remembers all these details from any show's previous seasons, lol. Rebecca? Who the heck is Rebecca? And Jimmy squealed to the insurance company Chuck's condition? What the heck was Cheese Nacho doing with the pills? I forget. He didn't want his father to getting coerced by the cartel or something.... lol.
  11. Whats going on with McKean's career that they killed him off?
  12. Okay. Do we know anything about her mom? Retired? Widow? Living on a retirement income? Working full time.? I didn't catch how old Rachel is but her mom is probably still young enough to either be working still..... so of course she can't take care of a baby.... or just old enough to be retired (late 50's - 60-ish). If the latter, why make the baby a pawn concerning Rachel's behavior? This is what I don't get. Unless mom is one of them loveless lizard type parent Anyway its neither here nor there... just a dumb tv car wreck of a show one can't look away from, lol
  13. I dunno. I'm already invested but to me this whole thing has been people acting weird with each other without much in the way of a foundation or context or something. Yeah, murder, familial dysfunction behind a facade, small town dirt that's been buried or in denial of or whatever. But everything these characters do seem so ad hoc. Behaving odd for the sake of behaving odd. Its gotten bloody annoying. Better be a good payoff, lol Spoiler.
  14. Maybe its a good thing, showing these dickheads exist. A bit educational, maybe? lol
  15. Even if this Rachel characters mom is totally against what she's doing, why turn away an innocent baby in need of being looked after? Unless of course, the mom did want to look after her baby and it was Rachel who refused the offer. Half of any population is of average and below intelligence. George Carlin makes the point, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are stupider than that." Though, while some may spend their entire life on the left side of the bell curve, everyone, no matter how brainy, vacations there often, lol Georgia lady may be what she appears to be because of geographic location and circumstances of birth and life choices, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a good heart. She takes care of her mom, has family and is of good cheer. However, the maga paraphernalia....why am I not surprised, lol
  16. So Hannah saying 9 was intended as the time Adam would begin preparing breakfast, rather than the actual sit down to eat time? if so, all's well then. Weird though. Including this bit between Sandy then Adam seems awfully like a setup for some drama
  17. Yeah. But Hannah is then saying 9am (would be breakfast). Maybe I missed something
  18. I took note that when Hannah asked Sandy what time she was going to pull up anchor the morning of end of charter (in order to schedule breakfast iirc), Sandy said 9:30am. Then the next shot has Hannah telling Adam 9:00. I was waiting for this to blow up into another Adam sitting on wilting, getting cold, breakfast dishes, but nothing happened
  19. Most of what you are on about has not much to do with my observation. The first 2 paragraphs means uckfall to my point and as for the 3rd, what I called making bad choices you called being available. :) You're observing from a female pov. I'm talking male behavior.
  20. Now that's just beyond ridiculous. Testing a rocket engine, on campus, right next to a bunch of buildings.
  21. At the beginning I liked Sandy for calling out the staff but now I feel the opposite. She's coming off as not playing with a full deck (no pun intended), especially for someone of her age and captain status. I don't want this to sound like a 'they're asking for it' thing, but the male of the species.... as they go through life seeing this stereotypical image of women who keep making bad partner choices, stay/love their abusers, etc.... I believe it instills in many males a lack of respect for women to where the idea that, "they only like you if you treat them like dirt" simply perpetuates misogynist behavior
  22. Sandy went out to Hannah and said to drop the Kasey's CV thing... which it wasn't. It should've been about "how Kasey does very little and what little she does I (Hannah) has to hand hold her and explain every little thing, but of course you (Sandy) are up in the bridge and don't see any of this, but whenever you do happen to see Kasey doing 'something', you think she's doing a great job.... well, she's not!" But Hannah said none of this. At least, on camera.
  23. I have a better concept for this show. Have these two sitting at a table amidst a garbage strewn kitchen doing a run through of the script Too bad First Time Flippers isn't listed. Now that show raises lotsa questions. Like how does seemingly complete incompetence manage to complete a renovation to seemingly acceptable appearances and who would buy a home where the flippers apparently just put up wallboard onto outside walls with no insulation.
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